Azala took lead, his eyes scanning the surrounding area. "Hey Mia, just be careful. The elves of my forest aren't particularly fond of dark elves." He sighed as he continued on. It was a while before the group came near the Glassy woods. The forest itself seemed like a mirage, in fact, to those with sensing abilities the forest seemed more permiated with magic then most woods, but not nearly as much as the Forest of No Return. As they stepped in Azala's ears twitched slightly, then there came a whizing noise and an arrow landed a few inches from Mia's feet, then Sakura's, then finally from Fou's feet. "Throw down your weapons!" A voice ordered, its source still hidden. "Just as fond of dark elves and humans as ever I see..." Mia hadn't the chance to reply to Azala. The arrow punctured the ground at her feet and she lept back, landing in a crouch. "No doubt..." she muttered and obediantly dropped her spear and single dagger. Lucied bristled between Mia and Fou-Lu. Fou glanced around the trees to try and see the attacker. Mia nudged him in the ribs and he unbuckled his sword belt and dropped it to the ground as well. * * * There had been a great upset of these strangers, especially the presence of a dark elf, in the Glassy Forest. News of this sort travels quickly amongst the creatures of the forest. But none so intimately involved in the affairs of the elves than the centaurs. A small faction had left the herd on a hunting expedition. Their quarry had caused them to take chase near the elven village. The small group had watched as these strange interlopers were disarmed by the elves. Two of the centaurs, stamped their hooves against the softened earth, watching in the distance while the two others quietly discussed the current situation. In their midst stood a small unhooved figure leaned against their motley fur. How strange it was to see a half-elf tattooed like them. How like the centaur hunters she carried her long bow and gracefully, silently, walked when the hunters decided to inquire about these strangers. "Rain," the painted centaur spoke, "when we arrive stay between us. They will be tolerant but hostile towards you." Rain nodded. After all, these were the concerns of the forest and that did not merely belong to elven kind alone... * * * Ryna and Leaf rode at the back of the group. An arrow flew at their horse too, making it shy. Ryna calmed it, then did as the rangers asked and dropped her whip. Leaf did the same. "I don't know if it's such a good idea to be following these guys. Like the elf said, they aren't welcoming to humans here." Ryna muttered to Leaf. "Aw, get over it. It'll be ok. Azala's from the Woods, we'll get in and be fine." Leaf reassured Ryna. Azala rubbed his temples as a group of four elves appeared. "Halt, this is where the humans, the vile ones, and the impure may not pass." The leader, a young female elf with blonde hair, she was slightly shorter then Mia. "The dark elves, the humans, and the half-elf will have to wait here while the rest of you stay." Azala seemed annoyed by this. "No,they are going." he pulled out the badge. "Or is this not valid anymore?" He said with a coy smile, the group of elves looked at each other, muttering things about rank and such. Finally they looked at Azala and the group. "Very well, they may pass...if one of your family would endorse them, then we will trust them." With that they jumped back up into the trees, dissapearing almost immediatly. Azala continued on, then suddenly dissapeared. After a few moments only his head reappeared. "Come on, its just an illusion." With that, his head dissapeared again. Mia watched the exchanged with a little anxiety. As she hoped and knew, Azala got them in. Mia stepped forward, glancing at her weapons. "Wait...Azala?" she looking at him questioningly, then at their weapons. She looked at the elves and tentatively picked up her spear and belt. By the expressions on their faces, they were still distasteful of the intruders, but they didn't try to stop her. She fastened her belt back on and strode into the forest confidently. Fou-Lu followed without saying a word and Lucied trotted alongside the couple. Naclia and Talen were at the back of the group on horseback, Naclia gave her horse to Leaf and Ryna. She and Talen hadn't dropped their weapons to the ground, Talen held his sword out with a show of peace and Naclia hadn't even removed hers. They rode in after Mia and Fou-Lu, Naclia was just as confident as Mia and nodded to her Glassy Woods cousins. Despite being Common Elf as well, she still recieved scowls from the Rangers. Sakura followed along silently. The only other elven forest she'd been in was completely annihalated. Taking in the sites, the proud Valisian barely noticed