Ryan took a deep breath as he left the dean's office. He pulled on the bill of his hat, adjusting it to overshadow his eyes. He smirked and clucked his tongue. He'd won his new accommodation. he'd heard he'd have a roommate. An unfortunate event...for them. "Yeah...I'll make quick work of that." He fought with his bags all the way to his new room. No one was there right now. He opted it best to settle his stuff in. Looking at the little boom-box, prompted him to raise an eyebrow and boot the obsolete thing off of the shelf on his side of the room. He replaced it with a huge stereo player and grinned. "Hell yeah...Metal, Grunge, Goth, and Rock." He made his bed, which was contrary to his clothing. Colorful Aztec sheets graced his bed. He set up posters for his various bands and animés. He even set up a little statuette of Bastet. Looking at his side he nodded "Much better." Looking at his mystery roommate's side, he added, "...needs work." He took off his hat and tossed it on the bed. He picked up his katana and fastened it to his side. "Nothing left to do. Maybe I'll go train in the quad or get food..." He left, heading out to find food. The police couldn't really stop him fro carrying the sword as he had a license to carry it and the handgun. Not to mention he was actually a swordsmanship champion. "YO, WHY IS CALIFORNIA SO FREAKIN' DULL!!!" He yelled out in general, not caring whether anyone responded. Sevrina was walking to the parking lot through the food courts when she heard someone shout. She was alone, her little boy-toy of the week was left back at his dorm. Sevrina glanced around for the source of the shout, and when she found him, she was quite surprised he had a katana belted on. She raised an eyebrow and curiously, walked over. "California is dull, hmm?" she asked with a sultry voice. She had a smirk on her exquisite lips as she waited for a reply. * * * Zack made his way to the campus all be it slowly due to his Firebird's dwindling health. Aside from an oil change he didn't know anything about fixing cars, and he was too broke to to take it to a mechanic much less buy a new one. The young artist took a more scenic route to the Grunwald center having some time to kill before his lecture, it was then that he passed by Sevrina Korval, attracting stares of lust and spite as usual. Zack always had a theory that there were three layers to her: the beauty that everyone saw, the bitchy dominance that everyone felt, and third layer that could go either way. Despite his eye for detail Zack was never able to find out since he never really spoke to her. He shrugged it off with indifference and continued his walk, he then noticed some guy with an actual sword strapped to his belt and shouting his boredom. Great, another drunken frat boy. This one didn't even wait until noon to get hammered, he thought to himself. Astrid raised her eyes, at someone shouting something about California being boring. Boring? Oh well, then there are people like that, after coming here to escape Chicago it was quiet different. She picked up her sketch book and small high quality wooden box filled with water colors and pens and inks. Started walking, she wasn't striking as her brother but her natural pale blond naturally got attention. Not many blonds stayed that pale blond at her age. She sighed until she saw who had screamed before. No surprise that girl was already there probably flirting as well. She had to go and meet someone from her art club, they begged her to go have coffee with them. Then recognized a guy she has seen in one of the art classes she takes as an extra and to keep her fine art side alive. * * * Ryan raised an eyebrow, eying this woman with peeked intrigue. "Hell Jesus tap-dancing Christ almighty, aren't you a sight to behold. Aye...It's dull as hell. At least in Jersey I could spar with people." He drew the katana from it sheath. "I didn't win 6 swordsmanship tournaments to become rusty." He sheathed it and nodded to her. "Name's Ryan. I prefer Gale or asshole. Though I'll answer to any of those." He noted her shirt and smirked. "You just move in today too? They tried to pass me off a shifty little jail cell of a room. I had it changed and now I have to room with someone, but I'll end up making quick work of whoever it is. Sorry...I rant. Just tell me to shut or something, if I get going. What's your name?" He grinned, watching her, waiting for her response. Sevrina chuckled in utter amusement as she listened to him. "Sevrina Korval," she replied, casually extending her hand to shake. "Actually, I have my own place off campus, I can't stand those 'shitty little jail cells of rooms' either." She looked up and down him and her eyes rested on his sword again. "You don't see many people walking around with swords these days. ”I was curious..." He laughed lightly, taking her hand and instead of shaking it, kissed it lightly. "Well, Sevrina Korval, I'm not a normal frat-boy. I earned the right to carry my weapons. And the discipline to wield them. Six Tournament Championships will get you that. ...Too bad they don't pay out in cash..." He shook his head lightly. "You have your own place? Lucky you. If I had money, I would too. But then again, I'm no longer a mer...uh...merchant anymore." He unfastened the sword from his belt and offered it to her, handle first. "It was hand forged by a friend of mine, whom, sadly, is no longer with us." "What classes are you taking? Now I'm curious as to whether I get to see you more often." He smirked at her. Sevrina raised her eyebrow yet again. He certainly was...interesting. She took his katana and held it comfortably, Sevrina knew how to use it after all. She unsheathed it partially, then slipped it back into the sheath. "I'm studying business courses mainly, psychology as well," she replied and handed the katana back to him, hilt first. Ryan grinned and nodded. "I'm studying History and Archeology. I figure the best way to sort out the mess I call life, if to sort of the past leading up to it." He shook his head. "You know where the commissary is around here? I'm hungry. Eleven hours in a Delta will do that to you." He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "I sound like a loser. ...Screw that. You feel like catchin' a bite somewhere in the city? I got a car. ...It's not my hum-vee, but I suspect they'll be delivering it in a few days or so. Interested?" He was offering her lunch. Though he was silently scolding himself for such a horrible display. He felt he was losing his touch. Sevrina chuckled with amusement. "Hmm...sure," she replied. "We're taking my car though. Come on, Ryan." She motioned for him to follow as she walked on toward the parking lots. Ryan cocked an eyebrow at her. "Why not take my Camry?" He felt a bit miffed, but wasn't showing it. "...I always thought it was customary from the guy to pick up the girl." He smirked, with a half-cocked grin. He decided not to argue. As he could feel his arrogant manner flaring in him. He stomped it out and followed her. "Maybe it's better this way. I don't know the city at all." "Heh, I drive every chance I get," Sevrina replied. She led him through the maze of the parking lot until they reached her car, '68 olds 442. She unlocked the door and slid into the driver's seat, then leaned over and unlocked the passenger door for Ryan. Ryan climbed in, but jerk his hips forward. He reached back and took the Bereta , still holstered from his