Starting Out in the Game
Once your character is approved, a moderator will respond to your character's thread with further instructions. The message will include information on involving yourself in the community, as well as how to start in the RPG. The moderators may decide which game your character would fit into best, or you might be given a choice, unless you created your character specifically for one plot.
If needed, you will be given instructions on how and when your character should enter. When visiting your new game forum, be sure to check the character list and read the profiles of other characters involved to know what they look like. You generally do not need to read the archives, unless some event that happened earlier affects your character?nd if that is the case, then you'll be instructed to read what you need know.
Writing Rules
To keep the posts streamlined, we have a few rules you need to follow when it comes to writing. By following these rules, you will be easier to understand, and your posts will be easier to archive. Please be mindful of your spelling and grammar and use it to the best of your ability. If you pay attention to these rules and take them to heart, I can guarantee that your writing ability will improve to help you in more important parts of your life.
- Please write your posts in THIRD PERSON (or narrative point of view).
- Example: Sara went to the store.
- Not: I went to the store.
- Please write your posts in PAST TENSE.
- Example: Sara went to the store.
- Not: Sara is going to the store.
- Not: Sara goes to the store.
- Not: Sara will go to the store.
- Write in paragraph form, not script form, and use quotation marks for dialogue. Please write descriptively as well.
- Example: Sara, a young, blonde college student, walked into to the local grocery store and went to one of the cashiers. She asked the cashier, "Where is your deli?"
- Not: *Sara walked into the store and talked to the cashier*
Sara: Where is your deli?
- Be sure to use proper punctuation and grammar to the best of your ability. Remember, good grammar is the difference between "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse." and "i helped my uncle jack off a horse"!
- Separate your dialogue when posting for two or more characters at once by starting a new paragraph for the other character's dialogue.
- Example: Sara asked the cashier, "Where is your deli?"
The cashier replied, "Down isle 5 to your left. - Not: "Where is your deli?" "Down isle 5 to your left"
- Example: Sara asked the cashier, "Where is your deli?"
- If you want your character to speak in another language besides the common tongue, show this by incorporating brackets into the text, following the below example. This will avoid confusion. Just stating in text that they are speaking another language might be over looked. This isn't exactly proper grammar, but it works for the game.
- "Hello" = Common Tongue (English).
- {"Hello"} = Any other language.
- If you want to incorporate a thought into your character's post, use italics. Some people like to use quotation marks for thoughts, but this can confuse other players because it looks like dialogue. Since the forum supports BB code, you can type: [i](The inner dialogue.)[/i].
- Never, EVER use Netspeak in character (or even out of character on my board), or I will bitch slap you so hard that you will be as stupid as you look when you type in Netspeak.
If you have anymore questions or need help with your grammar, please go to the Grammar and Spelling board for more information.
Character Creation | Character Creation FAQ | Character Creation Guidebook | Starting in the Game | The Moderators