the stares she was getting. Seri looked at rangers curiously. They didn't shoot at her, but watched her suspiciously. Azala entered the forest and Seri grabbed his hand as he entered and disappeared as well. "I've always wanted to come here," she whispered to Azala. "In all my years, I've never met a centaur." she smiled up at him as they walked. "Don't get too excited. In all my years I have seen the centaurs make contact with us only a few times."Azala sighed, looking around. "Hasn't changed since I left. Lets see, elders house is bit of a climb. The centaurs are even deeper in the forest, They shouldn't attack us like the elves." He looked back at the group. "I need to convince the elder that indeed it would be in her best interest to assist us. We'll have to do the same with the centaurs." * * * "It is merely a dark elf in the forest. Unusual? Yes, but it has happened once in an inauspicious blue moon," the palomino centaur reasoned, tailed swished, slapping the braid chestnut stallion across his hindquarters. An annoyed stallion-to-stallion glance passed between them before the chestnut snuck in a kick. The paint centaur admonished the two for their coltish behavior. "The Elves will deal with it. It deserves not our attention. They are outlanders and of little concern in Centaurian affairs," the chestnut was hesitantly to agree. "Is it your wish, Dinalindel, Mannessa, we return not having inspect these interlopers?" He turned his keen eyes from them, "You have been silent, Rain. What think you?" As if Rain could not read the answer she was to give from Caradithil's tone. Rain shifted her eyes from the distance, "Well... I think it would be foolish to leave this stone unturned. We never know what may crawl from beneath it later." Caradithil raises an eyebrow, folding his arms, "You would err on the side of caution, then." She demurely smiled, "Besides Olos would be less than amused at any negligence upon our part." "Truer words have ne'er been spoken," Caradithil had laughed in response. He cautioned the three as they drew closer to the elven settlement. Rain looked nervous. Dinalindel, the chestnut centaur, had slowed down before commenting, "This is your first time in a large company of elves," Mannessa and Caradithil glanced back. Dinalindel patted her shoulder encouraging, "They're like centaurs with better table manners, less legs and an attitude of sorts." Rain furrowed her brow, "What do you mean?" "Wait and see." "Don't tell her that, Mannessa," Dinalindel said. "Wait and see," he said again, softer this time, with a wink."We are here." The centaurs, though crossing the paths of the elves, rarely made their presences known. There was little that needed to discussion between the two races. This was the first time a small band of their kind had entered the city in two centuries. Rain raised her eyes taking in the city before them while Caradithil explained to the elven sentries their business there. She had never seen the refinement in such a grand scale. The elf gave an uncomfortable dubious look at the half-elf in their midst. She emotionlessly held the attention of the non-speaking elf's eyes. This gaze not having escaped the centaurs' sight, Dinalindel put a protective hand on her shoulder drawing her closer to their sides. Caradithil stood tall, "She is a part our herd and an insult against her is an insult against all of us. Now if you're quite finished we wish to met with the elder." * * * Seri studied the forest appraisingly. Contentment washed over her, being here was almost like being home. The ancient tree from deep in the forest whispered to her about peaceful things. "I am certain they will help knowing the destruction of the Mirror Forest's ancient tree was deliberate. The Glassy Woods or Forest of No Return could be the next target." Seri's emerald eyes flashed at the thought of her home falling to Cray. But even someone that powerful could not stand against hundreds of immortal shamans. A little ways away, movement caught Seri's eye. Three centaurs and an elf--no, half-elf--emerged from the deep forest. Seri watched the centaurs with a satisfyed smile and wondered what a half-elf was doing with them instead of the elves. Her sensitive ears picked up a piece of the conversation with the rangers: "She is a part our herd and an insult against her is an insult against all of us. Now if you're quite finished we wish to met with the elder.""How strange..." Seri wondered aloud and returned her attention to the climb. Mia was cautious here, she was what they meant by "impure", half-dark and half-light elf. She was too fair skinned to be a dark elf, yet too dark to be common, and too obviously elven to be considered half-human. Her weapons were placed awkwardly