belt. "Damn...I forgot I had this on me." He looked at her with a quizzical look. "It's a line of work thing. Don't worry, I'm not nuts or anything." He pulled the door shut and closed the gun in the glove compartment, so it wouldn't be a bad thing if they got pulled over. "So, where to?" Sevrina raised her eyebrow yet again at his Bereta. "How the hell are you keeping those things on campus? Whatever. You wouldn't shoot me, now would you?" she asked with a little smirk and a seductive spark in her striking emerald green eyes. She gave a little chuckle and took her sunglasses from the rear view mirror and slipped them on. "I have a book of CDs under your seat, pick what you want." She turned the key in the ignition and the engine purred to life. "What do you feel like? Asian? Mexican? Italian? Good ol' American artery hardening fast food?" "Let's just avoid the questions revolving around my gun. All that's pertinent to know is that I have a license to carry and am certificate in it's use." He smirked. "I don't use that thing unless it's absolutely necessary." He reached under the seat and pull up the book of CDs, a rather elaborate selection. He was impressed. "Whoa...nice selection." He pulled a Within Temptation CD from the case and popped it in. "Good band, need to see them live." He thought for a moment and smirked at her, taking in the striking look her eyes held. "Hey, lunch is on me. Your pick." "Chinese then, I know a good place," she replied as they backed out of the parking spot. Sevrina took the fastest route she could find off campus and headed toward LA. "So, where did you fly in from?" she asked, recalling he mentioned just coming in today. "Well...if you take the circumference of the Bermuda Triangle and figure it's a gateway to hell, then the state it spat up is New Jersey. I came from a place hell didn't want." He loved being sarcastic. But knew she'd want a straight answer. " I'm from New Jersey. I'm happy I'm no longer there." He shivered lightly. "Ever been there? They say the 'bible belt' is bad... Well New Jersey is the scum of the USA." His eyes twitched lightly. He quickly ended that and took a long breath to relax. "My family kept holding me back...like they were trying to hide things from me. And my sister...I'm surprised I haven't killed her in all the years. Bet you don't have a shitty family like I do." Sevrina chuckled from his initial comments about Jersey and hell. He eventually got to the point. A little sense of humor, he seemed comfortable so far, he was direct. Good signs. He wasn't just another drooling fan. Of course, he didn't know she was a model yet. They would get to it. She glanced at him from over the rim of her glasses when he finished, then returned her eyes to the road. "I have a sister. I love her to death, can't say she feels the same about me. My mother, hardly know her. I don't care to, really. My father raised Anisa and I by himself. Nobody's family is perfect." "Sisters are like that I guess. Mine just loves to be the antagonist. My dad is an English teacher, bent on correcting every single aspect of my life. My mom...when, she's a couch potato who calls me by the dog's name. The only sane one in the house, IS the dog." He fell silent, for a while mouthing out, in perfect unison, the very words of the song. He knew them by heart. "Sorry, good part. They're great in concert." He looked at her. "How long you been here? If I asked that already, please excuse me, I'm an idiot. Oh, what do you do? I'll bet you're a reporter, or something involving a camera. You're to pretty not to be." Sevrina chuckled and shifted into a higher gear as she speed up. "I moved to Playa Del Rey when was I about 5, it's a little suburb south of LA," she explained. "I'm a model, I just started doing shoots for Fredericks of Hollywood yesterday." Ryan raised an eyebrow. "I've taken a few peeks in those stores. My ex loved to go in there. I thought it was annoying. So you're a model, I can see that. Well kudos for you. You have a good shot at being picks for a movie or something. Hell, you're looks would fit it." Ryan shrugged. "I'll be lucky to even finish out college. I have the patience of a gnat. I'm a Taurus, if that clears up anything." He laughed. "Despite my odd variation of work fields, I like painting really. It's soothing, plus you can express yourself any way you want. My ultimate goal is to forge some incredible armor and complete in the International Swordsmanship Tournament. I watched you. Your wrist, your muscles. You know how to wield a sword, don't you. I don't find many woman who can." He smiled, a bit more comfortable in LA now that he met her. Sevrina smirked and glanced over at him. "I've been taking Kendo since I was 14. Two years ago, my sensei decided I was ready for the katana," she replied and returned her eyes to the road. She took an exit off the freeway that led over a bridge, then into the city. Traffic was as congested as usual at lunch time. At the base of the bridge, they passed a mangled car smashed into a stone pillar. Sevrina rolled her eyes. "Second accident I've seen today. Only in LA." Ryan raised an eyebrow. "That's like G rated movie... In Jersey you see bodies and mangled limbs. Sometimes the drivers are so absorbed that they actually drive it, flaming engine, to where then need, or until it explodes." He cringed at the memory and shook it off. "Ok...maybe you'd be better off NOT going to Jersey...EVER." Sevrina rolled her eyes again, this time it was directed at Ryan. "Ok, so maybe not ONLY in LA. Accidents here can get just as bad though. Californian drivers are fucking aggressive." Of course, Sevrina could probably charged with that crime. The sign for the Chinese restaurant was with in view down a stretch of congested street. Sevrina took every chance she got to sneak further along. He changed CDs to 'Within Temptation' a very good Gothic Rock band with a female lyricist. Some how, Sevrina might be able to see how this music fit him in general. "I wonder if it's too late to change majors? You think History/Archeology is for me? ...I shouldn't be asking that, you barely know me. Sorry if that's burdensome to ask.” "Whatever you want, babe," Sevrina murmured. Her lip pulled back in a sneer as she got stuck behind someone with an out of state license plate. "HEY! Any anime conventions coming to town? I love working at those places. Ever been to one? You can dress how ever you went, as little or much as you want, and it's perfectly normal!" He laughed, recalling the memory of Otakon where is friend Lander tried to dress as Tarzan from Kingdom Hearts, only to end up have to duct tape his nipples and scare people. "Sorry...sorry...odd memory. That boy has problems, other than the one where he thinks his other personality is a cat-girl named Crystal, that he cross dresses to let her out." Sevrina raised her eyebrow over the rim of her sunglasses. "O...k..." she said and returned her attention to the road. "Thinks he's a cat girl, all right." She didn't know who he was talking about, but probably someone she wouldn't want to associate with. Finally, Sevrina squeezed around a car blocking the driveway of the restaurant and pulled into the parking lot. She found a spot, parked and killed the engine. For safety, she took the faceplate off her stereo and tucked it in her purse. "Be sure to tuck those out of sight," she told Ryan and motioned to the case, then got out, locked her door