Seana was frustrated as Blade's stallion pulled ahead of her. The elf riding her was tall, but light so she didn't weigh her down, and Seana pulled forth another burst of speed to catch up with the white stallion. She loved to run, she didn't like the stable, or the city. She wanted to be back in the open grassland where she was born, where she could run. Seana tossed her head and gave another burst of speed. Oh, it felt so wonderful to be free! To stretch her legs and run with the herd. The elf cared for her, but she was still too new to know. The man on the stallion was kind and warm, he almost seemed to glow, and now the stallion was starting to glow too. Seana wanted that touch. She also wanted to out run all the others. She stretched her neck and the elf was nearly flat against her back. Together, they cut through the wind effortlessly. Sevrina held on tight to Seana's mane, laying herself flat to make them more streamlined. The mare was definitely leading, Sevrina was just along for the ride. The street they were on was leading straight to the south gate that was shut. "Sylph, spirit of the wind, come from the north and open the doors of the city wide!" Sevrina spoke into the wind. A strong breeze came from behind them and passed them by. The gates blew forcefully open and the strong wind died. "Thank you!" Seana watched the gates open and if she weren't running so fast, she would have kicked her heels up in glee. She and the white stallion ran neck to neck out of the gates and the rest of the herd thundered after them. Further down the road, Sevrina got a glimpse of an approaching army. Seri's army that Thorn had been raving about and thought were the enemy. She and Blade were going to fast for her to see clearly. She wouldn't deal with them now though. Sevrina reached out her mind to Seana's and tugged her mane toward the left gently. The elf wanted her to turn. That was fine. Seana didn't want to meet more people right now, there were many on the road ahead. Seana banked toward the east where there were open fields to run in. The soft road felt better than the hard city streets. Further east, was a forest. She didn't care for the forest, she wanted the open grass. Blade nudged his horse to a slow stop as the army came into view. He studied them briefly but that didn't seem important now. "We can deal with them later..." Blade whispered to his stallion and nudged him after Seana. "Come on... let's run!" The horse nodded and took off to the left, following Sevrina and Seana. Seana and Sevrina slowed down to a trot in a meadow near the woods, just out of sight of the road. The city walls and towers could be seen from there, as well as the oppressive Chaos Gate, but it was away. It felt as a weight had been lifted off her heart that she never knew was there. Seana finally slowed to a walk, and obviously wanted Sevrina off. Sevrina slipped off Seana's back, stroked her silky neck, then let her go. Seana kicked up her heels and more bounded than ran to the herd that was circling in the meadow, looking for prime grazing. Sevrina sat down in the tall grass, most was dead from going to seed before the fall, but new green grass was still growing in, being fed by nearby streams. The temperate climate of the coast kept Raiden cool in the summer and warm enough in the winter. She sighed, as if she could just blow all her troubles out of body. Sevrina fell back into the lush grass, without a care. "Ahh....Freedom." * * * With the cargo packed and all the travelers on horse or wagon there was no excuse to stay any longer. The brothers had said their farewells to classmates and Headmaster Zulas. None of the scholars looked back at the old academy, to do so would likely make it harder to leave. Instead the brothers looked forward to their path ahead as frightened as they were intrigued, at the brave new world which awaited them, even if it waited only in the nearby city. But then something happened as they cleared a hill not far from Raiden. For as soon as the free city came into view as did the floating black disk in the sky. A horrible and unnatural sight, the Chaos Gate. The brothers meanwhile mumbled amongst themselves as they compared theories. Wild speculations were thrown in the air about bending light to cause an illusion, or how it was a fortress held up by the same magic as was Kastuul. Zatch tore his attention from the disk towards a camp in the distance, a large caravan it seem which apparently spent the night there. Perhaps someone there knew, perhaps someone there saw it arose, at what time, what happened before or after. With more information the brothers may be put to use sooner than before thought. With that the young man led the others towards the camp. Terin rode alongside Zatch, Kitsa was riding with him again, like she had on the way to the academy. Like Zatch, his attention was on the group ahead. He had better vision than Zatch and could make out the details of the group. "They're...mostly elves," he informed Zatch. "I see a few humans in the lead...and are those centaurs?" Terin pushed back his hood a little and strained his eyes. "Three centaurs. One has antlers, I believe that means she's a seeress." * * * Seri watched a group of travelers come onto the road less than a mile ahead of the caravan she was leading. She assumed they were refugees, riding south away from the danger in Raiden. Her sharp elven eyes could see the details the few humans in the group wouldn't be able to see. The group was being led by a black-haired figure on a large black war horse, alongside him on a smaller horse was a cloaked figure with a person in red riding with him. There were another two horses and a wagon, with possibly five more people, all males as far she could tell. Naclia's chin was hurting from holding it on Talen's shoulder, so now she rode with her forehead pressed against his back. There was a murmur around her from those riding nearby. People were coming? She looked up and saw a small group of travelers, and assumed they were refugees. Refugees weren't anything terribly exciting, so she leaned her head back down. There was a knot of anxiety growing in her belly, which she attributed to the Chaos Gate. * * * Rain groaned, all the riding in combination with hastily eaten meal, had cause the half-elf a some stomach issues. She was only to happen to slow down to a nice little walk. Hanging her head low against the outside of Cara's shoulder, she took a breather. Closing her eyes, placing a hand on her chest before sitting back. Staring into the distant, she straightened spying the small number of travelers on the horizon, just a short measure away. They were gawking at her herd. "I knew we are lovely but honestly," she said, giving an apparent gawk towards those who were looking, mocking their faces with spritely glee before resting her head in between Cara's shoulder blades in muted affection. Cara smiled as Rain leaned against him, and had his hands not been holding on to the cart he would have returned her tenderness. Though he did chuckle at her comment. "I think that most of these people have never seen anyone as handsome as us." Dina chuckled at him, "Handsome as you? I would have thought they would run away screaming." "Who runs away from a giant cow," Rain joined in on her brother's jest, teased about Cara's painted markings. "Certainly not you or I, Dina." She turned her face to the side of his shoulder blades, seeming to peer off to the side then back, "Handsome, hmm? Is that all?" Quietly he murmured, "That is not all, but it is all I can say right now." Cara had long ago become accustomed to their teasing so it hardly phased him anymore. A fact that at times annoyed Dina and Rain. Rain giggled to herself, crawling to her knees, leaned over Cara's shoulder to get a better view of the people. The perfect excuse to press close to him as well. "I wondered if they've never seen a centaur before..." she muttered hating to be stared at like that. Though he tried to hide it, he was sure that Rain could tell he liked it when she was close to him like this. "I do not believe that they have, from what I can tell this is the first time in many hundreds of years that we have traveled with humans or this many elves." Cara's mind went again to the parchment that he and Rain found in a doll that he has carried for many years. He had not tried it yet, but he knew what it was. He recognized several of the words as meaning transform. Rain give a disheartened smiled, seemingly unsatisfied with that answer. "Still, it's not nice to stare," she stubbornly argued, leaning on her elbows on his shoulders in a childish sort of pout, cheek to cheek. "I mean, I didn't gawk when I saw a human for the first time. Is it foolish to expect the same sort of curtiousy from them?" She turned slightly to glimpse into his face. "Right?" He tried, he really tried hard not to blush at her closeness, but he failed miserably. "Um... well... " Dina laughed at his friends discomfort. "Rain, stop teasing him," he scolded lightly. "I do not think that most of them know that they should not stare. I think that if you were to ever see someone that was different than what you are used to, then you would stare too." "I didn't stare that long!" Rain blurted out before a looming embarrassment hushed the protesting half-elf. "What does it matter anyway," she grumbled sliding off Cara's back and landing with a little thud onto the ground below. "Should I go see what's going on?" * * * The two groups came closer and the details of the riders came clearer to Seri's eyes. But there was no one she recognized. "Zatch!" Mia gasped beside her. The name sounded familiar to Seri and it took her a moment to recall who he was. She never saw him, but he had seen her. She heard a little about him from her companions on the journey. He was also in love with Sakura, she heard, and dueled Fenix, then left. He first joined the group at the Mirror Forest--or what used to be--but Seri had been unconscious. When she came to in Kanon, Zatch was gone. Beside Seri, Mia's horse lurched forward and galloped toward Zatch and his companions. Seri urged Ilavirin forward and rode alongside Mia, leaving Sera and the others in the dust. Mia's elven eyes were apparently able to recognize Zatch before he was able recognize her. The young scholar reeled back as the figure in the distance galloped towards them, very soon however the woman's features became apparent. It was Mia, whom he first met in what was left of Mirror Forest. Others approached, but the one's that were in clear view were people he didn't recall. With the sight of one familiar face came the thought of many. Toan, Fenix, Moryssa......Sakura. Would he find them here in good health? Would they welcome him back after...... They quickly closed the distance and Mia and Seri reined in in front of Zatch. "Hey Zatch, long time no see! You made it to Raiden, eh?" Mia called, Seri waited silently alongside her. Zatch smiled and waved at the greeting "Indeed I have, and not alone." he said referring to Kitsa, Terin, and the brothers. Mia looked over his small company of strangers. "Well, we've obviously grown in number too. We met Leaf and Ryna--remember those names from the last war? We've got an elven army from the Glassy Woods, about thirty rangers, three centaurs. We've also let a merchant travel with us, since we were heading in the same direction," She explained. "Who else made it to Raiden?" Zatch was taken aback at the mention of so many travelers accumulated in the once small group. Perhaps he was mistaken when he said there would be no army to fight the evil this time. "My brother Kai is there right now, as are Zira and Sevrina, apparently something happened with the latter after I left Kanon but I never found out what. Blaze is here if I'm not mistaken, I've heard Gale may be there as well. We've gained many more as well. At least two sorceresses, two dwarves, many fighters. We've been enlisting the help of local temples, gathering priests and priestesses. We just came from the Rada Academy, hence the blokes in the wagon." The brothers waved at Mia and Seri and greeted the ladies each with a foreign language. Zatch then leaned in closer and changed to a more serious tone. "You won't believe this, but Cray is there as well, and he's on our side. At least Sevrina believes so." * * * Ryna looked over Callin's shoulder at the people Seri and Mia had rode out to meet. "I guess they're someone that we're supposed to meet here in Raiden," Ryna said to Callin. I wonder if Deedlit and Parn will be here too? Spark is probably too busy on Marmo being Duke. Callin nodded, moving his head to try to get a better view. Looked like a bunch of old men. But at this distance, he couldn't be sure. And it seemed very likely he would get his head bit off by one of the elves. "Wonder what they're talking about...?" Leaf rode along on Dinalindel's back, listening to them and watching the people up ahead. There was just something about the way Rain and Caradithil acted around each other that she had noticed. The whispering. A gentle caress here and there. Dina didn't notice, but Leaf certainly did. Were they in love? And Leaf thought human-elf relationships were tough! Rain jumped down from Caradithil's back, so Leaf did too. " Should I go see what's going on?" Rain asked. Leaf just shrugged. "Maybe we should," She added, shrugging again. Cara followed Rain after she and Leaf started to walk off. His curiosity was getting the better of him as he tried to find out what was going on. Dina also followed him, but for a different reason. As long as they wore those harnesses that connected them to the wagon, then where ever Cara went he had to go. "What's going on? Cara asked. * * * Joline rode up alongside Arturo and the wagon as Jonas counted out his money, but she was focused on the group ahead. She stood in the stirrups and squinted as she tried to see who was up ahead. "More refugees?" she mused aloud, then sat back down. "There," Jonas said as he passed Arturo's money to him. He noticed the people ahead, like Joline, but he was busy. Jonas leaned over the side of the wagon and called, "Erias!" Erias was a little startled, but trotted his horse up next to the merchant's wagon. "Yes, sir?" As Erias rode up, Jonas saw that the elves ahead of him were stopping, so he stopped his horses. "What's going on?" he mused to himself, then turned to Erias. Jonas counted out Erias's pay, including extra for cooking, and he poured it all in a leather purse and handed it to Erias. "There you go." Jonas called up the other men and paid them as well, though he took out some for those who were drunk in Dragon Eye. Then, with the rest of the men taken care of, he called up the last person. "KAZH'E!" Erias quickly bowed and moved away so others could get their payment as well. Life was good, so far. He then moved around to see what was stopping the party at the front. Joline edged her horse a little closer to Arturo. She hadn't been spending much time with him since they left Honto. He seemed to want all her attention for himself, but she wasn't about to utterly ignore Kazh'e and Luria too. "Arturo...what are you going to do in Raiden?" she asked. "It doesn't exactly look as lively as usual." Arturo looked up from