to show she was peaceful. She felt Fou-Lu take her hand in his. "Just relax," he said. "With Azala and Seri here, I think we'll be fine." Ryna dismounted her horse and led it behind the group. She ended up walking alongside Talen and blushed, trying not to look at him. That elf girlfriend of his would have her head if she did that again.She noticed the centaurs too, except she barely had a clue what they were. At first glance, she thought she had seen elves riding horses that had their heads down, but it just didn't look right. She looked back again, and realized it was elves with the body of a horse. Or something like that. She stopped in her tracks and gawked. Leaf jumped down too and walked with Ryna. She looked disapprovingly at her human friend when she walked alongside Talen, probably making eyes at the knight. Then Ryna spotted the centaurs. Leaf herself had never seen them, but she recognized them from stories. Catching Ryna gawking, she cuffed the woman's head. "Don't stare like that! It's rude," Leaf hissed in an authoritarian way. Naclia and Talen rode into the forest until Naclia gently nudged Talen. "Get off, I don't think they like us riding horses," Naclia slid down out of the saddle to the ground. "Who?" Talen glanced around, seeing only elves at first and not sure why they would care. Then he caught a glance of the centaurs. "Oh," he said simply and dismounted as well. He took the reins and led their horse. "I suppose they wouldn't..." he didn't really know afterall. As he walked alongside their bay mare, Ryna strode up alongside him. He glanced at her curiously, only to catch her trying not to look at him and blushing. Talen looked under the horse's neck to see Naclia. Naclia was peering over the saddle to glare at Ryna coldly. Talen shuddered. Glares like that were enough to make one's skin crawl. Maybe a good thing Ryna wasn't looking. * * * From behind the other centaurs, and Rain, a dark-skinned beauty emerged. With long flowing silver hair and piercing eyes, the female centaur scanned the area. She had several piercings in each ear, and carried a large spear. What made her stand out the most, though, was the large clack antlers that potruded from the sides of her head. Cassandra, the seer, was a highly reveered figure in the Centaurian community. She stepped ahead of her other companions, a look of concern across her face. "We need to excercise more tact," she looked at Dinalindel as she said this. "Now is not the time to cause tensions in our own forest." She turned to the ranger, then looked past for a moment at the strange group, then back. "It seems you have more company than was expected. I belive that these strangers can help. Our very forest is in danger. Now, if you'd kindly get the elder, we may discuss a plan of action. The stars do not lie, and it cannot be denied that the very forest seems to be issuing a warning." The centaur appeared to be in her late thirties, but she had over two centuries of wisdom within her. She waited for the ranger's reply. "I believe we have been spotted." Dinalindel commented quietly. Mannessa craned his head in the direction of the party. "I cannot see," Rain informed the much larger centaurs blocking her view. Before using two of them as uneven bars, pushing herself up, Dinalindel drawing the smaller half-elf into his arms, before placing her on his back. With the newly acquired height advantage Rain turned towards the strange party they had spotted earlier. "Did someone round of that one's ears nicely!" she exclaimed with childlike naïveté observing the smooth short ears of the humans. "What happened to their ears?" "They are suppose to be as such. That's why they are human, Rain." "…" After the long pause the paint continued flatly, "You've never seen a human have you, Rain...-" "So we have been spotted. Hmpht. Well then let them stare I'm handsome enough," Mannessa interrupted. "Look, he thinks himself such a stud." Dinalindel jeered. Caradithil and Rain rolled their eyes. "You two, eyes forward, mouth shut," he ordered, having grown weary of their tomfoolery. "Spar on your own time." The centaurs turned watching Cassandra take the lead. Caradithil breathed a sigh of relief; happy to turn it over to her since hunting and not diplomacy was his forte. "It is always good to be greeted by you, Cassandra," Dinalindel smiled while the others wordlessly say their salutations. Rain was happy to see her familiar face. She was beautiful. The half-elf hoped later she could be as wise and brave as Cassandra... not to mention have as many piercings. In the near future, she wished for the horned centaur to take her a student, so her shamanistic magic might foster itself. Rain's eyes almost unnoticeably widened. "The