and waited for him to get out so she could set the alarm. It was Ryan's turn to raise an eyebrow this time. He looked at his gun and put it back on. "Off the road, I'm perfectly legal to carry.” He got out, after hiding his sword along the edge of the seats. Curiously, pushing down the door's lock, getting out, and shutting the door. "...I gotta say I'm sorry for rambling. I forget that people don't give a flying fuck about my meaningless life." He grinned lightly and stood by the back of the car, waiting for Sevrina. "I'm paying. Don't argue. You drove, I pay. Order anything ya want." Sevrina chuckled. "Why would I argue with that?" she said with a smirk and linked her arm with his. "Let's go." They walked across the parking lot, and as Ryan opened the door for Sevrina, she commented, "Oh, if you're looking for someone to spar with, I'd be willing to be your partner." Ryan grinned lightly. "Spar? Well, I have to warn you. I don't exactly pull my hits. I was trained rigidly by my mentor." He followed her inside. He could smell her perfume it was intoxicating. He smiled at her and looked at the man waiting at the counter. "Hello Sir, two please." He offered his arm to Sevrina and after she linked arms, he followed the man to the table and bowed in respect to him. He looked at Sevrina and smiled, pulling out her chair for her. He was a bit surprises there weren't kneeling tables. * * * "Good God I wish they'd let us listen to music," said officer Valentine as his squad car turned the corner. He had the fortune of getting a day shift this week, less happens during the day which means fewer reports. It also means hellacious boredom. His partner, a man about his age named Ethan D'oralid raised an eyebrow. "And how would you hear the radio?" Kai ignored the question and continued driving his patrol, his eyes long since trained to look for anything out of place. Most people wouldn't react well if they found out that a Los Angeles cop was once caught outside stark naked in the middle of a hurricane on a $20 bet, or a former bouncer at the Smoke Screen. But for some reason this was a formula for a great cop. Maybe you need to be a little insane when you deal with criminals and junkies all day every day. As they turned onto Kingsley, some guy in a pit stained wife beater flipped off Kai's squad car. "FUCK THE PIGS!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs as the car drove by. Kai had to resist the urge to slam on the brakes and arrest his sorry ass, but there wasn't a law against telling off a cop, even though some cops wouldn't let that stop them from whipping out the baton, that guy was lucky. Too bad he didn't throw anything at the car, you don't want to face a charge like assaulting an officer. "Bloody savages," Said Ethan. "Call us pigs but as soon as they get mugged..." Kai could tell that stuff really bugged Ethan, not surprising since Ethan was a third generation cop. The squad car parked in front of a Chinese restaurant for a lunch break. "If there's a god there's going to be robbery in there," said Kai as bored as ever. "Well I skipped breakfast this morning so tell god to wait 'till after we eat," replied Ethan. The two cops walked in to find a tall woman who looked like she could be a model, and a big guy with a sword strapped to his belt. This actually happened once before in Kai's career, some guy who had just seen Highlander started walking around with a katana in his trench coat but without the sheath. Oddly, he wasn't crazy, just very stupid because the sword sliced open his leg the first time he tried to sit down. At a closer glance he saw a gun strapped to his belt too. His instincts kicked in and he unconsciously put his hand closer to his own gun. Kai stepped up to him, with Ethan right behind having also spotted the gun. "'scuse me" he said to get their attention and then followed with the time honored cop line: "How're you folks today?" Ryan turned and looked at the cops. he noted the one watching his back, where is gun was. "I have a trigger lock on it. I have a license to carry, if you don't like it, take it up with the district attorney who issued me the permit." That was the be-all end-all. He took out his wallet and showed them the permit card. "I moved here from Jersey. I also carry a katana. Would you like to see my permit for that too? I'm a member of the ASFA, I have over 10 years of use with the weapon and 5 tournament championship titles. I'm legal to carry." Ryan wasn't be malicious in any way. His cousin was in the FBI. He knew how things worked. He didn't want any problems. "Anything else I can help you with officers? Unless your station needs a new member for the SWAT team, I don't think there's anything else. But if you're going to advise me not to carry, I'll call the New Jersey DA and have them call the California DA and we can get this cleared up." He was annoyed that this meal was being ruined. But wasn't going to show it. "If you want a background check, you can call my cousin. Agent Thomas O'Connor in the FBI." He looked at Sevrina and sighed. “Sorry about this.” Megan lifted her head. What now? Having two police officers come on one person in a restaurant was not a situation she was quite accustomed to. The mention of the gun had her inching slightly back, wary. However, the mention of the man winning five tournaments and carrying a katana piked her interest. She took a closer look at Ryan and was actually amazed to realized she recognized him. Her eyes strayed to Sevrina to the side. Another spark of recognition flashed in her head. She remembered her from a picture... on the UCLA website... though she couldn't recall her name. Well, who'd have thought I'd meet Ryan O'Connor here. She lay the wooden chopsticks she had been using and came up to her feet. Maybe I can help out. It's not like the police man is going to back off with that attitude of his. She got up from the bench and walked over to Ethan's. "Um, excuse me sir." she swallowed hard when she noticed she had gotten the attention of the policeman. She continued, trying to sound as glib as she could. "But this man is telling the truth. I remember him from a martial arts tournament in Ontario last year. I'm carrying my laptop with me right now. I could show you a few pictures to prove it if you'd like." She smiled. Not something she usually did, but it might help. "Besides, you don't want to go through all those background checks for nothing, right? Didn't you come here to eat in the first place?" Didn't know they even had sword tournaments, what with the invention of the rifle and all, Kai mused to himself. "Actually we can do a background check ourselves," said Kai as he told Ethan to run the name. But he could tell the young man probably wasn't lying, it didn't sound a lot like the half-assed excuses he was accustomed to hearing. Though something gave Kai the impression that the only reason Ryan was armed in the first place was because he could be, or at least thought he could be. Guns are a power trip, and some people get off on the idea of other people being afraid of them. "Are you new in town? We have enough trouble with armed criminals without having to take the time to see who's weapon is and isn't registered." He said, careful not to sound threatening. Ethan returned a few minutes later, Ryan was a law abiding citizen with no outstanding warrants. The gun was perfectly legal too. "Well it looks like there's no problem here, but