what he was focused on, and smiled at Joline slightly. There were a lot of refugees, and that meant he might be able to find some information concerning his father. But, he also wanted to spend some time with Joline, they'd been so busy. Time together hadn't been a large option for them. "I'm not sure, I know we have things to do, I'm hoping, perhaps I might be able to find some leads on my father. But, I'd like like to spend some time with you for a little while at least. After riding on this trail, a nice dinner for two?" Joline straighten in surprise. Arturo asked her to stay in his room in Dragon Breath, which she believed was too forward, but now he was taking it slow. A good choice. Joline turned to him and smiled. "Perhaps, if Raiden isn't destroyed before tonight." Arturo's expression brightened, he was glad a nice dinner with her if they had the time would be good for them both. Perhaps taking things slower was the way to go. Smiling at her, he nodded and spoke. "Right then, if we're able to solve the situation with Raiden before tonight. I look forward to it." * * * Mia smiled kindly at the priests of Rada, though most of what they said was gibberish to her. She heard one elven greeting though. She turned back to Zatch and listened. Well, Gale survived Roid and brought back Sevrina, though it was doubtful Sevrina needed saving. When Zatch mentioned Cray, Mia's ears twitched upward as if she unsure of what she heard. "Cray?" Seri clenched Ilavirin's reins as tight as her tiny hands could. Cray? What was he doing here? Why was he here? She contained her rage, but she would let it all loose on Cray once she saw him. She was certain the other elves would as well. "Who's Cray?" whispered one of the brothers to the group. The others only shrugged and murmured that they didn't know, remembering only a few obscure literary references unlikely to be the same man Zatch and Mia were talking about. "Yeah, he's there all right. Some of the others seem to trust him, but I don't. I wasn't in Mirror Forest during the battle, but I saw the aftermath. He might be telling the truth, but I'm not going to turn my back to him." Said Zatch. Mia was obviously grinding her teeth. "I can understand Zatch..." she replied distantly. "Somebody had better have a damn good excuse, or this army is going to tear him apart of their own free will." "Even with an excuse, I'm certain they will still tear him apart," Seri added. * * * Terin was listening to the conversation when suddenly realization dawned on him. Naclia was supposed to be here according to Aiyanna's vision. Kitsa had distracted him, but now he had nearly forgotten about her. His goal was straight ahead. He kicked his horse into a run toward the elves. "NACLIA!" Naclia heard a distantly familiar voice scream her name and sat straight in the saddle. She looked over Talen's shoulder in the direction the scream came and saw the man and woman on horseback running towards the army. "Who in the name of Falis?" she murmured. Maybe it was a ranger from the Mirror Forest who ran to Raiden for refuge? She couldn't tell any details of the man, he was too heavily cloaked. Whoever it was, they likely didn't mean her harm, so she slipped out of the saddle and walked alongside Talen and the horse so the man could see her. Terin watched an elven woman climb out of a saddle from behind a purple-haired human man. His sharp eyes could see the details of her face, and to his pleasure, it was Naclia. "Naclia!" he called again and his hood was blown back by the wind. Naclia watched as the man's face was uncovered. Light brown hair like her own, scars, blue eyes....Falis, it was Terin's face! It was no happy reunion in Naclia's eyes, which had seen the dead walk, and she believed her brother was dead. Naclia shrieked and through her hands over her face. "No! You're dead!" She grabbed Talen's pant leg, wanting him to jump out of the saddle and protect her from the abomination wearing her brother's face. Talen watched, head slightly turned, and almost lost his balance when Naclia pulled on his pant leg. He could take the hint, and she seemed terrified of whoever this was. So, he quickly dismounted and stood in front of Naclia, drawing his sword and pointing it at the elf. "Who are you?" Naclia's screaming attracted Fou-Lu's attention, he pulled his horse toward her, in case she was being attacked, but he didn't understand what was going on. It was just another elf. He looked a little like Naclia...maybe he had hurt her in the past? Fou-Lu's hand rested on the hilt of his sword menacingly. Lucied bounded to Naclia's side as fast as he could, even running under her horse to get to her. The wolf stood beside her and growled at Terin from behind Talen's legs. Sakura jumped as she heard the screaming, then she turned to see Naclia in distress. "Oh my!" she gasped. She had no idea what was going on, but Naclia wasn't happy. Sakura slipped out of the saddle and rushed to the elf's side. "Naclia, what is it?" she asked, putting her hands on Naclia's shoulders. Naclia turned to Sakura and buried her face in the priestess's robes. "He's dead, he's dead...he's dead," she sobbed over and over. Lucied ceased his growling, and instead whimpered in condolence as he nudged Naclia. Terin felt as if he'd been stabbed through the heart. She was denying his existence. Terin slipped out of his saddle and took a step toward the knight. The sound of a sword being eased in it's sheath stopped him. The dark elf nearby was ready to draw his sword too. "Please..." Terin started, hand to his heart. "I'm her brother, Terin." Naclia obviously heard that because her fearful sobs got louder. Terin was on the verge of crying as well. He never expected this sort of reunion. Everyone nearby had their eyes on him, they wanted to know why Naclia was so hysterical. "Please....believe me," Terin pleaded with the knight. His voice wavered, it was getting hard to speak around that lump that had formed in his throat as he tried to keep from crying himself. Kitsa scooted forward in the saddle as Terin tried to talk to the knight and elves. She had to cling to him for dear life when the horse took off, like he forgot all about her. She just sat in the saddle now, hoping the horse didn't do anything on it's own. Naclia was Terin's sister, she heard about that back at the inn, and how he was looking for her. But she sounded terrified of him. She kept saying he was dead. Kitsa bit her tongue and watched, hoping for a good resolution. Aiden rode rode to where the others were gathered around Naclia quickly. "What's going on?" He looked around and his eyes fell on Terin. His mouth hung open and he stared at the scared elf. "My that you?" Zatch agreed whole heartedly that that there would be trouble when the others encountered Cray. He believed Sevrina when she said he wasn't responsible for the undead that killed Delilah. But that didn't absolve much animosity. The scholar's head darted up to hear screams in the direction Terin went off to and urged Rasputin to gallop to the source. There he saw Terin not far from two women, one of them he didn't recognize but looked familiar, and the other.... Gods it's her, he thought as a lump swelled in his throat. It was Sakura, the young priestess of Cha Za whom he fell in love with and almost killed his friend over. Since he left Kanon he thought about what it would happen if he ever saw her again. He'd played dozens of scenarios in his mind but now, now that she was right in front of him he couldn't think of a single word to say. Fortunately he didn't have to, the other woman began sobbing "He's dead, he's dead!". And with that Zatch shifted his gaze from Sakura to Naclia. "M-Madam I assure you he is not. I've been traveling with this man for the last two days and I promise you that he has breath and a soul like all of us. Trust me when I say that I've dealt with the undead of Lodoss, and there is no such creature here." he said to the woman, hoping his words could ease her mind. Sakura held Naclia close, trying to comfort her, but when she saw Zatch, she seemed to hold Naclia as a shield. Blushing shamefully, she looked away and focused on soothing the elf she held. Naclia shook her head as she listened to Zatch, though her face was still buried against Sakura. After all this was such a shock. She believed he was dead, no, she KNEW he was dead all these years. And now that knowledge had been shattered. Naclia was stressed, her forest was destroyed, she had shed the blood of others, and she had done such a good job of holding herself together on the outside, though she had been slowly unraveling within. And now, Terin stood there, begging her to accept him, and she was unsure if she were dreaming or if it was really happening. Lucied nudged his head against her, but she didn't notice. Terin couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He let them fall and fell to his knees in the dirt as well. "'s me," he begged. Another familiar face was there, Aiden. "Aiden...please, tell her it's me." Sakura was starting to get an idea of what must be going in Naclia's head, with her homeland being destroyed. She wasn't quite sure who Terin was to her, but he just caused everything to come crashing down on Naclia. Softly, Sakura started to sing to Naclia. As Zatch rode forward to Naclia and Terin, Seri and Mia turned their own horses after him and rode back. Mia reined in beside Fou-Lu, who was looking suspiciously at Terin. Seri rode up alongside Kitsa and Terin's horse and watched in amazement and confusion. Talen watched Terin with a sigh, he had no idea what was going on. Not until he heard Terin's name being spoken, and the explanation of Zatch did he put his sword away, and went back to Naclia and tried to comfort her as best as he could with Sakura already there. "Terin, maybe you should give her a bit of time to deal with this." Not that they all had much time left. That thought should have shaken, but with all the events that had taken place, it did little more then register in the back of his mind. Sakura's song was working. It soothed Naclia enough so her sobs died down. The priestess cradled her until Naclia was breathing ragged and tired gasps. "I've done all I can," Naclia heard Sakura say. "Talen, take her please?" Naclia felt exhausted from the release of emotions. She was so comforted in Sakura's embrace, and knew Talen would be even more comforting. Terin...she wouldn't think about him now. Talen nodded at Sakura and took Naclia into his arms, stroking her hair lightly. He wasn't entirely sure what had just gone on, just that it had something to do with Naclia's brother. Finally, when Naclia seemed calm enough, he put her on his horse, not sure what to say. Meanwhile, Sera watched the whole incident with only a slight interest. This had nothing to do with her, but she did know that Naclia needed time. Finally riding up to Seri, she raised a brow. "I think we should go back on course, and keep the new group from getting to close to Naclia." Sakura stood and brushed off her skirt, carefully avoiding Zatch's eyes. "Well, we really should get onto the city," she said to no one in particular and headed back to Fenix and climbed onto their horse. Erias rode up slowly, trying to keep his long left bangs out of his face as he approached the front. "Hmmm, what is going on?" Erias asked, as he felt some tension among elves and the new group that has arrived. * * * Terin swallowed hard, trying to stop his tears. He nodded to Talen and wiped at his eyes with his sleeve. "Yeah, I'll let her be," he said. Falis, it hurt. It hurt worse than the blow that had nearly cracked his ribs open thirty years ago and left a scar across his chest. He stood and looked up at Aiden on horseback. "Aiden, why don't we ride ahead and talk?" Terin said, managing a small smile. He went back up to his horse and his head jerked up as he realized Kitsa was still riding with him. He didn't want to deal with her right now. Without a word to her, he pulled himself back into the saddle in front of her, then turned his horse around toward the city. "What the?!?!?" Erias scratched his head in confusion, "Wait! let me come too! I am useless here so might well as come along with you." Erias nudged his horse ahead to the elf and others who came with the other party. Erias smiled a little, considering it was a uncomfortable situation. "My name is Erias Starwind a mercenary...good to meet you." Erias wasn't sure how to put his words just then, it wasn't the best time to be cheerful. Aiden turned his horse after Terin. He left Aaewin with the rest of the rangers before he rode up to the Terin so he could see what was wrong with Naclia by himself. So, it was just him and Terin, and the exotic woman who rode with Terin. He didn't have the chance to introduce himself to her as a mercenary from Mathwin's group rode up to them and introduce himself as Erias. "Umm....hello Erias," Aiden said. "Look....this is a private conversation. Maybe you should go back and ride with the others." Aiden told him as politely as possible. Kitsa however, happy to meet someone new, extended her hand to Erias. "Hello I am Kitsa Stormeyes." Terin was too frustrated and wanted to deal with as few people as possible. He spurred his horse forward before Erias could shake Kitsa's hand. "Let us be," he told Erias gruffly. It was bad enough Kitsa would be around to listen to them, he didn't need some stranger hearing too. Erias was a little offended, but gently rode back to the group. Despite, he felt little need to stay, but might as well till they reach the city. But as he stood waiting gently stroking his horse, he muttered something about bloody elves who acts gruffly. Aiden glanced back at Erias as he rode away. He then turned his attention back to Terin. "By Falis Terin, what happened to you? We thought you died when you went to war all those years ago..." Kitsa wrapped her arms around Terin and listened. Now she was curious. He didn't tell her much about his past, but she was sure going to learn more now. Terin lowered his head, then flipped his hood back up to hide his scarred face. "Well, I fought in the battle. Lost half an ear," he pointed to the side of his head, even though it was covered. "Nearly got my face sliced off," he motioned a downward stroke in front of his face. "A sword nearly ripped open my ribcage, and I can't remember anything until I woke up. This man, called himself Shadow, found me. I didn't know anything. I couldn't remember my own name, or what I thought was so strange about him. He tended to to me, fixed my wounds, but I couldn't remember anything of who I was. Eventually, I learned he was a vampire, so I got away from him as fast as I could. I've been roaming for a few years, trying to remember who I was. Then, I got in a bar fight and someone clocked me on the head. Everything came rushing back to me. After that, I went to Forest to find Naclia, and it was destroyed, but they told me Naclia was traveling with warriors, so I tried tracking them down. I ended up in Raiden. An elf near Roid told me they were heading." ", Terin," Aiden said sadly. "That explains why you never came back. I'm sorry you had to come back to a dead forest." Aiden's head drooped. He glanced back at Kitsa and recalled