forest is in trouble?" Why haven't I felt anything? she wondered returning her long bow into the quiver on her back. Just then Rain's stomach roared Her face flushed but it was the tension breaker they all needed. Mannessa chuckled, "Maybe after we will find something to eat, hmm?" She down at the ranger expectant of him to follow Cassandra's request... * * * "Hey, come on, they're just centaurs elf?" Azala seemed to be a bit confused, but continued to climb. Leading the group to the elder. They approached one of the larger structures ithe villige, an argument could be heard. "Why do you defile this place with...human and the dark ones precense? You damn us all!" A voice called out. "Do you not feel it? Mirror Forest is dead, I'd like to know what is going on, its not like our trees simply die for no reason." A female voice retailiated. "Then damn yourself, I'll have no part of this!" With that a male ranger came out, jumping to another tree and into another building. Azala moved the group along to the elder, a beautiful young women with jet black hair, her features were similiar to that of Azala's "Hello brother...why have you brought humans and dark elves here?" Azala gave a slight wave. "You had better hear thier story, you'll understand better." She gave the group an inquisitive look. "Very well..." Mia hated to hear those insults to her half-race. Dark elves were not all evil, not all like their ancestors. She looked at Fou-Lu to confirm the thought. He was not evil, or at all cruel. Mia repressed the anger, putting a cool and serene face on. She wasn't treated this badly in the Forest of No Return, but then, she was just with Seri. Just one half-dark elf friends with a respected High Elf couldn't have done much harm. Mia stepped forward to stand alongside Azala and Seri. Fou-Lu lingered behind her, seemingly waiting for permission to move. She looked at Azala's sister, the same green eyes and a feminized version of Azala's face, framed by rare raven locks. Mia held the calm expression, allowing no anger to show through. Yet she held her tongue, if she was not welcome, she would let Azala lead them. Fou-Lu was nervous to say the least. He was the only full dark elf in the group and could feel the simmering hatred the light elves held for him boring into him. It was worse for him than the humans. Thousands of years of an ancient hatred. Fou-Lu wanted to no part in it, he was not partial to the dark gods, he wasn't even sure he was partial to the light gods either. Mia moved a way and he furrowed his brow in disappointment. He wanted her close to him, to protect him from those hateful eyes. Maybe this all was a mistake, he should have never got caught up in this. But Mia needed him, whether she would admit it or not, and he would protect her if it meant his end. How he just wanted to hold her, keep her safe. But she didn't let him to often, always rushing off into another battle, trying to led their rag-tag group of heroes. He would stay by her side. No matter what. Seri gratiously greeted Azala's sister, whose name was not given. "Forgive us for the intrustion, I am Seri of the High Elves. The Elders of the Forest of No Return fortold a great evil to befall Lodoss, and as you may already know, it has. I was sent out with Deedlit and the human knight Parn to find the source of this evil. These humans, Dark Elves, and half-elves who accompany us have fought by my side and proved their worth. Their only desire is to bring an end to the Chaos, the same as any elf's should be in this time. If it pleases you, may we speak to your elders?" The woman sat up. "Very well...and if you wish to address me I am Sera." "Thank you Sera," Seri smiled and entered the hut. The rest of her party filed in as well. Mia and Azala still stuck to her side. Seri bowed deeply to the elders and kneeled to put herself at eye level with them. Mia mimiced her. It felt odd being differential to elves she was older than, and looked incredibly young than. Never before had the differences between the two light elven races seemed so clear to her. He motioned for the back of the hut, previosly hidden by a cloth. Inside several elves, old looking even by human standards, it was clear that they were close to the ends of their lives, most likely in their 900s or maybe lower 1000s. "Welcome high elf..." One said in a weak voice. "You speak of ending the chaos...but do you truly believe it is within your power? What you have fought so far is mearly a opportunist." The eldest one stated, an old woman. Azala came close to Seri's ear. "She's the matriarch, she's lived so long she has forgotten her name." The Matriarch, moved slightly. "I suppose you seek this forests help. Both my rangers and the centaurs. Am I correct