unless you want to have to flash that permit at every officer who sees you then you can either leave it at home or get a shoulder holster and hide it in your jacket." Megan looked over the four people and made a small relieved sigh. Well, glad that didn't turn out into a big mess. "Sorry, I butted in. Just wanted to help." she apologized and pointed to where she was seated. "I'll get back to my meal, if no one minds." Without waiting for permission (after all, why would she?), she returned to her table, alone, and continued to eat. She felt a spike of irritation at seeing her rice and panned chicken cooler, but paid it no mind and just continued eating. But thoughts were racing in her head. Ryan O'Connor, a international tournament champion, here, sitting a few meters away? She thought she recognized him... though he probably didn't. That tournament he had participated in Ontario had her finish in 18th place. Not much chance of him remembering her. Besides, her fighting discipline was different, even if Japanese art tournaments did allow for different weapons. Her thinking went about the same way Kai's thoughts had gone. She just couldn't figure out why he'd carry a real bladed weapon and a live gun except to show off. While it was too early to judge him like that, for the little of him that she knew, she still felt it was rather immature to carry those weapons openly and that in fact it didn't show much respect in his arms to flaunt them. She gave a shrug. No use having her thoughts go that way. She didn't even expect to be thanked for intervened. It wasn't like she had accomplished much. She had just felt that, because she was partly in charge of the Westside Dojo, it was her duty as a teacher to intervene. Ryan sighed and stood up. He looked Kai in the eyes and shook his head. "I was born in an area that was not the best around. I could have been much worse, but I was disciplined.” He removed his belt with the securely holstered gun. "How about you take it to the station with you. It's a custom build, I purposely dropped the man stopping power. There's no honor in killing." He shook his head. "I just moved into UCLA. I'm trying to go for a History Major in Archeology. I don't want trouble. I don't need trouble. Let's just do the better thing and have the weapon safely held at the station. When I move again or something, I'll retrieve it. Until then, it's temporarily the property of the LAPD." "Well it's not something we usually do, but I'm sure I can make it happen," said Kai, though by then Ryan was in a conversation with the young woman who vouched for him. Ryan looked to Megan and smiled. "Thanks...Megan. I never had a chance to talk to you in Ontario, but I was impressed. Was that your first tournament? If so, you did exceptionally well. Oh yes, if you widen your stance a bit while your guard, you'll have enough momentum to pull into an upthrust, through your opponent off guard and open." He waved for her to join at the table he and Sev were at. "Sevrina, this is Megan, she's a swordsman like me." Megan shot Ryan an incredulous look. No way. She considered not joining them, with the policemen still around, but she'd just look like a feral savage if she did that, now, wouldn't she? She looked over to Sevrina (which she found real pretty) and began to put two and two together. If she'd go, she'd be intruding on a date. On the other hand, she saw Sevrina eye one policeman the way she herself would eye a box of chocolate fudge brownies. Shrugging (Why should she care again?), she got up and scuttled onto Ryan's side of the table. "Um, no I'm not. You must have confused me for someone else, though I was there. My weapon is the naginata." She said. She could hardly believe he had already started patronizing on her, even when they had different weapons, but then, he was a tournament champion. Maybe people asked him for advice and he had just given some freely, no matter how wrong his initial assumption was. Still, he had volunteered to hand over the gun, which she approved. That, had least, smacked a bit more of maturity. Speaking of which, she looked over at Sevrina, just wondering what kind of trouble she was putting herself into now. She decided to speak up, knowing she had to break her sixteen-years-old image with intelligent conversation, at the very least. "So, both of you have started at the UCLA? I just have as well, in Multimedia Productions." Sevrina indeed did have her eye on officer Valentine--she picked up his name, K. Valentine from his badge. She wasn't on a date with Ryan, at least in her eyes. Sometimes they seemed to assume something it wasn't. Officer K. Valentine intrigued her a bit. Very few male cops wore their hair in a ponytail. Not to mention the fact he was attractive. She quietly listened to Megan and Ryan talking. She felt a momentary flash of jealousy, which she easily brushed off. She could have her pick of men, and most of which she would leave broken hearted in a couple weeks. Megan and Ryan already had a report, they would be good together. Why should she stand in the way? She saw Megan glance her way with a spark of concern for her safety in her eyes. Don't worry honey, I'm not going to get jealous over this, she thought and smiled, though it seemed more like a smirk. "I'm in my third year, I'm studying at the Anderson School, Executive Education. Ohh...speaking of which, we need to make this fast. Donovan Cray, of Cray Corp is coming for a tour today. I'm supposed to be his tour guide in an hour." As he scribbled notes in his pad he saw the woman glancing at him from the corner of his eye. She was hot, but the last time he hooked up with someone while he was working he ended up marrying her, the divorce was final six months ago. Not that he was the sulking type. His ear caught the name of Cray, some billionaire whom the mayor offered some extra police presence during his stay. Kai never knew if ol' Donovan took him up on the offer, but it felt typical that the mayor wouldn't authorize hiring more cops but would be willing to cut the police force down some more get a rich guy to spend his money here. Ryan chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry Megan. The naganati can be used as a sword type in a way. I'm a bit used to getting tips from my former sensei, that I unconsciously do it to others." He shook his head lightly. He cocked an eyebrow at Sevrina, noting her eying the cop. "Looks like Sevrina found a new toy." He was joking. But wasn't sure whether she'd take it as a joke. "So you're a Multimedia major? Nice. I'm going History. Or...actually... I'm not really sure what I truly want to do yet." He glanced up at Sev again. He'd heard of this Cray guy. He was supposed to be a cruel hard-ass douche bag without respect for anyone that was in his way. Be it unwittingly or knowingly. Ryan had no respect for people who were like that. "...Right...if you want to eat and then go; that's ok with me. Can you unlock your car for a moment?" He waited for her to point the keychain thing at the window and watched her car flash. He got up. "Excuse me for a moment." He went to the car and got his sword from along the side of the seat He carried it was the care deserving of it. He didn't dare to remove the blade from it's sheath. He walked back inside and sat back down, laying the sword under his seat. "I just wanted to get my sword, so you could leave, if that was your plan. I can walk back to the