they had yet to be introduced. "Hello, my name is Aiden Silvermoon," Aiden said and reached out to shake her hand. She just stared back, dumbfounded. "...what is it? Do I have something on my nose?" "Your name does be....Aiden Silvermoon?" Kitsa finally stammered out. Aiden nodded slowly in confusion. "Yeah...what about it?" "My father's name was Aiden Silvermoon!" Kitsa replied. Now it was Aiden's turn to be dumbstruck. His jaw hung open and he stared at the woman. "'re not even elf..." "My father did be half-elf. My mother was human. I am only a quarter elf," Kitsa replied with her heavily accented voice. Aiden scratched his head. "This is too weird..." Terin glanced between Aiden and Kitsa in surprise, his jaw gaping. He quickly snapped his mouth shut and clenched his teeth. Oh, this is just great, two siblings who have never met before have a better meeting than me and a sister who grew up together. * * * Rain smirked and nodded in agreement with Leaf. Tossing her head and bangs that had fallen into her eyes, jogging lightly over to the group gathering a short while ahead of them. Turned giving a smile back to her Cara and Dina, only noticing the look Leaf had been studying her with. "What's on your mind, Leaf? Strange looks and all..." she questioned with the same lightheartedness gifted to her as they continued to walk. "I must admit, I don't think I'm that interesting but if you insist," Rain teased beaming a smile. "Though I do wish we could get to town. I'm tired of just standing around. I wanna be in town and do that!" She stopped before the first person in her range totally oblivious to any other situation, whom happened to be Naclia, "Oy, are we movin' or what," she cheerfully demanded an answer. Mia noticed Rain trying to talk to Naclia and Talen. "Hey Rain, let her be. We're leaving," she called over to the half-elf. Her horse danced around in a circle, then trotted up to ride alongside Zatch. * * * Aiyanna nodded, "Yeah well, I trust Blade...though Sevrina is going through mood swings faster then any creature I have seen." She thanked the maid as her tea was put down in front of her. "More people should arriving today, which reminds me, I must do another vision casting and check upon their progress." With that she called the maid again. Giving her several silver coins, Aiyanna asked her to bring the large flat bowl filled with cleanest water they could get. After all another vision casting wouldn't hurt. They were a little desperate after all. Last night proved that magic could be useless at times. Aiyanna gulped down last of her tea and smiled as the bowl was placed at the next table, so she could have more room. With a short bow to all, she went over to the next table and settled herself. With a quick gesture and a murmur, a magic circle was grounded and glowed softly in silvery blue with weird runes and circles. Then another murmur and the water rippled, went cloudy and then cleared, showing just outside Raiden. It appeared that Zatch, Kitsa and Terin were meeting the elves with a wagon in tow filled with people. Her eyes searched for one in particular, her brother. Zira looked curiously over at Aiyanna's vision casting. She had never seen such a thing. Zira was craning her neck to see the image in the water, and finally just stood and walked over to the table. "There's Seri and Mia talking to Zatch. I don't know the people with Zatch. Holy Falis! All those elves! There's Fou, Talen and Naclia, Sakura riding with someone new...figures. That girl seems to draw men like flies to honey," Zira was leaning over the bowl, pointing out the people she knew. "There are around thirty elves. Three centaurs, two look like they have elves riding on their backs...A wagon at the end and some human warriors. Mercenaries maybe." She leaned back and sighed. "Well, we definitely have some help coming." Granite left her seat too so she could see the vision casting. She knelt in the chair by the table, looking into the bowl. More elves. There goes the neighborhood, she thought with a frown. But the centaurs Zira pointed were definitely intriguing. She'd seen a couple in Raiden though, one had been Moryssa's friend Friar. Whatever happened to him anyway? Aiyanna finally spotted humans among all the elves. Then her eyes widened in surprise mixed with great curiosity. "Centaurs! Falis it's really centaurs! They are my favorite constellation! They are so big! My goodness, why didn't the constellation tell me that they were so big?!" Aiyanna promptly forgot that she was looking for her brother while she carefully studied the centaurs. Her eyes widened with excitement. "Huh? There is a centaur with antlers? I don't think I remember reading about centaurs with antlers..." Aiyanna said as her eyes still kept studying them. Orion noticed the talk and heard the mention of Centaurs. That was something he hadn't ever seen, even in all his travels. He joined the group around the vision and his blue orbs widened at the sight of the centaurs. Aiyanna was right, they were huge. He hadn't realized there were that many warriors coming to their aid, though he couldn't say it didn't raise his spirits to see that help was on the way. Edwin nodded, smiling at one of the first pieces of good news this morning. "That is good to see," he blinked, a little surprised to see Centaurs since he had never seen any before. "Well they will be getting here soon right?" Aiyanna nodded, "Yes...sort of, it seems there is some tension there, huh? What in the name of?!?!" Aiyanna remarked as she saw a sobbing common elf, the purple haired knight defending the sobbing elf, and Terin break down crying, with poor Zatch trying to explain things. Then someone came into the view. "Oh my holy Marfa! It's my brother...." Aiyanna gently reached out and touched the water's surface, it didn't waver, like if it was glass. * * * Akaria sat at the window of her and Ariakan's room, staring out the window and obviously deep in thought. She wasn't considering the war, or Vesper, or even Sevrina. Her own future was on her mind. Their future. It had been ten years since her last estrus. Ten years exactly. And in the heat of the moment, without considering the consequences, she and Ariakan had likely conceived a child in the last few days. She wasn't feeling the effects of pregnancy, it was far too soon to tell. Of course, they planned to marry, and eventually they would have a child, but this was not the time. Not in the middle of a war and not before they were wed. Akaria would only have to visit one of her Marfa sisters to confirm it. She smiled a little though, despite the timing, it would be joyous news to any elf. As Akaria sat beside the window thinking, Ariakan walked up to her and gently laid a hand on her left shoulder. Looking outside at the Chaos Gate in the sky he spoke, "You look like something is wrong, care to talk about it love? Last night was not the best of nights, I still believe Xion sent that abomination after us because of the battle in Blade." He then gently massaged her shoulder as he sighed, he didn't like Sevrina from day one. Her personality was always too demanding to him, but they were stuck with her for now. "How is Moryssa doing? Is she still unconscious from her ordeal?" He asked as he looked at Akaria, still with concern about how his fiancée was holding out. Akaria leaned back into Ariakan's hands. The words would be hard to say at first, but she'd find a way to say them. Maybe she should see one of her sisters first? No, she should tell him now. Akaria placed her hand on his and smiled a little smile. "I haven't checked on Moryssa yet," she replied softly. "Sevrina left, I think. She took all the horses." Ariakan shook his head at what Sevrina had done, his smile briefly turning into a scowl. "What would possess her to take all of the horses, I didn't like or trust her from day one. I would have rather seen her left sooner, and on foot mind you. Now we are at the disadvantage in that end, I'm sure blaze would agree with me." He then returned her smile with as best he could manage for a smile, more or less a half smile as always. "Something else is bothering you though, it would seem as if you were reflecting on other matters. I'm sure Moryssa is ok, just her condition does not seem to improve at all. It's like she isn't really there, just her physical being." He held Akaria gently as he watched out the window and wondered when this war would end, when both threats would be defeated and they could live their lives in peace. Akaria smiled again and turned away from the window. "Ariakan..." she started. It was hard to get the words out. "I think I'm...pregnant." Finally, she said, and for some reason, she was grinning like a fool. Ariakan looked to Akaria and smiled lightly. "If this is true then perhaps we should find someplace safe to go, so this war will not affect us then. Let's just find out first, I could go and get one of the other priestesses to find out if you want. Still I have a score to settle, namely defeating Xion for good..." He offered as his mind pondered what this would bring for their future, waiting for her to let him know what she wanted to do. Akaria wrapped her arms around his neck, still grinning like a fool. "We'll go somewhere out of the way for awhile. They need you though, you and your power. They can always ask other priests to join them. Perhaps if they had a way to contact us through magic, you could get to them when they need you?" Ariakan listened to Akaria's words as he pondered a spell that he had learned in his time under his uncle, at least the fiend of an elf had done some good. Knowing that also they would not be safe anywhere on the main island he pondered where they could go, where the war would not touch them. "That can be done, just it can only be made as a single set of three. I need to get three amulets made, each with a sphere of obsidian in them. One of platinum, one of gold, and one of silver. They can be used to communicate, though where do we go to find solace?" Akaria nestled her head on Ariakan's shoulder. "Somewhere small and secluded, a place Chaos Generals won't bother with. Blue Dragon Island comes to mind." Ariakan held onto her still as she spoke, the idea of an island where his race was quite common somehow appealed to him. "That would work, we could be safe among the dark elves of the island. They live rather in a rather secluded area, one where we would be better protected. We should send a message to your brother, telling him to meet up with us when he can. He stayed at the mirror forest, hoping to help in trying to recover the land. Might it also be an idea to bring Moryssa home too so she can recover without interruption? All of this moving around is probably not good for her condition." Akaria nodded. "If she is still ill...she should come. But I fear there is more to her illness, if it cannot be healed." "True, perhaps though the best in that case would probably be a partial recovery. Such trauma often can inflict more damage than is apparent, I only hope she is ok." He then sighed; this war had taken something from everybody. For him the only home he had truly known, for Akaria the village and the Mirror Forest where she had grown up. How much more would it take from everyone, how much more would it do to them? The thought of it bothered him, and he just wanted to make some sense of this war. "Are you not in any way worried that this war might claim me? I know how much you dislike the fighting but if I have to still fight at times then anything could happen. I just don't want you worried about me when I do have to come back to fight, but then I know they need me and my strength and who am I to turn them away in these dark days." He held her still as he wondered what the future now would hold, with Akaria possibly pregnant and the war still raging he knew that times would still be rough on them. His mind traveled back to an earlier question though, one that he hoped would be answered in time. How could one defeat the chaos generals, and destroy them for good? He knew what they were, and that spirits were among the more difficult enemies to destroy… His mind right now though was on the idea that their legacy would continue, and that Akaria and he would finally be able to settle down and live their lives as they wanted before this war to start. She pressed her face closer to his neck. "My love, I need you safe now, more than ever. Of course I worry about you, but I also worry for our child's future. You are power...and needed. If you can make this world safe for our baby, then I must let you go." Akaria kissed his neck gently and hugged him tighter. "I know, if it meant the safety of our child that would be a worthy sacrifice. One I am willing to make, I just don't want it to come to that. I am needed nonetheless, this war will not be won if I choose to watch from seclusion and ignore the lands plight." He then smiled at her and kissed her forehead, knowing she was prepared for any future scenario that occurred. In her eyes he saw something that made him shudder, and he quickly closed his eyes and told himself it was just a possibility in his mind. "If you want I can get one of the priestesses to come to the room for you, perhaps that would be a lot more comfortable for us both if nobody else were around. It's what you want right now, I only want what is best for the both of us but you mostly." "Yes, we should get one of the priestesses. Sister Cyrla, the elderly priestess, I trust her," Akaria told him. "Alright, I'll be right back. Right now it's important this be kept quiet until we know the truth, I love you so much and I knew from the day I had to run from the village that it was not the end for us. Merely a path we both had to take, one that has brought us closer." He then stood up and headed to the common room, glancing back as he stepped out of the room. Akaria sat down on the bed as Ariakan left, her mind was reeling with excitement and anticipation...and fear. The wait for him to bring back Cyrla seemed indeterminable as she sat on the bed, fingering her skirt anxiously. * * * After the wild thundering of the horses galloping away had died down, the din was replaced by the buzz of speculation and, in some cases, distrust. Gettie looked down at her plate and surveyed the half eaten remains of bread and butter and fried eggs. The grease pooled at one side and created a glistening puddle reflecting the timbers of the ceiling. She picked at the food for a few moments, wondering what was going to happen next. Something began to happen at another table. She wondered if it would be considered rude to listen and briefly ignored them but her curiosity was too great. Besides, she rationalized, I'm stuck here as well and this involves me too. One of the sorceresses had cast a scrying pool. She heard gasps of surprise and amazement. A large contingent of elves was on their way as support. There were even centaurs who could be seen in the ranks. That proved to be too tempting and she slid from her seat to the quickly growing gathering around the basin. Even Nipa had joined the curious onlookers. Gettie found herself peering into the reflective vision next to a robust woman dwarf. "Even dwarves are here," she mused, "Where have I found