in assuming this?" "Matriach, I have fought the shadow you speak of, Cray, and failed," Seri replied. Already she had to bite her lip to force back the pain. "I underestimated him. If I could not defeat him, I realize there is not much else I can do alone or with a few warriors." Her voice dropped low and sorrowful. "This is why I seek the aid of the elves, and who ever else is willing. I've come to understand that all races must join in this cause if the chaos is to be purged." "He is but a part of the shadow." The matriarch stated flatly. "The one you know as Karla seems to be involved somehow, but even we were unable to determine what she did..." The old elf sighed. "We will discuss whether or not to aid you, you are welcome to stay if you wish." Ryna looked on in silence. She could tell when she wasn't wanted. The elves seemed to refuse to look at her now that Seri had claimed them a part of their party. They would tolerate her at the least. It seemed they had the same feelings for Leaf too. They could at least give her a little respect. She was half-common elf after all. Seri held her tongue, these Common Elves knew more than she. Yet, they had reason to. Though she was older than they, she was still a child in her realm. She sighed and finally replied, "I pray you consider helping us. If the Mirror Forest was attacked, the Glassy Woods and Forest of No Return could be next." Seri bowed once more and rose to her feet. She, Mia and Azala led the party out of the hut. Mia glanced over at Seri who was actually blushing furiously. "Calm down Seri," she said with a smile. "So Azala, where are we staying?" Fou-Lu still followed behind the three friends in silence. She was growing further and further from him it seemed. Mia was becoming harder to understand by the day. "Around, separated. Unfortunately unless you wanna sleep at the elder hut we won't all be sleeping together. Not any inns around here, more like vacant huts that can store two or three people." Azala shrugged. "We might as well pair up now, someone can sleep with me at my hut, there are also a few newer huts at the end of the villige that haven't been moved into yet." Mia smirked and glanced to Azala, then Seri, whose blush changed from furious to shy. "Well, I wont be sharing a hut with you. I'm certain Fou and I can find our own," Mia said and glanced back at Fou-Lu. He reached forward and took her hand. Mia glanced back at the group and tried to divide them up. Talen and Naclia would definately take a hut to themselves. Ryna and Leaf would most likely. Sakura....she would probably bunk up with the other two girls. "I guess three is all we need," she smiled at Azala. "Now you and Seri enjoy yourselves," Mia said with a smirk, which only grew wider at Seri's deep blush. "Cute Mia." Azala rolled his eyes as he looked between Seri and Mia. "Well, I'm heading back to my hut, you guys should probably get some rest to. Come on Seri..." * * * Azala waited for her to come along before leading her to his hut, opening the door for her then shutting it behind, locking himself and her in. He moved behind her and nibbled on her ear. Seri smiled contently, her blush was fading now that they were alone. She enjoyed Azala's nibbling for a few moments, then turned around in his arms. Running her fingers through his blond hair, then down his jaw and chin, she slowly leaned forward and kissed him deeply. So deeply, so passionately, he could feel all her emotion in it. Somewhere during that kiss, their armor, belts and other loose clothing fell to the floor. Seri broke the kiss, ran her fingers across his face again. Leading eachother to the bed, they left a trail of clothing. * * * Naclia and Talen found a well secluded hut far outside the village. Both had the same idea as the rest of their group. They quickly unsaddled their horse and let it graze. Naclia took her belongs and went to the door, but Talen cornered her against the wall. With his free hand, he stroked her soft cheek, then kissed her passionately. Naclia's knees nearly gave way beneath her, but his hand moved to her waist and held her up. Unwanting to pull away from eachother, Naclia slid along the wall to the door, opened it from behind her back and backed inside, dropping her belongs where she stood. Talen did the same and kicked the door shut. They didn't bother with blankets, just pulled each other's clothes off as fast as possible and fell to the floor. Naclia paused for a moment, while they lay on the dirt floor completely naked, Talen's green eyes met her blue. "Are you all right?" Talen asked. He knew this would be her first time, he wanted to be as gentle as possible. Naclia smiled brightly and nodded. "I just wanted to say I love you," she replied. Talen