University. It's not too far. Besides, the walk would be good to think." The dark haired girl glanced at Ryan to the side and muttered darkly to herself. "...People aren't toys..." Oh no, I'm getting flashbacks from the history class...But then, a while after Ryan left for the car, something clicked in her mind and she blurted out. "Sevrina Korval!" That rewarded her with a blank look from the concerned person. Megan grinned. "I knew I had seen you before somewhere. It was on the campus' website announcing today's event." I'm good! Megan smiled in satisfaction, glad she had recalled. However, when Ryan came back and put the sword to the side, she did a double take. "What could you be thinking, carrying a katana around like that? Do you have a deathwish?" she said, her voice thick with disbelief. She expected some case to carry it around... but he was carrying the scabbard openly! But I thought...She crossed her arms and looked at Ryan, exasperated, and gently rebuked. "Really, that's just looking for trouble. You might have the right to carry it around, but can you figure out how other people react to that? Even Japanese don't do that. Weapons of any kind in the citizenry are illegal. Can you believe that the Number One murder weapon in Nihon is the..." she lifted her hands to measure, "...six-inch long kitchen knife? You are going to receive stares usually reserved for two-headed dogs." She decided to tease him a bit more. "Besides, some people might think you'd be over-compensating for something else." She added with a wink. Sevrina nearly choked on the water she was drinking with Megan's last comment. She managed to keep from completely ruining her composure, but kept chuckling to herself. "You know babe, I'd say she's right," Sevrina added with a smirk and a wink to Ryan. Ryan's eyes narrowed slightly. "No one understands or seems to want to." It was brutally clear that the rebuke offended him. "This sword has a soul. It was hand forged by a very dear friend of mine who died almost right after it's completion. I swore I'd always carry it." He glanced at Megan, she was a martial artist like him, this time he was rebuking her. "For someone who practices the arts as I, you lack the knowledge of honor. Your word is your bond. And it is for no one else to question." Ryan looked like a strike to his heart hit him. He fell silent and ordered nothing. His appetite was gone. Not one of the Chinese staff had even cast a curious glance his way either. Showing that they were both wrong, not everyone stared or cared. He rubbed his forehead lightly. "I'm not over compensating either. I'm actually very good on that issue, thank you very much." He wanted to leave right now, but he said he'd pay for lunch, and since he invite Megan over, he'd pay for her meal too. Megan shook her head. "Look, I'm sorry if I ruffled any feathers. I do understand the concept of honor you are referring too, but I believe it's misplaced in this case." Feeling Ryan was going to get emotional over all this, she raised her hands, as if to dam his incoming words. "Take it easy. Look, your sword has a soul," she didn't put his assertion into question. "That's a wonderful thing, really. My pole arm has one... or at least I pretend it has. But you also have to take into account real-world issues as well." She shook her head. "You are no samurai. This isn't the japan feudal era or anything. Bearing swords is frowned upon, especially live blades in public, whether you have the right or not. The promise you made had an admirable intention, but you have to consider the drawbacks of it as well. Your attachment to the blade in carrying it around looks to be the same obsession a toddler would have in carrying around his favorite plush toy. And what happens then? The plush toy gets worn. You might have an accident, damaging your sword. You might draw and use it sometime -AND IT'S A LIVE BLADE." she shook her head. "No one should have such temptations." "I believe," Megan put an emphasis on the word as to not seem to step all over Ryan's convictions. "that respecting the weapon should have the bearer produce it for when it is truly needed. Constantly carrying a weapon has little honor or regard towards the weapon. Supplying it when the times comes to wield it, like in a tournament in which you'd demonstrate a Kata, now THAT would be admirable." That way, every time you'd show the weapon, it would be a thing of beauty instead of the tightly-leashed menace some fearful people would see it as. She smiled at him. "Don't take it so hardly Ryan. Woman are fickle creatures at best. Besides," she stared deep in his eyes. She had understanding for his point of view, but that didn't mean she was going to back off. "If you were half the swordmaster you are, you should have come to the level that you'd have strong enough convictions to be willing to agreeably dispute them without getting so defensive." Being so defensive just shows that you feel your point of view is trampled upon, and that you'd only be stubbornly hanging to it because it is your point of you. The girl thought, crossing her arms and looking relaxed. She was a teacher after all... and probably even older than him. If he was to readily supply advice that she should heed, why not consider hers in a good light, and then consider or dismiss as he wished? Sevrina listened to what Megan had to say, nodding in agreement. She didn't have the chance to get her own comments in. Ryan seemed to have forgotten that she mentioned taking Kendo. Sevrina was probably not on their skill level, but she was very proficient just the same, and she also knew the honor associated with it, which was part of the reason she never drew the blade completely when he first showed it to her. It would dishonor the spirit of the sword if she drew it without intending it to taste blood. Suddenly, her cellphone rang, an uncomfortable interruption to the conversation. With a sigh, Sevrina dug it out of her handbag, checked the caller ID and answered. "Sorry guys, this is probably important though...Hey dad, what's up?" she said, then paused as she listened to her father. His voice came across as a distant buzz with a few words discernible here and there. "What did she do this time?.....Hmm....ah hell. How does she manage it? Her first day and she's already suspended? But why do...oh...