myself?" The vision was not exaggerated. Elves, centaurs, weapons... all just outside the gate. She felt the bodies of those around her pressing against her own. There was comfort found in the contact, even if they were strangers. She looked at Nipa and the dwarf and the dark elf standing confidently and the human sorceress and the others that were joining the circle. Steeling her nerves, she ventured to speak, asking, "So what does this mean?" Nipa had followed Gettie over to the other table and thanks to his size he was able to move in closer than most to look at things. "WOW! Elves....Lots of elves and CENTAURS! Oh Cha Za is wonderful, I got to see Centaurs! Even father has not been able to meet them yet." He barely heard Gettie ask what all this meant, but when the sorceress pointed out her brother he smiled happily. "Cha Za is merciful to us all." Aiyanna smiled at Nipa, "Indeed, we need every blessing he can give us. I certainly wouldn't mind it." Then she looked at the newcomer from the day before. "They are suppose to be reinforcements, according to others. Right now, according to Cray we have almost no chance of winning, and that is the only reason why we keep him alive. Without Cray we have zero chance of winning so far. So we need all the help we can get. It doesn't matter if it's magical or physical combat or even keeping up the supplies and healing...we need it all." Then Aiyanna wearily sighed and the water waved lightly with a small murmur from her and cleared again, showing the what ever was going on closer. Aiyanna nodded, "No...he doesn't know...Falis...The stars have been cruel to not to gift him magic like me...I hate them for that....though I am still trying figure out my magic. I am not too sure if I want to go down there and ask Cray again about them." Aiyanna sighed and watched the party move in silence, intensely watching her brother. Zira looked up at Aiyanna from the bowl. She was curious about these two now. "How long has it been since you've seen him?" "It has been 13 years...I was 7 years old, and he was 12 years old a holy knight in training..." Aiyanna quietly said. Zira watched Ariakan come downstairs and speak with one of the Marfa priestesses. Was he smiling? She'd never seen such a positive smile on his face. When they first met, he seemed to wear an almost constant smirk, though it had faded through their journey as his dragon side awakened. To see such a happy smile on his face--even if it was a small one--had to be a sign of something good. * * * Entering the common room he located Cyrla and made his presence known behind her with a light rap of his staff on the floor. "Sister Cyrla, Akaria and I have need of your assistance. She asked for you on this matter as she has a lot of trust in you, can you please come to our room right away? We need you to find out something we suspect for now, and please don't tell anyone about anything you learn." He asked her with an unusual smile on his face, and he hardly ever had a full smile even if it was a small one. Cyrla looked up at the sound of the rapping on the floor. The elven sorcerer Akaria had arrived with came to her. It wasn't too hard to figure out, a young couple seeking her help, the man smiling. She spent her entire priesthood focusing on mothers-to-be and their babies. Akaria knew her specialty. Cyrla smiled to herself and stood. "Well then, take me to her," Cyrla said and followed Ariakan upstairs. * * * Zira returned her attention to Aiyanna. "Thirteen years? That is a long time, for you humans at least," she replied. "I wont pry though. This will be a happy reunion, I hope at least." Zira smiled to Aiyanna and put her hand on the young sorceress'. "But let's just wait for them. We don't need to watch every move of their arrival. They'll be here before we know it." "Agreed," Aiyanna murmured and the water rippled and it became normal clear water again. "'s a long for a human. My mother's family shunned him because he wasn't born a sorcerer. Same to my older sister Ciel. And they ignored my merchant father, because he wasn't a high ranking noble nor a sorcerer of renowned name and my mother for marrying him. But I think she was forgiven when I was born. I don't know all of it but this is what I gather from what I have heard and seen when I was old enough to understand the world around me. I saw the Starwinds treat my siblings like if they didn't exist and my father too," Aiyanna said as she sat down again. "Born a sorcerer? I thought people had to learn it. Some humans are born with the potential, but anyone with the desire can learn it," Zira wondered aloud. "So, I take it your family is born with the potential for sorcery? You had it and your siblings didn't. Hmph. Humans and their roles," she rolled her eyes and flagged the maid over to order another cup of tea. She heard Altaris knocking on Blaze's door moments ago, but he had yet to come downstairs. If she had to wait much longer, she'd go up there herself. Maybe he had snuck out through the window or something after she got up? Aiyanna scratched her head, "I am not too sure but you can ask Cray down at the cellar, he knows about it more then I do. He told me about my family's history briefly." Aiyanna said rather dryly mentioning Cray. She waited, a little anxiously but she would wait. Zira suddenly clenched her jaw and stared incredulously at Aiyanna when she mentioned Cray. "It's bad enough the murderer is here, it's even worse I can't run my blade through his heart. I don't need to speak to that scum. I would rather he just dropped dead," Zira told Aiyanna icily. Well, she couldn't accuse the girl of much, she didn't feel what the elves felt with the Mirror Forest gone, she wasn't there for the battles with Cray. Zira took a long sip of her warm tea and unclenched her fist. She didn't realize she'd been holding it. Little white crescents from her fingernails had dented the skin of her palm. "Falis save us," she murmured into her cup. Aiyanna quietly observed her then spoke again, "The futures I saw were terrible and sad but yet beautiful and blessed. Without Cray we have virtually no chance of winning against the chaos generals. Even with the number of dragon kin gathered here and number of elves and humans it's going to be very difficult," She paused for a breath then continued in same quiet tone. "He saved my life last night, he was the only one that abomination sent by Vesper was afraid of. When it managed get through to the cellar, it leapt at me first. I am no fighter and I froze in fear, I remember too clearly. But then he saved my life, then with Jinn I believe they drove away the thing. So I awe him now, so do spare some sympathy for me. I AWE Cray for saving my life." Aiyanna was almost grinding her teeth but instead let it go and stared at her cup hard, like if she could bore a hole in it if she just kept staring at it. "We can not let personal hatred get in our way to fight the Chaos Generals...otherwise Lodoss may not have any sort of future at all. I won't forgive those who let personal matters get better of them. They can sort it out after we defeat them...if we can." Zira sighed softly and stared into her own cup. "Aiyanna, you don't know the emptiness I feel because of him. All elves feel it. As if we've all had a piece of our hearts ripped out. The only reason I am holding back is because I know that he is no longer a Chaos General and that he will help us defeat Vesper, and perhaps the other Generals. But this is not a personal hatred. That was an act of war upon all elves, common, high and dark. Millions of lives, perhaps billions ceased to exist. You may not comprehend the importance of every single one of those lives, but they all had a place. They WERE lives. And he ended them in an instant," Zira turned her eyes to Aiyanna with obvious pain in their crimson depths. "One life saved does not negate millions lost by his hand." Aiyanna nodded, "I have no intention of forgiving him for what he did. You have to understand that I am only human, but many human seen everything they held dear being ripped away from them. We don't have life span of an elf to heal that hurt. Ahh forget about it, talking about Cray and war only makes me more depressed, I need strengthen the shield around this inn, that devilish creature last night damaged it badly." Aiyanna then motioned with her finger, a small bottle flew to her hand, shimmering in beautiful soft light. Casting a small circle, she then let a drop of the shimmering liquid drip out and float in the air before her, then directed it towards the wall. It burned bright in soft silver light then disappeared. Aiyanna then vanished the circle then sat down again. "Hmm they should just hurry up and come fast...pity Sevrina and Blade took all the horses." Zira shook her head and ran a hand back through her hair. Aiyanna couldn't understand, humans didn't have the spirituality to understand the reason elves were so upset. It wasn't just the pain of loss, it was the pain of failure to save the forest. Zira stood. "Well, Blaze still isn't down here, so I'm going to go check on him," she said aloud to whoever wanted to hear, then turned and went upstairs. Altaris was still standing at the door, so Zira didn't bother knocking, she opened the door and slipped in. And Blaze was no where to be seen. Zira crossed her arms over her chest and frowned. Edwin scratched his head and blinked as he listen to Zira and Aiyanna argue as he sipped his tea. What caught his attention was about how anyone could become a sorcerer, through he figured it was not something taken lightly. Watching Zira head up stairs Edwin shook his head again. "I am guessing there is a lot I don't know about all that is going on," he said to himself. Gettie held her emotions in check at the sorceress' comment about humans and loss. She listened to their conversation, remembering hearing about the Mirror Forest tragedy. At the time it seemed so far away and, until this moment, felt so long ago. She swallowed and stood on, listening until she heard the comment about the beast from last night and the barrier that was damaged. Her eyes opened with concern. "Excuse me," she began respectfully and with caution, "Um, a barrier? Please, what effect does it have? Will it keep people from crossing in and out of the inn? For how long are we to remain here?" She wanted to ask why everyone doesn't just get the hell out of the city altogether but knew the answer before she could speak the words. She was in the middle of the response crew. She had fallen right in the middle of the very warriors who were responsible for getting this entire mess cleared up. They couldn't leave. But could she? Gettie wasn't sure. She wasn't sure if she could, or even if she wanted to. This life seemed rather more meaningful than pouncing about before the peasants and obsessing over keeping secrets. She could be in a position to help thousands, in rather small ways seeing how she'd never lifted a sword in her life, but still, she might be able to contribute to the well being of the entire island. But when night fell... she needed to understand more to figure out what she needed to do. With all the arguing going on Nipa was glad for his height at that moment, no one noticed him so no one was getting angry at him. Looking up at Gettie he got her attention. "With all these people showing up, do you think we should go outside to wait for them?" After a moment, Gettie noticed Nipa's bright face beaming up at her. Asking, "With all these people showing up, do you think we should go outside to wait for them?" She was beginning to feel rather off-put by the events around the table, somewhat like having to sit in with merchants as they plan their audits or other private and specialized matters, but a certain necessity that she had been having to accommodate for her entire life motivated her to press for an answer. She briefly nodded to her companion before turning back to the sorceress and nearly insisting, "Please, what will be happening here once night falls?" Aiyanna raised her eyebrow, "Well...people can pass through it but if any enemies tried to pass through it they will hit the barrier. And as for what to happen...well let's say nobody knows and I am not too sure if I want to know." Aiyanna shrugged, then said again as if something came up. "Look, if you wish to leave the city...leave now, we only have today to prepare for the battle. I certainly don't want to force people to stay here. " Aiyanna was rather doubtful if this lady could do something, either by physical combat or by magic. Maybe she had wisdom others could take up? Who knew? She was a little too young to understand everything. "Any other questions? I will answer them best to my abilities." Gettie listened to the reply. While grateful to be acknowledged, it didn't quite answer what she needed to know. In her mind she considered what it would take to leave the city and make her way back on her own. Long roads. Bandits... and worse. She knew she would be dead within a day's ride outside of the city. The irony of the situation struck her as perverse: the safest place for her seemed to be under the very heart of danger. No, she would need to remain with as many well intentioned and battle ready people as she could find. Right now, this was the best place in Lodoss to be. Despite her security, she continued to press for an answer that would serve her needs. Showing concern, she pursued the subject further, "Than what is held by the barrier? Will it guard against...," she considered the best word to use, "Enchanted beasts?" Aiyanna grinned, "Yeah most I guess. Like the wyverns. Though if many of them pound the barrier enough it will go weak but will not break. Well long as it's not a beast like the one Vesper sent last night. That creature was resistant to magic, it didn't bar him in anyways." Aiyanna then mulled over what to do, though she knew there was nothing much she could do but wait. Gettie listened to the sorceress and her answer. Her answer was uncertain but this was no time to take chances. It would be better for her to find alternate lodgings. Nodding, she turned towards Nipa, "Indeed. Nipa, by all means, I would be honored to have you as an escort to watch for the new coming forces." Gettie wanted to remove herself from this crowd and take some time to search for a plan. Nipa bowed to the sorceresses, then he turned to Gettie. "Lets go out and wait for them... They may be coming here! Cha Za this is such a marvelous turn of events!" Gettie shuffled her feet and looked at the dust. She hadn't really thought that far ahead. She'd just wanted to get out of the inn before the enchanted barrier went up and have enough time to think about what she could do to prepare for dusk. "I... I'm not sure Nipa." She sighed and surrendered to uncertainty. "I would imagine that we're not the one's they'd be coming to see so whatever...," she rolled her newly purchased bow in her fingers and set the end by her foot, "So whatever we could offer to...," she looped the bowstring around the lower end and bent to bow towards the top loop, "Oof... Whatever information.. erg... we could offer to...oof.. direct them towards *grunt* whom I would suppose... Rada, this is stiff...I suppose would be best in