smiled and kissed her cheek, leaning down to her long elven ear, "And I love you Naclia," he whispered. They continued well into the night. * * * Nodding, Cassandra went to gather the centaur elders. She travelled deeply into the forest, and wasn't at all surprised to see them waiting for her outside the village gates."We are ready to meet with the elders." "Your words were most stirring. It is past time that we allied ourselves with the other races, before all is lost." "Cassandra, your guidance is always welcomed." Cassandra smiled at the other centaurs. It was quite a welcome sight to see a predominately woman dominated sentate. She turned and began leading them to the village. As the group neared, tensions grew. The centaurs held their heads higly as thet reached the Elven community. Seeing no need to speak, they awaited the elven elder's greeting. Sera was first, looking down at the centaurs she was soon joined by the Matriarch, Sera helped the elder elf down to the centaur's level, standing behind the much older elf she looked at each of the centaurs. "Greetings centaurs...surely you've heard why we've let outsiders into our villige. The great evil threatens us all, these people have come to seek our help. Both we elves, and you centaurs." The matriarch coughed a few times, Sera supporting the elf, which the elf gracefully brushed off. "I'll be to the point...we have decided to assist them, we're asking you centaurs to be a part of our force. We've coexisted for quite some time, surely we can fight in battle as well?" The centaurs muttered amongs themselves before one of the only two males spoke. The centaur was was nearing enfeeblement in his old, wisened age. "We centaurs have surmised as much. It would be in our best interests to join forces." Cassandra moved up to the forefront of the group. "Our enemy has many eyes and even more ears. It is best that we discuss our strategies in private. If our foe sees us as a threat, we will be attacked and as of yet, our forces are not adequately prepared." "Indeed. We will need to prepare ourselves before we gather our forces." The matriarch agreed. "I suggest we not send all our forces, lest the same thing that happened to Mirror Forest happens here..." She stated, Sera leaving them to discuss tactics... Alliances? War? Rain stood besides Caradithil, her mind not understanding what was happening. This morning they had rode out together on a hunt but now here they were. Standing before the matriarch, with talk about 'preperations for war' against an unknown foe hanging heavy in the air. What had happened to the Mirror Forest? she wondered. Rain didn't know but it was enough to make the air between the elves and the centaurs in the room tense. There hadn't been any problems in the Glassy Woods since anyone could remember. The half-elf averted her eyes to the dirt floor, trying not to display the waves of shock and dismay washing over her. Could war come here? To home? The thought of destruction of their forest made her heartbeat and breathing surge faster. She had to get into open. "Excuse me," Rain whispered to Mannessa, pushed pass the centaurs, exiting through the back door. Rain had escaped into the crisp night air. * * * Ryna grumbled as she watched Naclia and Talen leave. They left her, Leaf, and the priestess Sakura at a hut not far from the village line. "I wonder what THEY'RE up to," she said to Leaf. "I swear, if I hear any of those six during the night, I'm going to...going to...I'm gonna scream!" Leaf rolled her eyes. "Don't worry about them, they deserve a break." "Well, what about me?" Ryna retorted. Leaf just rolled her eyes again and carried her packs into the hut. "Come on Sakura, we she let her vent," Leaf snickered. "I don't think she'll have much luck with a elf around here." As they said this they could hear some snickering behind them, as they turned they noticed several elf children staring at each of them intently, it seemed they weren't used to seeing humans and half-elves about. The eldest seemed to be maybe 20, though by elf standards he might be several decades older then Sakura and Ryna. "So, you're humans...and a half elf?" The little ones scampered off, leaving the oldest one still sitting on a branch. "Funny, you don't seem like ugly, inferior beasts." He cocked his head slightly, staring mostly at Ryna. "What are your names?" Ryna smiled sweetly to the young elven man. "Of course not. Is that what you've been told? You don't get out much do you?" she asked with a girlish giggle and behind her she heard Leaf groan. She crossed her arms infront her her, making her considerable cleavage even more obvious in her skimpy outfit. Even an elf had to notice that with interest. "Well, I'm Ryna, the half-elf