*sigh* I have plans. I have to be back on campus in about an hour. Hmm...well...I can try. If I'm late for my appointment, I'm gonna kick her ass AND the ass of that girl she decked.....Yeah, yeah. I'll hurry. Love you too dad." Sevrina hung up and put her cellphone away. "Well, I'm afraid I have to run, my little sister is in trouble again. Ryan, you really shouldn't walk back to school along the freeway. Unless you have another way of getting back, then you're welcome to come with me." "Man you people watch way too many old Samurai movies," said Kai as he watched the argument. "I don't know swords but I know guns which, like swords, are weapons and weapon are designed to kill people in the fastest and most efficient way possible. You can talk about your pet katana till doomsday but it doesn't change the fact that they were invented for one purposes one one alone, dropping people. That's my take anyway. And as for carrying that thing around; any weapon with a blade longer than two and a half inches can't be carried around like a money clip, unless of coarse the DA thinks you should be able to for god knows what reason. And even if so, the same rules apply for the gun, every time you get pulled over and every time a beat cop sees you on the street you're going to get questioned. Except they're going to think your dangerous AND crazy, and if they think for a split second you're going to draw it you'll end up in a body bag." He said firmly, not to be a bully and not to disrespect Ryan's friend, but to make sure Ryan didn't get on the six O'clock news. Kai may have been insane, but he played by the rules and didn't use his badge as a power trip. Not all cops can say that. Ryan looked at Megan. She had valid arguments, but she neglected one thing. A sword was different in the eyes of each wielder. It was a weapon, but to others, it was a way of life, and yet still it was a badge to others. He shook his head. "You teach well, but you neglect the first rule of a swordsman, the sword is the owner's business, no one's else. You also neglect to remember that I grew up different than you, I have my reasons for being as I am and why I carry. My honored word was a oath on blood." He bowed his head lightly and muttered a quick prayer for his friend. He opened his eyes and looked at Megan. "Your looks betray your eyes. I know you're not a kid. Counter arguing would only lower us both to the level of squabbling children. I spent roughly 15 years of my life learning the sword Megan. It is a way of life for me. I do not shed blood. Ever. You've seen me fight. You're seen me stabbed, walk down the opponent's blade and knock them out. I was trained to know my limits and see others'. I take pride in myself and my sword. If I were going to give into the temptations of the blade, I'd have long ago been dead inside and out. I am a Master, as you are. It's differences like these that form separate schools of learning." He sighed lightly and shook his head. She wouldn't understand him, it was far beyond her. His eyes met Sevrina's when she spoke. "Look, I don't want to inconvenience you Sevrina." "Oh, it's alright Miss Korval." Megan smiled. "There's bus service from here to the University. I have the schedule with me, so, Ryan shouldn't have any problems getting back." A thought occurred to her. "Just wait a sec... don't leave!" The petite woman flew out of her seat and ran over to the kitchen, where she began to talk to one of the waiters. As she waited, she watched Sevrina pick up her things. Megan smiled slightly, realizing that in all that, Sevrina had probably missed her shot for the Valentine cop... whom by now was probably seated and eating. Her gaze strayed to Ryan... and she had to concede he had a point. His 15 years of swordsmanship eclipsed her own nine years, and the way he saw his weapon was his own business as long as her life was not endangered. That... and perhaps he's had a grittier training with it. I see it as a martial art - emphasis on art. I've never really looked forward to wielding a real weapon - though I'd probably qualify by now. From his bearing, Ryan might possibly hinge more on the martial side of it. She shrugged, thanked the waiter as he handed her a paper bag and returned to the table. I'll let it be. I still think it's a mistake to carry it around that much, but it's his to make. There ARE different schools of thoughts. "Here Miss Korval." Megan handed the doggy bag. "I hope you like brown rice with chicken cooked in cherry sauce, because that's whats in there." It's the least I could do for possibly spoiling your lunch. "The Westside Dojo is just two corners south, if you ever want to visit. I spend most of my free time there, when I'm not on the computer, studying or sleeping." Megan smiled. "Good luck with your sister." Ryan covered his face, which was growing red. "Sorry Megan, I...lost it. I get very defensive over the issue of my schools teaching. We're trained very passionately. My sensei's line came from a great Samurai and weapon smith, Murasami. I shouldn't have let the discussion turn into a heated argument. Forgive me for my ill-spoken words." He bowed his head to Megan. "I may be a master of the blade, but I have a log way to go before I'm truly a master." He cast a glance to the officer and smirked. "Actually, the films made in the USA, only highlights battle as a focal point. If you look at the Japanese films, you see the person, the feelings, the truth that makes a swordsman. America only seems to enjoy the gore mongering of films. Need I bring up 'Kill Bill'?" He said with a raised eyebrow. He turned back to Sevrina and Megan. "Well, if you have to go then Sev, it's cool. We can catch up later at the campus I guess. Besides, as Megan said, I could catch a bus. Or the officer there might be kind enough to give me a ride back. But, I won't bank on that one." Megan shrugged and smiled. It was no big deal, really. After all, it wasn't her problem in the end... though she was rather hesitant to invite Ryan to a sparring match when all he had was a live blade to use. She still used Shiais herself. At Ryan's comment about Japanese versus American movies, Megan snickered and she gave Ryan a nudge. "Hey, leave the officer be. He and his partner came to eat after all, right?" A slight shudder swept through her spine. "Though I'd say our porn movies have better taste. Something in the Japanese mind has them persuaded that if a triple-X movie doesn't have tentacles involved that it has something missing." Ryan bit back a laugh. It came out as a long snicker. "I know what you mean, only in the respect that I watch tons of anime. Other than porno, I'm not a particular fan of it. Doesn't mean my mind doesn't lean that way sometimes." Sure a taboo and embarrassing subject to talk about. But it was funny. "You know. I wonder sometimes, what's the point of that kind of film? But then...you think about it further, and sadly, humanity needs it.” He snickered again and started eating his pork fried rice after adding a good bit of soy sauce. "Mmmm, at least nothing can replace soy sauce." Sevrina shook her head at the conversation between Ryan and Megan. "You two were made for each other," she commented with a playful smirk. "Thanks for the lunch Meg, I'd better go before Anisa starts trying to beat up faculty. Bye-bye." Sevrina gave them a little wave goodbye and gracefully walked out. On the way, she gave Kai an understanding smile for what he had to deal with, and maybe it was a little coy at the same time. Kai nodded at Sevrina and couldn't help but check her out as she walked through the door. Ethan, always the more responsible of the two, gave Kai a light whack on the arm before picking up their take out order. Ryan had been cooperative and hadn't broken any laws, and Kai had already warned the young man about carrying a weapon so there was nothing left to talk about. Though he still had a suspicion that he hadn't seen the last Ryan or Sevrina. With their lunch break already half over the officers then sat down at a table and ate their meal in silence. Megan glanced at the policemen for a moment and then took her backpack and moved over to the other side of the table so she'd be facing Ryan instead of sitting next to him. You two were made for each other, Megan mimicked Sevrina's voice in her own mind. Yeah, as if he'd see anything in me. "Well, I came in a bit before you both came in, so I've already eaten my main course." she said. She pointed the buffet and added. "I've paid for the buffet, so I'm going to get