theirs and...grrr... thus our, best interests... whoo!" She admired the gentle arc of the wood. It would be a good bow. She felt slightly guilty about her thoughts that drifted towards possibly having to use it for what seemed to be an unavoidable battle as opposed to hunting. Her family was a patron of several temples to Rada and gave obligatory observance towards the deity but the true teachings her family had impressed upon her was that true wisdom come from following whatever actions that allow you to learn on the next day. * * * Ariakan led Cyrla to the room that he and Akaria shared and opened the door, stepping in he looked to Akaria and sat down beside her. "She's here, I think that you are right though. You always did know yourself quite well, and even from the day that I was found outside the village you read me like a book. Anyways, I'm sure that we shouldn't keep her waiting." He then held her for a few seconds kissed her on the cheek lightly before stepping back and letting sister Cyrla check her over, watching as he quietly slipped his hand into Akaria's hand and watched her with a calm look on his face. Cyrla sat down beside Akaria and placed her hand on the elven priestess's stomach. Cyrla closed her eyes and prayed; "Holy Marfa, mother of Creation, lend me your power to see the life your child has created." Cyrla's aged hands glowed with holy light and a smile crept across the priestess's face. After a moment, she pulled back and smiled to Akaria. "Well, you are going to be a mother, Sister Akaria. It's far too soon to tell much more than that, but congratulations." Akaria's smile grew broader and more certain. She hugged Ariakan, then Cyrla. A look of joy flashed in Ariakan's eyes, his line would have heirs but more than that he would finally be a father. Hugging Akaria as tightly as she hugged him a tear finally fell. "This is indeed good news, I know that they will have her beauty and our combined intelligence. I just hope that they do not grow up knowing war like we have love, this is something I do not want them to face." Cyrla chuckled. "Remember, I'll be willing to help you birth when the time comes. And I'm always here if there's anything you need during the pregnancy," then Cyrla's voice grew dark and concerned. "I do hope that you won't be around for much longer. I don't want you risking your baby's life." Akaria nodded. "Yes, we plan to disappear for awhile," she replied. "Thank you, Cyrla. I will keep in contact. I would be honored to have you be my midwife." Cyrla stood and straightened her skirts. "I'll let you be. And don't worry, I won't say a word to anyone." Cyrla then left and returned to the common room. Akaria turned to Ariakan after Cyrla shut the door, then gently kissed him. He kissed her back and thanked Cyrla before she left, after she had exited he looked at her with a light smile that persisted. Sitting down he wondered about the future, and then knew that somehow he would have to recover his family's vast wealth from the crypt in Karla's castle. "I guess now we must prepare to leave, unless another major battle arises then we should leave soon. The Blue Dragon Islands would be the perfect location, we just need to send word to someone who could arrange us shelter there. I only hope I can be to our child what my own father had hoped to be to me, before the truth was twisted…" Looking in her eyes his gaze wandered to her stomach, smiling lightly he looked back into her eyes and held her close. The future was now brighter but still quite unclear, though he would still see this war end victoriously. Akaria couldn't stop smiling. She hugged Ariakan tight, then scooted onto his lap. "We should probably leave soon, if we want to be safe. They said Vesper gave them three days. Maybe we should go tonight, and take Moryssa and Toan perhaps?" Ariakan held her with joy as he smiled lightly and gently brushed the side of her face, he knew a battle was coming and they would probably need his skills. Though he would consult with the group on the coming battle, hoping they would understand his absence from it. "Tonight would give us the time we need to travel safely from here, I think Moryssa and Toan could use some time away from the conflict. I have not had a good nights rest since this whole war started; perhaps once we're safe sleep will come easier. I will return shortly, I need to acquire some supplies in order to remain in contact should the others need to reach us." Standing up he kissed Akaria and held her close for a few moments more before heading down to the common room and then outside into the chill of the morning, now time was of the essence. * * * Thangroth stepped into the inn, with a sigh he looked around. A good tankard of stout ale or even beer would be good, the trail had left him thirsty. But at long last he'd arrived, now all he had to do was have a meal, find out where he could sign up to help in the battle and well... The rest would tend to itself. Grinning widely he strode up to the counter, and rested Hanna gently on his other arm spoke to the barkeep. "Ahem! Barkeep, good day to ...down here. Yes!! I'd like a good meal and a large tankard of Ale." Thangroth was in such a jovial mood he actually hummed a tune while waiting for the barkeeps reply. The innkeeper looked down at the dwarf who just walked in. He was tired and ragged looking, and also surprised that the dwarf walked in to patronize his inn, even under the shadow of the black hole in the sky, the shattered front window, the rest of the windows that were boarded and the front door decimated. "Uhh...sir, we aren't open for business," he informed Thangroth. Certainly, he'd get a confused look, but it was the first thing that came to mind. Granite had watched Thangroth enter and head to the bar. She looked him over and smiled to herself. He was very handsome, and so strong! She left the table she was sitting at and sashayed over to the bar. "Hello," she said as she pulled herself onto the stool. "What brings you here?" Granite batted her lashes. Behind the bar the inn keeper threw up his arms and went into the kitchen and brought out a tankard of ale. Thangroth turned beet red as he blushed, had his older brothers been present to see it he'd never have heard the end of it. Smiling, he tried to remember everything his mother taught him about etiquette and spoke as he bowed to the dwarven beauty before him. "Ah! A vision of loveliness has graced me, I'm honored milady. Thangroth Broadarm be my name, and I've come to help out in the battle to save Raiden." Had Urgrin and Hordgrim been there surely the two would've died happy from the rolls of laughter that would have issued from his siblings. Thangroth was never good at introductions, but he hoped that one wasn't too awkward. Granite batted her eyes and grinned under her soft black beard. "Oh Thangroth, aren't you charming?" she giggled. "I am Granite Stone," she said and extended her hand, hoping for him to kiss it. Thangroth took Granite's hand and gently kissed it, then with a smile he spoke offering his arm to her. "Well Milady Stone, I'm honored to meet your acquaintance. I was just going to partake of a bit of ale and a good meal. I'd be doubly honored and delighted if you'd join me. And perhaps you might join me in some good conversation, it's been long since I've had a chance to engage in good conversation, especially a lovely and radiant young woman as yourself" Thangroth hoped the bar patron would return with some good ale, and perhaps he wouldn't be adverse to cooking up a meal. Granite batted her eyes coyly. "Why, I would love to!" she replied to Thangroth. Well, he's certainly very well spoken, compared to most men. The innkeeper emerged from the kitchen with a plate of eggs, bacon and bread and placed it on the bar in front of Thangroth, then produced two mugs of ale for both of them. The priests of Myrii had spent the entire morning up in one of their rooms, praying for those lost in the battle the night before and especially counseling priestess Adali. She had lost a friend that was close enough to be her sister. Finally, they all filed downstairs Dantcobs, Cadila, Haelin, Glosin, Estius, Adali, Turan and Talahm. Dantcobs led them by the Cha Za table to get any weapons they enchanted. All armed again, they surrounded a table and sat. A maid hurried over to take breakfast orders, which were given in somber voices. Glosin looked over the common room and spotted Granite sitting at the bar...with another man. All they did was flirt the night before, but Glosin was hoping for a serious chance with her. Now some guy he'd never seen before was moving in on her. The young dwarf priest sulked at the table and waited for breakfast. * * * Aiyanna shrugged, hoping Alera had be coming back soon. Talking about magic certainly helped to pass the time. Then she remembered that Edwin was there also, maybe she could talk to him? She gave up on that idea and walked out towards the door, tearing a little slit in the shield then fixing it again. The she saw Jinn near the door. "EH? Jinn? How come you didn't come in?" "Hm?" Jinn perked his head towards Aiyanna. He curves his lips into a quick smile. "I just wanted to be by breeze." Aiyanna smiled in return, "Sounding like a true air elemental. I hope the reinforcements are here soon, my brother is with them! I can't wait till they reach this inn!" Aiyanna smiled ear to ear. She was excited and nervous at the same time, because he wouldn't know she was here waiting for him. "Hm," Jinn smiled, amused by her excitement. He turned his head back out the door and watched the portion of uncovered sky on the edge of the horizon. It was that kind of smile that Jinn wanted to protect in Zipang and took up the Sky Wolf sword-style from his late-master. He had failed in Zipang but swore he would not here. "Never again..." Jinn whispered to himself. * * * Orion reseated himself silently. It was certainly good news that the others were finally arriving and it gave him some comfort. He looked about quietly, enveloped in his own thoughts. He listened silently to the others speak but stayed quiet, gazing at the table as if he was melting it with his eyes. Since nobody was around to claim enchanted weapons, Elza left the other priests and went over to Orion's table. Her pulse was racing, and she didn't know if she had the courage to go over and just talk to him. He seemed so lonely though. So beautiful and lonely. Blushing, Elza took a seat beside him. "Hi Orion," she said, her voice trembling. Her mind seemed to freeze up, unable to think of anything else to say. Orion jumped slightly and looked over at Elza, his blue eyes sparkling gently. "Hi Elza," he smiled gently and tried to think of something to say. His heart rate increased and he was trying hard not to blush in her presence. She was beautiful beyond compare. "How are you?" He knew it probably sounded ridiculous to her but it was all he could think of to start some kind of conversation. Elza felt her stomach flutter in excitement as Orion's dark blue eyes met her sky blue ones. His musical elven voice speaking her name nearly made her melt. And he was blushing just as bad as she was. It made him seem...more attainable. Without thinking, she blurted a reply, "I'm great!" Despite the looming Chaos Gate, the death they had all witnessed last night, the fights...speaking to him made her forget all that. Elza turned beet red though, when she realized how exuberantly she had spoken. She looked down at the table and fiddled with a few drops of split tea on a saucer that was left on the table. Finally, she propped her elbows on the table and and rested her chin on the back of her hands. "Orion, tell me about you," she said with the bit of courage that was coming to her. "Where are you from?" Orion couldn't help but laugh softly at her reply, "Well thats good." He became a little more comfortable and smiled gently. "To be quite honest I've never really had a permanent home," he shrugged slightly. "I've traveled all my life," he brushed his bangs from his face gently. "What about you, Elza?" he looked at her, a soft smile on his face. Something about her made him more agreeable. Usually he wouldn't tell anyone much about himself, but she was different. "Wow, you must have been in a lot of places," Elza commented. She was feeling a little envious of his travel, but she had met people of so many different sorts in Raiden. "I grew up in Honto, my father owns an inn there. My older sisters married, but I came to Raiden to be a priestess when I was 16. I'm almost 18 now." She looked up at Orion after telling the summarized version of her life, which was probably unimpressive to him. "Well, tell me more about you, where have you traveled to?" Orion nodded briefly, his blue eyes sparkling slightly in the light. "In a way. I need a reason to stay put. A reason to find a home." He spoke half of his heart, not really noticing the words. Taking a deep breath Edwin watched as the inn quieted down, slowly standing up from the table as Orion started to talk to the Elza. Walking over to the table with the other priest of Cha Za Edwin took off his quiver of arrows and his sword placing them down. "Last night I didn't leave my weapons with because I thought you would be overworked I was wondering if you could get to them today," he smiled trying to be polite and respecting of the priest knowing this would be a tough three days for them. Isorith smiled to the young warrior. "Ah, now you come around. Don't worry, we expect that we will do another set of enchantments for the new comers." She picked up the weapons and turned to Sairina. "Take these upstairs please?" Sairina did as requested and took Edwin's weapons upstairs. * * * Joline stood in her stirrups to see what was going on. It looked like they were back on the move. "Hey! Here we go!" she announced to the mercenaries. The elves ahead of them clucked to their horses, or walked on on foot. Jonas slapped the reins and his horses followed. Arturo sighed content that they were finally on the move, taking a quick appreciative glance of Joline. He spurred his horse forward to ride along side of her. "Finally, I guess we won't be old and gray by the time we reach our destination. Eh, milady?" Trying to speak in a tone as playful as he could muster, he gave her a wry smile. Cara & Dina started moving as well, but since Rain and Leaf had not moved yet they decided to give them a hand, or two. Dina grabbed Leaf from behind and hefted her up so that she was sitting on his shoulders just as Rain was lifted up and sat upon Cara's shoulders. "You two should not stop in front of us," Dina chided while snickering. Rain screeched in delighted surprised, especially after Mia gently rebuked her. "Woah! You could have just ran us over." Grabbing Cara's arms for support after being hoisted onto his shoulders. It was still very impressive to be nearly fifteen feet high and looking down at the others. She could see further down the road. Carefully, Rain allowed her legs to dangle down either side of Cara's head. She tenderly placed one of his hands on her hips to steady herself as he followed the group. Cara chuckled at Rain, "Now why would we want to run you over?" Letting her place his hands, Cara continued to pull