is Leaf and the other woman is Sakura." "What did I tell ya!" Leaf groaned to Sakura. "She's going to try and flirt with an elf! That woman, I swear..." The elf shrugged. "We've been learning that the outside world isn't worth exploring...only recently have we been told that there...are...certain things about it that are nice." The young elf studdered slightly as Ryna pushed her cleavage up. " name is, um...oh yeah Ki'rai." He said with a nervous smile as he flipped out of the tree and landed on the ground. "I could, uh, show you to your hut..." Ryna shook her head. "I would think the all-knowing, perfect elves would be a little more open minded. Though, I've learned their not. For all their centuries, they don't have much real-life experiance. No offense, Ki'rai." she added with a smile. She had already found her hut, but it seemed he didn't know that. "I'd appreciate your help. Maybe I could help you learn a little more about human culture while we walk." Ryna linked her arm with his and let him lead the way. Ki'rai cocked his head slightly to the side. "No offence...I guess." He didn't know how to react, the only thing he knew is that for the longest time he had been told humans and half-elves were stupid beasts, Azala had written a tome that stated otherwise, and now a human was arm in arm with him. "I guess I could learn..." One of the few times in his life he actually felt somewhat nervous was around this human. "What type of magic do you humans use? Are you in tuned to the spirits like elves?" He stated with curiosity, leading on to the hut that had been assigned to Ryna, Sakura, and Leaf. Ryna walked close to Ki'rai. "Well, humans have no magic powers naturally. But there are sorcerors and priests. Sakura over there is a priestess of Cha Za. She can use magic through her faith, including healing. I don't know any magic myself." Ki'rai nodded slightly, blushing at her closeness. "Oh? I see, so humans are trained in magic..." He mused to mostly himself. "So...what do you specialize in, Ryna? Are you a ranger...err...warrior?" "Me? I've done a few things before, I guess you could say I'm a warrior for the most part," she shrugged. "That doesn't matter much though. I do what I do to survive." She looked up into Ki'rai's curious blue eyes. "What else would you like to know? I have all night if you want to talk..." Ki'rai blinked a few times. "I...uh, don't know." He thought hard for a question but nothing came to mind. "uh, well...oh,we're at your hut..." He cocked his head slightly to the side. "I know a place, I guess we could drop your friends here and I could take you there so I can ask more questions..." Ryna's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well, lets go talk Ki'rai." She smiled to Leaf and Sakura and walked off with the handsome young elf. Leaf sniffed after Ryna. She knew what the woman was planning. Well, she wouldn't do that with a guy she just met. Leaf looked at Sakura. "I'm going to wander for awhile. I'll be back before it gets too late." * * * Ki'rai led Ryna up to the treetops, looking around to make sure nobody was there. "So, Ryna, humans don't seem all that dissimiliar then elves..." He turned around. "I mean, other then the ears, humans can do just about anything we can." Ryna shrugged. "Well, I suppose. We don't live as long, we can't sense the spirits." She looked down to the ground and swallowed. They sure were high up in the trees. Ryna pressed her back against the tree trunk and focused on Ki'rai. And was he handsome. Maybe not as big as she may like, but he was still strong, she could tell. His blonde hair was long and his eyes the clearest blue. He had a beautiful face as well, like most elves. Ki'rai nodded slightly. "Maybe...someday humans may though." He noticed Ryna was looking intently on on,he got enough courage and walked up to her, giving her a quick kiss on the lips before pulling back. "Uh,sorry..." He said, realizing that probably was a bad idea. Ki'rai's kiss caught her off guard, but as he pulled away, she tried leaning forward to kiss him longer. She opened her eyes again to look at him, "Ki'rai...I don't mind." She smiled coyly, her blue eyes were begging him to kiss her again. Ki'rai nodded slightly, moving in close as if to stalk his prey before leaning in and giving her another kiss, this time much deeper and much longer then before. He broke to look into her eyes for encouragment to go further. Ryna kissed him back, melting into his arms. Her first kiss from an elf, hopefully not her only first with an elf if all went well. She smirked inwardly at the thought. Though when she met Ki'rai's eyes, they were full of wonder and excitement, and encouragement of course. Ki'rai took the sign of encouragment he kissed