myself some dessert now. You watch my things, okay?" With an impish smile, she stood and left the table. She walked over to the buffet and started browsing through the desserts mostly by habit, since she already knew what she wanted. As she did so, a thought occurred to her and she took out her wallet to look over how much money she had. Ouch. Paying for Sevrina's lunch will sting, She grumbled a bit to herself but nonetheless accepted the consequences of her having butt in. Besides, she had little acquaintances in Los Angeles. Maybe she could get back in touch with Sevrina sometime and she might get to know her a bit better. As she took a slice of chocolate cake with ice cream and then poured a healthy amount of hot chocolate fudge on it... and then some more, Megan pondered Sevrina. They hadn't spoken much, but Megan had not felt at all defensive around the much better looking woman. Sure, she had been cautious about Ryan and her being on a date, but, from the woman's attitude toward the cop, she probably hadn't thought it all that important. She shrugged. Maybe Sevrina was one of those people wearing a mask of confidence and pride when interacting with other people - it sure was the case with Megan anyways. She came back and sat in front of Ryan. "Thanks. You can go now. Anyone coming to take your katana will have to face my Kung Fu," she gave him a wink. Ryan laughed softly and watched her get up. "Don't worry. I won't let anyone touch your stuff Megan." He smiled and watched her walk over to the dessert cart. A smile graced his face and his mind had no real clue why. He looked back at his meal and sighed softly. "Well, even thought we'd only met today...I'd have to say it was terribly rude of Sevrina to leave so suddenly. But then, family first." Naturally, he was muttering more to himself, voicing his thoughts to himself. His eye was caught by a little Buddha statue in a little shine in the corner of the restaurant. He smiled and nodded to the statue as if it were a live person. One thing his master taught him was; thought their are many religions and many gods, all strive at one common ideal; peace. Treat all with due respect. He never let himself forget that. Thinking about the smile Megan had given him made Ryan's cheeks turn red. He chuckled softly. His cheeks only reddened when Megan returned and he knew that he was still blushing. " Huh? Oh, uh, no.. It's ok. I don't really like eating chocolates and sweets. The General Chicken and pork fried rice was enough for me." He smiled at her. "I find it very comforting to know that you're at UCLA too. I thought I was a loner, per usual." Again, he blushed when she winked at him. As Megan scooped up a piece of cake and dabbed it in the copious amount of hot fudge in her dish, she said. "Well, if you are doing a history major, then you are in deep trouble." She shoved the treat in her mouth. Almost immediately, she picked up her glass of water, drank, an made a face. I should have taken some milk with this. She gestured toward a waitress and looked back at Ryan (whom had been busy chewing on a rather tough piece of pork). "One of my teachers is Professor Albert Dulance. My History of Mass Medias class is with him. Though he teaches history classes, half his other classes are philosophy. You wouldn't even believe how much he alienated me in just a few hours. From hearing the guy talk, you'd think he just stepped out of the X-Files. You are probably going to meet up with him sooner or later." "What's that? Make him cry? Ok, I can do that." Ryan said was a witty grin plastered to his face. "My father was the most anal of all teachers I have ever known. Listening to the ranting prattle of a professor is nothing. Besides, if you feel offended, then you have grounds for a harassment charge. My cousin's got a law degree and constantly tells me stuff. Now he's in the FBI. ...Go figure." He shrugged. "He still whoops the crap outta me in Halo... It's the only damn thing I can't do well. I suck at player vs. player games... Oh well, bigger things to achieve now. I'm not a kid anymore, and I'm not ignorant enough to call you one. I know you're like...what...20, 21 now?" He smiled at her. "I watched when you registered in Ontario. The office said you were 13 and you tore into him. I was holding back from laughing then. I never saw that guy's eye so wide. I thought he thought you were gonna kill him. As for your class, don't sweat it. take your sweet time. You're the one paying for the course. It's not his place to alienate you. How about this, I'll switch outer my Ancient Philosophies class and put in you History of Media class. I guarantee he'll lay into meand not you." Ryan smiled at her. "I have this...talent...about bringing out the BEST in teachers." The girl snickered. "Heh. I think I'd like that... but it's not the way he acts with me that bothers me. I can tough it. I've been treated like the 'scrawny underage little girl' all my life, so I'm kinda used to it. What really bothers me is that the scope of his class seems to point out that the masses are really just mindless playthings that can be manipulated at will." The waitress came back. Megan thanked her and took a swallow of the glass before resuming. "I find that idea utterly abhorrent. Sure, people manipulate others... but that's just the way people get around if they have brains but little brawns. Mass manipulation of that sort gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. I like minding my own life in my little corner - but I take offense at being compared to livestock. That's mostly why I don't like his class : no one likes being told they are tiny and powerless, always swept about by greater things." She speared another piece of her brownie with her fork... a bit more viciously than the cake really deserved. "Oh... as for my age, I was actually born in August 1979. That makes me twenty-four." "Shouldn't have to get used to it. I mean, it's not his place to comment on anything about you, I mean, what i did was wrong, I shouldn't have commented on your fighting style." He smirked lightly. "Well, look at it like this. The TV is the 'idiot box', people really do sort of plod along doing everything the media tells them. Go see this, go buy that. It's not that they're mindless...except kids, cartoons used to brain wash me when i was little. I still remember old school Super Mario/Legend of Zelda, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the Smurfs and stuff like that. Instead of cartoons, I should been watching the History Channel. Woulda made me a hell of a lot smarter. In the sense that you meant though, mass manipulation, I only see that with a confirmed existence when I look towards the mid-east. But, I only see that because there's one person with ALL the brawns and no else has the brains to remove them. We both know that that situation has been rendered defunct now with Mr. So-damn-insane's removal." He smiled and nodded. He was enjoying the intelligent conversion with Megan, it had to be the first one he'd had in a while. "I understand that, I actually hold that in high respect. Sometimes, yeah, it is better to live in your own world and allow the mundanities of the rest of the world wash by. I enjoy escaping reality at times too. I believe in higher beings, I just don't think they 'meddle' in everyone's affairs. All faults and success are due to human triumph or error." He grinned widely. "Twenty-four? Holy