the cart with little help from Dina. * * * Seri and Sera rode to the front again, accompanied by Zatch and Mia now. His Five Brothers fell in alongside them. Even further ahead of them rode Terin, Aiden and Kitsa, speaking privately. Just behind the leaders, Fou-Lu, Talen and Naclia, Sakura and Fenix, Ryna and Callin, and Erias rode. Past them, the rangers and centaurs along the outside, and at the very end, Mathwin and his mercenaries. It was a short trip before they were stopped by a familiar common elf at the entrance to Raiden, he yawned and looked up at Sera and Seri with a blank expression. "'Bout time you guys got here." "Why are you here? I thought you decided to leave at Honto." Sera said, her tone increasingly annoyed. "How long have you been waiting here, oh brother dear?" "Oh relax, just brought some information. Actually, I spent most of the night at the dark elf forest a little ways away. Thought I may get a few of them to help us out. After all, when theres a big, chaotic energy mass, best to ask someone who has used dark spirits, right?" Azala flicked his nose and chuckled slightly. "Anyway, it turns out its not really a forest. At least, not in the ways we usually think of them. However, there are a few dark elves in the city who plan to fight. The rest are back at the forest to defend themselves. I figure a few rangers from our little army here won't be missed... Well, speak of Falis, theres one of the dark elves now... I think?" A figure approached the group, stopping briefly to study them. Partially dark elf, clear enough, but he seemed like something more. His appearance was similar to Mia's, the half dark and half light aspect, but his eyes were different. And the way he carried himself wasn't like a ranger. He studied the group for a few moments before approaching them. "Hey, wheres Mia? I'm sure a dark elf would probably trust another dark elf then a common elf." Seri was still frustrated with Azala, and hurting deeply, though she did a good enough job to hide it. She went about her business, dismounting Ilavirin and taking everything she needed off the mare's back. She said goodbye to the horse and allowed a ranger to take her to where Mia and Fou-Lu waited. Seri looked up at the new comer who approached them. He was tall and muscular, and carried himself proudly, but not entirely with elven grace. Seri's senses could tell her his race. He was half-elf, but Seri wasn't entirely certain which elven race he was descended of, perhaps both? He was also partially human, but what stood out the most was his definite dragonic aura. "Azala, he's not just dark elf, he's dragon-kin," Seri told Azala matter-of-factly, despite the fact she wanted to throttle him and snuggle him at once. "Well, he seems a little small for one, doesn't he?" And ranging from the lesser dragons he had seen. Azala turned his gaze back to Seri and gave her a slight wink. "Well, I suppose you would know?" Sera watched the newcomer slightly, prepared to draw her weapon if she needed. It wasn't until one of the scouts approached and told her he was the one who had saw them that she approached Seri. "It appears this is one of the dragon kin the scouts saw fight last night. He calls upon the power of the earth. If he attacks, we will not be at an advantage on horses." Thorn, meanwhile, approached cautiously, looking from the people in front, to the the elf on foot, to the elves who where knocking arrows in their bows, or those who had half drawn blades. Well, nothing he could do now except continue. "Excuse me, but you are the army that came here to fight the Chaos General, correct?" * * * Erias sighed in relief as they moved forward again but something he did not anticipate was that elves were dismounting from the horses and taking them away. Maybe horses are useless in the dead city. Erias scratched his head, trying to think of what to do for his horse. Should he let it go like the elves or keep it? Ryna climbed down out of the saddle, then put everything she'd need on her back. When Callin dismounted, she lead their horse over to where Mia and Fou waited with other horses. "Well, we'll see you soon," she told Mia and turned back to the rest of the group. Now that the horses were being led away, Dina thought it was a good thing that they still had the cart. "Anyone that wants to can ride the rest of the way in the cart..." he paused as he thought of something, "Oh and there won't be anymore running now that we are here." Inside the cart was mostly supplies right now, along with Dina's and Cara's weapons. But there was still enough room for several more to sit inside without a problem. Leaf sat sideways on Dina's back, legs crossed and elbows on his shoulders. "Nah, I'm sure none of the elves need to sit after getting off their horses," she murmured to Dina. She looked up ahead to Azala, and the half-elf with him. "I wonder who he is?" she asked aloud. She'd met two other half-elves on this journey, it was exciting to meet another. Dina looked sideways at her and snickered, "You're making it very hard to turn him into a work horse," he told Leaf while nodding towards Cara who seemed oblivious to everything at the moment. "As for who they are, I have not a clue. But I was wondering what will we do when we get in to Raiden?" "Leave him alone, Dina," a voice called from on Cara's shoulders. "I don't want him to forget what he's doing and take a tumble just because they don't wish to dirty their feet walking. He's busy." Rain smiled, looking far ahead, leaning slightly forward, perilously testing her fortunes, "Oh wow. Leaf, is that another half-elf?" As she spoke she subtly pet the painted centaur's hand, which held her firmly around her waist. * * * Jonas's wagon pulled up at the end of the line. "Now what?" he grumbled to himself. Joline had been riding alongside the wagon and heard his comment. She looked over at the merchant. "Master Mathwin, are you sure you want to stay in Raiden? Why don't you go on to Flaim, or back to Moss?" Jonas shook his head. "I'm going on to Hishi. I wont need so many guards any more. Delgar and his friends decided to stick with me to make up for what happened in Dragon Eye. It's easiest to pass through Raiden to get to Hishi." Joline nodded and leaned back in her saddle. "So, Arturo, I think I'm going to give my horse to the elves. Perhaps you should give them Shaana for her safety?" Arturo looked at Joline and wondered for a moment, then nodded her advice was sound. The elves were good with animals, he was a bit uneasy at the thought of doing so, but would feel far worse if Shaana were ever injured. "Sound advice, hopefully they'll be safer than placing them in a stable somewhere. Thank you, Joline." Arturo turned and looked at Mathwin, he hoped the man knew what he was doing. Guards or not one couldn't be too careful. "Master Mathwin, good journey to you, be careful." Joline smiled and gracefully swung out of the saddle. She pulled her pack and bedroll off the saddle, then her quarterstaff out from beneath the stirrups where she tucked it. She gave her horse an affectionate pat, then reached over and petted Shaana. The mare whickered and nudged Joline's hand. Joline giggled. "Well, shall we go Arturo?" Arturo dismounted Shaana, but not with the same grace as Joline. With a smile he gently patted Shaana's neck and rubbed her mane, and spoke compassionately to his beloved horse. "There, there girl... I'll see you soon. Maybe bring you back a nice apple or some carrots, would you like that? Be good while I'm gone okay?" Then turning to Joline, Arturo spoke playfully while smiling. "I'm ready milady, allow me to escort you." Joline smiled and linked her arm with Arturo's, holding onto her horse's reigns. They led the horses to where Mia and Fou-Lu were waiting with the others. Joline looked inquisitively at all the horses who where just standing near the two elves and not tied down. It must have been that elven connection with animals the kept them all there. Joline handed the reins of her horse over to Mia. Her horse easily walked forward with out the need of assurance and let the elf remove her bridle. With the bridle off, the horse walked forward to join the others and waited patiently. Joline scratched her head in open wonder. Arturo was surprised as well Joline's horse stepped over calmly and settled with the others. Elves did have a way with animals, which became even more evident to him as he handed Shaana's reins over to Fou-Lu. Shaana walked over and settled by the other horses and waited. Arturo almost gaped, then caught himself, with a slight smirk he looked at Joline and spoke. "One day I'm going to have to ask them to teach me how they do it? Sigh..shall we go milady?" Joline made a graceful curtsy to Mia and Fou-Lu. "Thank you," she replied, then allowed Arturo to lead her back to group. The attention was on Azala, who recently returned. Joline heard enough of his name the night before because of his prank in Honto. There was also another person there, Joline heard mention of Dragon-Kin and half-elf. She silently observed. Arturo gently took Joline's arm and led her back towards the others. He was surprised to see so many elves, and wondering what Joline was looking at he turned his head in that direction inquisitively. A content warm smile spread across his face, here with Joline. Even in the face of the obvious problems that loomed over Lodoss, he was calm and a bit happier than he'd been in a long time. * * * Terin and Aiden had fallen in behind the others before reaching the gate, after their conversation was finished. He was frustrated because Aiden and Kitsa were so excited that they may--mostly likely--be siblings. He was still hurting from Naclia's reaction to him as well. Now, he was sure to ride out of her sight, but so he could still see her. Once they reached the city gates, Terin watched as the other riders dismounted. "What's going on?" he asked aloud. "We're leaving the horses outside the city, for their safety," one of the elves nearby said. Terin nodded and dismounted. Despite his frustration, he still held out his hand to Kitsa to help her out of the saddle. But now, as he looked at her, his anger with her started to fade. He couldn't stand to be angry with someone so beautiful. Kitsa took Terin's hand and unceremoniously tumbled from the saddle. She blushed as she steadied herself against Terin. "Sorry....the ahh...dismounts are hard," she said. Aiden gracefully dismounted his horse. As he did, Aaewin came over and linked her arm with him. "So, mind telling me what's going on?" "I'll tell you later gorgeous," he told Aaewin and tipped her chin up to kiss her. He pulled away and presented Kitsa to Aaewin. "I'd like you to meet my half-sister Kitsa." Aaewin looked up at Aiden. "Half-sister? She's not even half-elf." "My--our--father was half-elf. Funny twist of fate, huh? Kitsa, this is Aaewin, Aaewin, Kitsa," Aiden said and Aaewin shook Kitsa's hand hesitantly. "And this is my old friend Terin. Terin, meet Aaewin." * * * Erias sighed and carefully dismounted from his horse and took off the blankets he was using as a saddle and patted the horse once and spoiling by giving him an apple. He led it to where others were giving up their horses, and gave it a good patting before letting it go. "Be a good a boy and keep your self away from danger." Erias swung his pack on to his shoulder and walked back towards where others were. Fou-Lu got Erias's horse to come to him, then took off the horse's bridle and sent him over with the others. Mia was feeling better, which he was happy to see. He was looking forward to a little time alone with her. "You used to live in the forest, didn't you?" he asked Mia. Mia nodded as she unbridled another one of the elven ranger's horses. "What's your point Fou?" "Well, I was just trying to make conversation," So much for that idea. She was just as moody as she had been for the last few days. Mia sighed and slumped a little. "Sorry Fou, I'm just jaded. I need some rest...and time away from the others." Fou smiled a little. "I know, we'll have some time away from them soon. Hey, is that Azala up there?" "If it is, I don't care. I hope Seri slaps him again," she murmured, without looking up. Fou smirked. "Me too." "Azala isn't ready to settle down, and Seri wants someone she can grow with. She doesn't take love as lightly as he does. She's never really wanted, or needed a man, until just recently," Mia explained. "Azala needs to grow up," Fou commented. Mia shrugged. "Only if he wants to be with Seri." * * * While the others were leaving their horses behind, Cara (with Rain still on his shoulders) moved closer to the gates to see just what was left of the city. From the hill things looked bad, but up close things appeared to be quite a bit worse. "It looks like this town has already seen a major battle... Or maybe several..." Dina too was looking in on the city and was ready to go ahead and enter the city when Cara spoke. "What happened here?" He asked though he really did not expect anyone to know the answer. Leaf stayed on Dina as they rode forward. The centaurs didn't seem to notice that the elves were all about to shoot the new half-elf full of arrows. Leaf gave a little wave to Thorn as she rode by. As they looked into the city, Leaf gaped at the battered city. "It looks like a battle already happened..." Thorn looked at the people who had said, or asked, if a battle had occurred. He followed Leaf a bit closely, she was pretty enough. And at least she didn't point a weapon at him. Even if she was riding on... a horse human creature. "That is correct miss. There was a battle here. One of the Chaos Generals attacked, the other people fought against him, and he left. But not before putting that thing in the sky." Dina cocked his head towards the man, "Are you saying that a man did that?" Cara found it hard to believe but not as impossible as his friend. "I have always been told to be wary of mans ambitions... It was one mans ambitions that slaughtered my herd, and my family." He had not wanted to bring that up, but it slipped out anyway. Gritting his teeth in frustration Cara tried to push on to move away from him. Unfortunately with Dina still connected to the wagon he was pulled along as well with Leaf and Rain as passengers. Thorn shook his head. That couldn't be a man. Maybe a Demon or a djinn. "I doubt it was a man. A man is mortal, and striking certain body parts will kill. The one I saw took a spell in the chest and he didn't look like he was phased at all." He scratched his nose. "As for ambitious, he only wanted to destroy." Rain gritted her teeth at Cara's words, body tensing on his shoulders. The words had been a rough as running scales across skin. A gentle squeeze of her hand atop Cara's reassured him of her sympathies and love. "Had man done that," she wondered aloud. She'd only had dealings with men in an impersonal manner when the mercenaries had joined their caravan. Even that had not cast a shiny ray of approval of the half of lesser known race of her blood. The world outside the forest was proving harsher than the half-elf could have imagined. Rain sat with a deadpanned expression. Her eyes passed over the remains of the battled before transfixing themselves upon the ominous thing in