her deeply, wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her close to him. His eyes were closed as his hands gripped tightly around Ryna. His kisses slowly moved down her throat, it was inevitable what was going to happen and only Ryna could stop it at this point... * * * Mia lay with her back to Fou-Lu. He was fast asleep on his back, snoring lightly. Mia couldn't sleep though. Despite all her tries, Fou last barely more than 2 minutes after the third try. She was beyond disappointed. Quietly and slowly, Mia climbed out of their makeshift bed and pulled her clothes back on. She slipped out of the door into the night. "Falis, I need a drink," she muttered after closing the door silently behind her. Lucied had been resting by the door and rose to his feet when she came out. He sensed her frustration and looked at her in a puzzling way. Mia knelt in front of the wolf. "Come on friend, I need a walk. Maybe a cold dip in a creek," she scratched Lucied behind the ears and he panted happily. "Doubt I could find some decent liquor around here," she added under her breath. As Mia walked Sera stood was sitting on a branch a few feet away,her legs dangling as she had a bottle of elf wine. She had definatly had a few as she seemed somewhat off balenced,though she seemed sober enough to have a conversation. "Oh,your one of the dark elves." She stated as she returned her gaze to the night sky. Mia looked up at Sera. "I'm only half-dark elf, for your information," she replied. Sera seemed a little tipsy, maybe she had some wine to share. Mia jumped up and grabbed a low branch of the tree, pulling herself up. She quickly climbed up to where Sera sat. "I could use someone to talk to. I'm Mia, by the way." "Mia eh? Your Azala's friend." Sera said as she took another swig. "Sera,but you already heard it. If you want to talk to me go right ahead." She stated as she handed the wine to Mia. Mia leaned back against the tree trunk and took Sera's jug with a grin. Taking a deep drink of the elven wine, she enjoyed the feeling of the alcohol in her throat. "Thank you Sera. I really needed that," Mia passed the jug back to her. "I think I made a bad choice in men. I'll tell you, my lover, Fou-Lu, is the most oblivious elf in the whole bloody world." Mia then continued to tell Sera about her night. Sera nodded slightly, producing another bottle and tipping it back. "Men are stupid pigs who think with their little head rather then their big one. When I was appointed head of the rangers...three ranger grabbed my butt and a few dozen made snide remarks. I've given several black eyes and broken bones." She stated flatly as she took another swig. "So, how the hell is he oblivious? You wanna talk and he tries to get in your pants? Or maybe he just ignores you completly after he's done with you?" "Hah! I wish Fou was like that," Mia drank from the bottle greedily. "The problem is, he barely realizes he HAS a little head. He barely had a clue what he was doing tonight. I dont even know what I'm doing with him." Mia added solemnly. Maybe it was all a big mistake. She took a deep drink of wine. Sera smirked slightly. "Emotionally your satisfied by him I think..." She stated as she drunk a bit more. "But physically your probably not satisfied. Give him a little time I guess..." She said, a little tipsy. "Or maybe the heat of the moment did it." Mia took another swig and nodded. "Heat of the moment. He saved my life I supposse, I felt drawn to him for that." Mia was quickly emtpying her jug as she took another drink. About an hour later, both women had fallen out of the tree drunk enough to barely stand and rolling on the group laughing at their folly. Sera looked at Mia, still drunk she lead the dark elf back to her hut. "You know...Mia...maybe ish not a man you need." She said as she moved behind her and wrapped her arms around Mia's waist. "Maybe ish a woman..." She purred in Mia's ear. Instead of what would have been Mia's regular reaction, Mia threw back her head and laughed, stumbling as she did. "Mebbe yer right Shera," Mia replied, slurring and giggling at the same time. She returned Sera's affection by wrapped her own arm around the ranger's waist. "What the hell? I shay, try anyshing onshes!" Mia said and started laughing again. The two women disappeared into Sera's hut where there was a warm bed and plenty more wine. * * * Fou-Lu woke a little while after Mia left. He had rolled over to hold her, only to find her side empty. He sat up and searched the dark hut for her with his heat vision, but there was no sign of her. Her clothes were gone as well. Dozens of dark thoughts ran through his head about her leaving him, but he assured himself she probably went out to relieve herself or something.