God. Well, if you don't think me too bold, you look incredible." Megan, whom was now half done with her dessert, looked down at herself and back at Ryan. "No I'm not.." she said, shrugging. "I'm the kind of girl that spends her money on anime DVDs and video games instead of buying myself fancy clothes and make up. You'd better keep those lines for a knockout like Miss Korval whom was just with you." She picked up another piece of her brownie, not looking at Ryan's possibly crestfallen expression. She wasn't rebuffing him so much as expressing her own lack of confidence in her looks. Sevrina's last comment to them ringing still in her mind, she felt quite sure she wasn't looking for a relationship. Besides, most men of Ryan's age usually looked for one thing out of a girl and it was not one thing she was felt she was ready or willing to offer. Pushing the thoughts away, she raised her head and asked. "So Ryan? Why take history classes to try unearthing your past?" Ryan raised an eyebrow. "How unlike a disciplined warrior. You lack confidence. Sevrina's nice lookin', don't get me wrong, but, I just met her today. She's ok, but she's more the type that uses people as if toys." He shook his head. "I was in a relationship like that before...never again." He clasped his hands together and sighed softly. "If I ever get back in a relationship with someone. It's not gonna be childish puppy love. I CAN read your eyes. You should know me better than that, I don't think like the 'common' man does. I don't see the point in a short lived appearance based relationship. Oh, if you say you're not pretty...well...I'm not sure what I'll do; but it's wrong to think that way. You're really pretty Megan." He was smiled, with a tint of red on his cheeks. That all faded when she asked about history. His voice leeched away it's cheerful mod into a dismal tone. "...My past... Uh...I...I don't like my past. I didn't have a very good childhood relationship with my parents. It's part of the reason why I am who I am today. I willingly closed myself off to the world and took up the sword as a way to cope with my personal disappointments and, well, I guess short comings. I guess I'm like you in that I lack self-confidence. ...In all things. I hide it behind a tough exterior." He shook his head and looked at his sword, safe in it's scabbard. "...I learned a long time ago, that you only trust those who earn your truth. I learned that after my...well...hellish relationship." *He fell silent, his eye were looking down at the sword, but not at it, it was like his mind was lost in other thoughts* Megan frowned. "I'm not going to start comparing whom had bad childhoods, but I think I can relate. I don't get along too well with my father and all. However, your current career path points up to one of the solutions you could have picked while you took flight on your one. There's also another different point of view you could have taken instead of deciding to dwell on your past." She shrugged. “As for the lack of confidence, everyone has it to a smaller or greater extent. The question is how vulnerable you are to it. Do stop calling me a warrior though. I'm not one and I don't claim to be one. I do martial arts to help forge my character - but only as an art form. I have no desire to wield a live blade ever." * * * The officers ate their meals quickly, sparing little time for small talk. Their shift would be over a couple of hours and if they were lucky enough to not be called then they wouldn't have to put in any overtime, which wouldn't be so bad but sometimes you just want the day to be over. Kai went to the counter and picked up a to go order he placed ten minutes ago. "Something for later?" Ethan asked. Kai replied with indifference, "It's for a prostitute." "I'm guessing there's more to that sentence." "A teen prostitute," Kai said. "I was right," though Ethan highly doubted Kai was actually seeing an underage hooker, he placed too much value on his badge. But with Kai you can never be certain what he's really up to. Two of LA's finest then casually walked out of the restaurant to continue their duties. * * * Megan gave the departing officers a sidelong glance. She scraped away the last of the fudge in her dish and drank down her glass of milk. "I should get going." she said, but produced her bus schedule. "Um...this says that you might be able to catch the next bus going the campus' way in about 8 minutes. If you miss it, the next one is 15 minutes later." The dark-haired girl brushed her bangs out of her eyes and gave Ryan a nod. "It was nice meeting you, Mister O'Connor. Will you be alright on your own?" * * * It was about two hours later that Megan stepped out of the Dojo's shower. Westside Dojo had been relatively quiet so far, with only one student dropping by to deliver a check to pay for his classes. Megan, whom had been decked in her practice gear and flailing her practice polearm at a dummy, graciously accepted it. Since she wasn't in charge of the dojo's finances though, she just put it over her boss' desk and went on practicing. In her whole two hours, she futilely fought off the frustration that had mounted into her from her meeting with Ryan O'Connor. It just galled her that a rooster-proud undisciplined crybaby like O'Connor had ever got so good at martial art fighting. She was half-hoping the dummy was him just to see how he handled himself. Of course, the dummy didn't strike back. O'Connor would have had - and with that live blade of his, most probably. Megan wrapped her towel tighter about her lithe form as she stepped out into the women's vestiary. Her eyes fell on her wrapped polearm and she smiled wearily. "I'm sorry Sazanami. I know that was rather unworthy of me to use you as an outlet for my frustrations. I'll try to do better." Sazanami was how Megan had named her rather ordinary wooden naginata. It was only a practice weapon, a 'shiai', but Megan never really intended to go for live blades - it just spoiled the art that was in practicing the naginata. Sazanami did not speak back, nor did Megan really feel it had a mind of it's own, but her perception of it was more as the more disciplined part of her ego than an actual weapon. Of course, she thought, maybe I'm just spouting excuses for talking to myself or an imaginary friend. Maybe I'm just too cooped up by myself when I'm not working or studying. 'Sazanami' (Cresting Waves) had a name nonetheless. She had built herself an attachment to that very object and it was the namesake of a daring signature move she had tried practicing to perfection. It was too bad that it had never been allowed in tournament play because it was so unorthodox. As she dressed up and prepared to leave, Megan mused about Ryan's lady companion, the gorgeous Sevrina. She knew Sevrina had a reputation in the UCLA and that she was posing as a model, but besides of her name, occupation and profession, she knew little else except that she had a sister. "Maybe," she muttered, "Maybe I could get to know her better. I saved from from hanging out with Ryan after all." she giggled at the thought of Ryan following Sevrina around, eyes shining with puppy-love. She stowed back Sazanami in the Dojo's head office, locked things up and left. She should be just in time to catch the bus... But no... it just passed before her nose, bare seconds before she would have arrived to the bus stop. She spit at the speeding vehicle with a glare. "Ah, merde!"