the sky. She did a double-take when she finally looked down at the man before them. He What sort of race is he? she thought to herself before noticing he was speaking. "Demon or djinn? What sort of creature are they," she passed a worried look between the centaurs and Leaf. Zatch was silent throughout the rest of the trip to Raiden's gates while the brothers tested the soil and plant life with their chemicals. He had noticed Sakura was avoiding him and debated if he should just confront her. Instead he decided to just give her whatever space she needed, Zatch knew he suffered for his injustice but asking for forgiveness still didn't feel right. As he rode he overheard the conversation Rain and Cara, strangers to him but they brought up excellent points. Her then chimed in. "When it comes to pain and torment we humans are rivaled only by the minions of hell, it's something we seem to excel at. I think the Chaos generals are men, corrupted by the Chaos gate but men none the less." "Lower your weapons," Seri ordered the rangers around her. Some listened, some didn't. Seri sighed in frustration. "Sera, tell them to lower their weapons. He's not the enemy." She looked at Thorn again, and heard the debate on the Chaos General's race. They were human, as far as she knew. Cray was human. She could only assume the one that destroyed Blade was human, as well as the one assaulting Raiden. "Leave your horses and let's go onto the city. We can debate this when we're at an inn...or two," she told the others, then walked through the gates. "Zatch, will you lead us to where the others are staying?" As Zatch dismounted he looked around the mass of travelers, and then thought about the mass already there. It appeared things would get a little crowded. "Of course. Just watch yourselves, this city can be dangerous even when tensions aren't raised so high." Zatch replied and began walking towards Dabagon Inn. * * * Now with all the horses that were handed over to them, Mia and Fou watched their friends, the elves and the merchant with his mercenaries enter the gates until they were all through. She turned to Fou, "Well, handsome, shall we go?" Fou-Lu smiled warmly, gazing fondly upon Mia. "Yes, lets go," he replied. Mia turned her horse away from the gates and rode down the east road. Fou followed her lead and rode alongside her. Lucied trotted between their two horses, who were long used to the wolf. Free of bridles and riders, the rest of the herd energetically followed. * * * Seri curiously looked at Dravin after what he told her. "Tell me Dravin, why can you not stand the sight of one of those people? Who is it?" She motioned for him to walk alongside her so she could talk to him. She took a moment to glance back at Sera. "You might want to take your rangers to another inn, like Dravin suggest, Sera. I don't think there will be much room at the inn my friends are at. Especially not for nearly forty people." "Very well. I will go with him to the other inn myself. I think you can handle any disputes if the half elves go with you, and if they head with me, I can stop any more mistreatment," Sera replied. It was very likely it would take several inns to accommodate the party. And that wasn't mentioning the centaurs. Human cities did not accommodate them. "And at the moment I suppose we should separate Naclia from Terin. They didn't react well to each other." Seri nodded to Sera's suggestions. "There should be plenty of inns, so I've heard. Raiden has many travelers that pass through. I think we might have to fix up a stable again for the centaurs. Maybe if you find an inn with wide doors they can get in? Since Naclia's so tired, maybe she should go with you." Seri returned her attention to the half-elf dragon-kin walking alongside her. "That woman known as Sevrina. I can abide thieves, but assassins should all be exterminated for the murderers they are. I would have cut her apart if it not been for the people around her thinking she was a capable leader." Thorn stated with a slight snarl in his voice. "Besides, she hired me. Bad business to kill your employers. You tend not to get paid. And I suppose we'll need even an assassins help against those creatures." Seri nodded and smiled just a little. "Sevrina, she was never very grounded. I would think she was one of those dark elves that was badly influenced by Kardis' presence on Marmo. There's something amiss about her." Seri looked up at Dravin, which was nearly straight up for her. "But kill her, Dravin? Would that be any better than what she has done? But let's forget that subject, who else was there? Was there a were-wolf with her?" Thorn frowned, giving a slight nod. She was right, killing the woman would be the same thing. "Werewolf? No, I remember a dispute about that though. Another dragon was threatening Sevrina that she killed him so he would kill her. There are several sorcerers there. The one known as Alera is reckless, but apparently there's a novice there under Alera." "Theres also one by the name of Zira there. A bunch of elves, a few humans, a half elf... and then theres the knight of Lodoss, the high elf, a sorcerer, and a duke. But they aren't at the inn. I don't think they trusted the people at the inn." "Blaze then," Seri murmured. "If Gale is not there and Cray is with Sevrina, then I trust her even less," Seri nearly whispered the part about Cray, so the other elves didn't hear it. They would be having a blood bath soon enough, they didn't need one over Cray unless he proved to still be their enemy. "I do not know an Alera, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have picked up a few more strays." She had seen many new faces in Cassandra's vision. Sera gave Seri a brief glance, then back at her rangers, then at the mercenary. "Alright, I'll take some of my forces with you. You lead the way to your inn. I'll leave the rest of the splitting to you Seri. How many rooms can this inn accommodate?" "The inn is empty of a great many people. In fact, only my mercenaries. It should be able to take ten more people if very cramped." Thorn said, scratching behind his ear. "Very well." Seri pointed to five of the rangers and they walked forward With the grace of which they moved they had seen battle, both men and women had scars on their pretty faces. "How about you, centaurs? We split, do you wish to come with myself and the mercenary?" Cara heard the talk about putting them in the stables again and he sighed heavily. Having Rain on his shoulders, and having her trying to calm him was helping his mood a lot. But he was not looking forward to being left out of things again. Looking to Dina and Leaf he commented, "The last time we stayed in a stable and let you two run off you got into a fight, I don't want to have to go through that again." Dina chuckled at him, "I do not think that they will let all of them drink that much again so it should be a quiet night." Leaf pouted and sat back on Dina's back. "It wasn't my fault. That pervert started it." Rain whole heartedly agreed with Leaf, "Yeah. They were all pawie, we only defended ourselves." She bent at the waist to peer down at the centaur upon whose shoulders she rested, "What do mean 'go through it again'? We were doing the fighting while you two were hunkered down in the stables napping." A grin broke over the half-elf's face, "Why do you wanna jump into the fray next time, Cara?" For the first time Rain paused. Sitting back and turned to look at Cassandra whom seemed more than a little distracted. "Cassandra? Are you okay," she asked with concern in her voice. She hadn't spoken in sometime and it began to cause for some concern. Rain could never tell what the older antlered centaur was thinking... "Just thinking, child," she replied. Cassandra had silently followed Dinalindel, Caradithil and the half-elf girls who rode them. She had nothing to say, but she was closely observing everyone. This new fellow, Dravin. Zatch, the five priests of Rada, Kitsa and Terin. So far, that proved to be very intriguing. She heard that Naclia and Terin were siblings, then heard Aiden introduce Kitsa as his sister to the elf he had spent the entire trip with. Strange, how the threads of destiny seemed to be tied to this city. Kitsa and Aiden, Terin and Naclia were brought together for a reason here. She felt it wouldn't be the end of such unique occurrences. Cara and Dina exchanged glances then looked back at the two girls before shrugging their shoulders. This act caused Rain to be lifted up slightly higher than before. "If you don't mind we would like to continue on to the main inn," Dina said apologetically. * * * Joline watched as the group started filing in through the great city gates. "Finally, we're moving!" she said and the knot of anxiety in her gut shifted. Joline walked in on foot, bouncing her quarterstaff along the ground as she did. It felt good to finally be on her own two feet again, though she missed the company of her horse. Arturo smiled to himself, he was glad to be entering the city as well. But what warmed his heart was seeing Joline at ease and happy, he was sure she'd been anxious to get moving as he was. The large volume of people entering the city gates was moving along smoothly and he hoped that they'd be able to find a good inn. Turning to Joline he spoke. "Well..what say we find a good inn. Hate to think with my stomach but, it's demanding food. But, I forget my manners. What would you like to do Joline?" He smiled as he spoke, and could feel his stomach growling. Apparently it wanted to be full, a good meal, nice conversation with the company of Joline were all he was really focusing on right now. He'd attend to other matters, such as following up leads on his father later, and whatever else demanded his attention. Joline smiled and nodded to Arturo. "Maybe we should find an inn away from the elves, we don't really fit in around them. Fasz and Luria could join us there. Maybe Kazh'e, she doesn't seem too comfortable around other elves." Arturo nodded and had to agree, there were a lot of fair folk, and not to down any of them, but he'd feel a bit more comfortable away from them. He wouldn't feel as if he were intruding upon them. Turning to Joline, he spoke warmly. "I agree, I'd feel a bit more comfortable as well. All we need to do now is find an inn that will be suitable." Erias sighed as they finally got through the gate and moved into the street, he decided to follow the main party not the rangers. He wasn't exactly best friends with the elven rangers, and he was sure they weren't exactly friendly to humans either. He lightly walked, tapping the bottom of his halberd's poll in a slow rhythm as he walked near the merchant. * * * Aiyanna's head perked up at the sound of many moving feet behind her. She turned and then saw a whole party of people on the same street as Dabagon Inn was on. She didn't waste time, she waited the last two days for this. Aiyanna ran towards them, "Erias! Erias!" she was already smiling like an idiot but it didn't matter to her right now. Forget about her dignity! Her brother was here. Erias didn't hear it at first, but he jerked his head up at the sound of someone calling his name. Who did he knew that well in Raiden? Erias squinted, looking at the running figure from some distance. He jogged a few more steps to get a better view of the person. The his heart almost stopped and his body did. It was someone he had been looking for the last thirteen years. His sister, Aiyanna. He abandoned the merchant and ran past the other mercenaries, elves and other members of the party, he didn't care that weight of the halberd hindered him a little. Aiyanna was a little lost on where about he was in the party but a figure ran out from midst of all sorts of races of Lodoss. Erias nearly got knocked out from the impact as his sister threw herself at him and hugged him. Erias was crying, not loudly, but silent tears and Aiyanna just buried her face in his chest to believe that each other's presence wasn't a dream. No words were spoken for a few moments, until Erias gently lifted her face, and both laughed gladly. "Ah! My once shining holy knight of Valis! Where have you been?" Aiyanna said still grinning ear to ear and holding onto him. "And, where has my lovely noble sorceress been off to?" Erias replied, now his own face lit with adoring smile for his younger sister. "Hmm.. let's see I will tell you the tale later and you must tell me yours!" Then Aiyanna yelped as she was lifted of the ground and carried off in his arms. "No!!! Erias! This is embarassing! Put me down at once!" Aiyanna wriggled in his arms but it was useless. Erias just chuckled first then answered back. "Then who else but your own brother gets to tease you like this!" Erias laughed once more, and Aiyanna put up her arms in sign of defeat, then made a small tugging motion at his abandoned halberd on the ground and it floated upright as if some invisible force was carrying it. "So which inn do I take my noble sorceress too?" Erias said as he looked incredulously at his halberd, which his sister was moving by magic. "That inn not far from here, called Dabagon Inn. There is someone I want you to meet." Erias raised his eyebrow at this, "What you command little sister who is not so little anymore." Aiyanna grinned and nodded as Erias carried her towards the inn which was in his sight already. Aiyanna held dearly onto him, as if she will never let go off him ever again. Zira sighed and stomped back downstairs in frustration, Altaris following. She did a quick sweep of the common room. Azoth and Edwin were about where she left them. Orion and Elza were deep in conversation. The priests of Cha Za still waited by their table where a few weapons still remained. Granite had moved to the bar with an unknown new dwarf. The priests of Myrii had withdrawn to their corner. No sign of Ariakan and Akaria yet, or Luda and Ardyn. Aiyanna was gone though. Zira heard the sound of many footsteps and possibly a wagon or two on the street. "Are they here?" she murmured and listened. "Come on Altaris!" She said and hurried out the hole in the wall that used to be the door. And sure enough, there was an army of elves with a few familiar faces coming up the street. Aiyanna was out there, greeting the man they saw in the vision she said was her brother. Zatch, Seri, Dravin, Azala, Talen, Naclia, Fenix, Sakura...But where were Mia and Fou? Either way, they had picked up ten times as many new warriors Zira had. Edwin bowed his head to Isorith and smiled, "Thank you for you time." He turned and looked around the room noticing the priest of Myrii had came down stairs through he didn't want to bother them specially after last night. Sighing Edwin raised his head seeing Zira hurry outside, "I wonder what is going on?" He walked over to a window and looked out to see the group of people outside and smiled, "Good, we have help now." Cassandra watched Erias and Aiyanna with interest. Yet another reunion of brother and sister. She returned her attention to her herd members. "I will go to this...Dabagon Inn with Seri. Dinalindel, you may come with me. Caradithil and Rain, you may find an inn we can stay at on this street." Dina nodded at Cassandra, "Just let me drop this wagon somewhere." Cara nodded as well, "Ok, we will find a place, but I am not sure they have a place big enough, but we will look." "Yea leave it to us," Rain added, after helping them get loose from the wagon. Dina went to stand beside Cassandra while Rain and Cara left to find a place for them to stay for the night. Cara and Rain left Dina and Cassandra behind as they went exploring, or more precisely to find a place for them to stay. Nipa and Gettie had been waiting outside when Zira came outside, and Nipa guess she must have been upset as she nearly stepped on him. Moving out of the way quickly he stood between the two women as the company approached. Though he did not recognize any of them it was rather interesting to see such a large group coming down the street. Especially the centaurs. Though he had seen them in that Vision they were an impressive sight, all three of them. And BIG too! On ones shoulders sat a girl, and Nipa could make out that she was Elvin from her ears. "WOW... Now that's a big group," he said out loud. Gettie looked at the assembled troupe in awe and could only manage a hushed, "Goodness." Understandably, the centaurs stood out for her. As rare and fantastic creatures, they were more myth than real in her mind. But the more practical urges made her shy back and keep her distance. Horses, regardless of what other parts they may have, had never been tolerant of her family. Just as with any other predator, horses spooked easily and more often than not, simply refused to bear her family regardless of whether it was night or day. On her end, fears of crushed skulls and broken backs echoed out from the stomping of hooves, well ingrained from a lifetime of cautions and basic instinctual sensibilities. Gettie stepped further back, not realizing that she was unconsciously shrinking down, stooping several inches, and almost trying to hide behind Nipa's small form. "WOW! Have you ever seen anything like them!" Nipa turned to Gettie and for his excitement he almost missed the fearful look that Gettie was giving the centaurs. "My Lady, are you ok?" Since she was stopped over a little it made it easier for him to take her hand in his and even though his hand was much smaller than hers he hoped it helped. If only just a little. "Would you like to step back inside for a while or something?" Gettie jerked her hand back at his touch, her eyes looking at Nipa with something feral and panicked. Immediately she began to apologize and recompose herself, "Nipa, pardon me... I don't mean to be rude..." she said as she wrung her hands together. Glancing between the enormous beasts stamping the earth before her and the inn which, within a matter of hours, might become either a cage or exclude her entirely due to the mystical barrier, she felt trapped. Taking a breath, she said quietly, "I must confess that I find it necessary to look for lodging elsewhere. Please excuse me." She felt awful for turning her back and walking away... away from the warriors and the mages, the new party of brave souls, and Nipa, her new friend. Slipping away as inconspicuously as possible, she turned the alley and pressed her back against the wall, her face screwed up trying not to weep. The centaurs had terrified her. And instead of standing bravely, she had cowered. Plus, what was she to do when evening came? She hugged herself, briskly rubbing her arms and thought of Nipa, the one pleasant thing about the city, whom, she reminded herself, she had just rudely walked away from. "Time to grow up," she chided herself, "go and find a room somewhere." Wringing her hands, she stepped away from the wall and continued down the alley towards a main street, feeling guilty and secretly wishing that Nipa was with her. Nipa was confused over what to do. Part of him wanted to stay and part of him wanted to go. However it only took her disappearing into the alley for him to decide on what to do. He took off after her. He thanked the Cha Za for being a Grass Runner as that meant he could run faster than others and he could do it more quietly as well. Seeing her ahead of him he caught up with her. "My Lady!" He exclaimed and then winced as it might have scared her. "Please, um... It's... It's not save for you to be alone." This was mostly true as he recalled her telling him how she got her in the first place. He did not have many friends, and he was not about to let a new one just walk away by herself. "L-Let me help you." Gettie turned towards Nipa and thoughtfully touched the tip of her tongue to the corner of her mouth. "Nipa, I... I don't want to trouble you." She looked down towards the street for a moment. "But I have to confess I'd be glad for the company... for your company." She reached down and took his hand in her own. She exhausted in defying the taboos that were screaming in her head. 'He's not a noble, it's not proper to be seen with him in such a casual way!' 'He's an outsider, not on the family and ignorant of the legacy!' 'He's not even human!' Her head reeled, almost intoxicated. What does any of that matter now? Her survival was benefited by having a friend as was her mood. An animalistic smile curled slightly across her lips. Her sense of responsibility kicked back and the need for planning came back to her attention. "Nipa, I must," choosing her words carefully, "I need to find a safe place for this evening. The inn we were at is not... suitable. I trust you with this." Her eyes met his and were filled with sincerity but something else might been seen glinting behind her gaze. Nipa smiled back at her unaware of her inner turmoil, only knowing that he was helping a friend. When she asked about another inn he looked about thoughtfully then he smiled even more if such a thing was possible. "When I can into port a few days ago I passed by a inn that was unlike the others, it had several ground level rooms and such. I was tempted to stay there but felt I was being led to this one." He chuckled as he held her hand, "Now I see why I was led here, to meet all these people and to be able to help you." In his mind he recalled the way there. "Come one, it's not far, we can stay there if you wish. I'll stay with you... If you don't mind," he blushed a bit before he continued, "I do not feel it's safe for you to be alone." The words 'ground level' appealed to her. Gettie raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Indeed, that sounds lovely. But I'd rather not keep you from any... other duties." Nipa just grinned as he led the way, "I have no duties here. I am just lucky enough to be of use." He led her down several alleys that seemed to be both closer to the port and the woods at the same time. In a vague sense, the area seemed familiar to her mind but she was grateful for the escort. She was used to having servants but something felt vaguely inappropriate and unsettling to her with the devotion she was feeling from Nipa. She said nothing for a time, rather allowing him to walk them towards the new inn. * * * As they reached Dabagon Inn, the elves started breaking off and finding places to stay. There were about four other inns up and down the street that could be filled by them. Mathwin and the mercenaries who decided to stay with him rode by at a fast pace, bound for Hishi. Seri stopped just outside the inn where she met Zira and Altaris. "Hello Zira." "Seri! It's good to see you here. Blaze got your...umm....message, but he's not here. If he's not with you, he probably flew off somewhere to contemplate. This is Altaris Arkanis," Zira said and introduced the knight with her. Seri studied Altaris for a moment, he had the holy resonance that most priests did. Something was a little different about it though. "Pleased to meet you, Altaris," Seri replied. "I see you're party has grown....immensely," Zira replied, watching all the departing elves. She noted the centaurs, but nothing much surprised her anymore. "You've picked up a few strays yourself. We went to the Glassy Woods and found some reinforcements. I would like you to meet Sera, Azala's sister, a ranger from the Glassy Woods." Zira nodded to Sera, but she was too distracted. She wasn't getting very many friendly looks from the rangers anyway. "Where's Mia?" "She and Fou-Lu took our horses to the Dark Elf forest for their safety." Zira chuckled. "I think Sevrina did the same thing, without our permission. You don't have to worry about her right now Dravin, she's not around. So....who else do you have with you?" Zira looked around at Seri's companions. The group had whittled down to only a few without the rangers. "Its likely that I'll have to take the horses that are with me to this forest as well. I don't think I could just let them go and expect not one of the locals to take them." Thorn said with a sigh, giving a slight scratch behind his ear. "What about the other group? I know they briefly visited yesterday, but they didn't stick around long." Sera gave a slight nod to Zira and then a glare back at the rangers. Azala had warned of this. However much he thought with his little head sometimes. "Do not worry about them. My dear brother already said dark elves from the forest planned to fight." Azala then spoke up, resting an arm on Seri and Sera's shoulder. "Which reminded me. We probably COULD lend a few rangers out there. When I checked they weren't ready for battle." Azala recoiled slightly at the glares he received by both Seri and Sera, even though they didn't say anything about sending or not sending. "Well, why don't you go inside. I'll come back when I get Naclia and Talen situated." Talen looked up from comforting Naclia and gave a slight nod, and he waited for Dravin to lead the way to his inn, who did so as Sera followed. He hoped Naclia would be alright. Seri, meanwhile, looked to the inn and waited. "Well? Are we going in or standing out here?" * * * Down the street a few blocks, Talen brought Naclia into the Velvet Sparrow Inn. It was just about as a quaint an inn as Raiden could provide, and run by a woman. Some of the rangers had already bought rooms, but they were the only patrons. Talen took Naclia to their room and laid her down on the single bed. She fell asleep almost instantly. * * * Aiyanna suddenly started as if she remembered something, "Wait Erias, I want to go back and meet the party properly. I saw you guys form Dragon Eye anyways." Erias nearly dropped her from surprise, then remembered that his mother used to always see things whether it had been from the past or future. "I am not to sure but most of the elven rangers aren't that friendly. Elf Seri and some of other leader sort seem to tolerate our presence. Maybe because they are used to traveling around Lodoss." Erias shrugged and put her down on her feet as requested. "A high elf? And elves from the Glassy woods? They are notorious for staying away from other races. Well that is the story from some of the mages and what is recorded in Alania's Rada Academy's library books." Aiyanna replied as she stood up and looked at him with her eyebrow raised. "I don't know, I am just a mere mercenary, milady," Erias smiled and winked as he did a perfect court bow for her. Aiyanna laughed, "So my brother still remembers the ways of the court even after thirteen years?" "Hey do give me credit for my brains. I may not have gone far in academic pursuit like you but I always liked to go to the Rada Academy and read." Aiyanna and Erias both grinned, then Erias offered her his arm. "Shall we go and meet some of those who came with me?" "Yeah, sounds good to me. I saw a merchant with you...I wonder if he sells shoes. I need some." Aiyanna sort of mumbled off her sentence. "That will be readily done! If he has shoes I will buy you several pairs, and the best." Aiyanna looked at him with questionable look. "Where do you get all that money to buy the 'best'?" "I am a soldier of fortune, a mercenary, my dear sister." "I presume you have gathered large amount of wealth?" "Yup, but you should really visit our Starwind relatives in Flaim. I have my reasons for not visiting them, but I know they will welcome you." Aiyanna pouted, "They are so prejudiced against non mage family members. I don't need them, I lived without them for thirteen years perfectly fine...I--" Erias shook his head and interrupted her, "Aiyanna you were to be head of the family, I am not to sure now but I heard mother say it to father when I was seven, just before I left for the Valisian court." "True." "Oh look, that is the high elf Seri and I am not too sure of others. Then there are centaurs..." Aiyanna's eyes suddenly lit up in delight, "I always wanted to meet them!" "Dear sister, you might want to meet the one who seems to be the leader, elf Seri, first." "Oh..." Aiyanna was disappointed. "Oh look! There is Zira!" Aiyanna walked ahead before Erias could stop her. Erias sighed and followed her. "Zira!" Aiyanna said as she waved at the small group gathered. As she arrived, she said to Zira "Sorry forgot to alert you of their arrival. I even forgot about wanting to meet the centaurs." She smiled and introduced herself, "I hope I am not being rude for introducing myself like this, but my name is Aiyanna Starwind, a sorceress." Erias continued her introduction as he finally arrived after her. "...She happens to be my dearest younger sister," he grinned like if nothing could be happier. Seri looked at Aiyanna with little interest, after all the mercenaries weren't really part of her group. "This is your sister?" She would be civil, but she wanted to find out what was going on, and introductions could be done inside. "Let us finish this inside." She didn't wait for a response as she walked in. "Give her a break, we've been traveling for a long time, she'll show more interest after a little bit of rest." Azala said as he walked by, though still keeping his distance away from Seri. Aiyanna shrugged and Erias grinned, "Told you." "I know elves, especially high elves and Glassy Wood elves, look down on us 'unworthy' humans. Not all, but most do." Aiyanna said as she dragged her brother back to the inn, and passing Jinn, she smiled and came back to the inn and sat down asking a maid to take her brother's bags to a room. "Raiden has already been through two battles, neither of them pretty sight afterwards." Erias nodded, then asked "Who was that young man you smiled at? Your lover?" Aiyanna blushed scarlet and hit her brother hard with her magic. Erias did a mock hurt scene. " careful I need all the brain cells I have left. I am only a mercenary." "No, Jinn isn't my lover, he is very respectable true human aeromancer from Alecrast. I will introduce you to him when he comes in." Not wanting to interrupt, Jinn walked after Aiyanna at a slow pace with his arms crossed over his chest. It was a long walk to the inn door. Jinn kicked a family of small stones on the street as he walked, eyes plastered to the ground. After the long trek over Jinn hovered by the door, glancing over at Aiyanna and her brother before going to the counter to get himself a drink. Aiyanna perked up when Jinn came in, "Jinn has come in, come on let me introduce you to him and please don't do anything embarrassing." Erias followed his sister, "Then you don't have one yet?" "No... now stop talking about such subjects." "You must have lived the life of a hermit." Aiyanna sighed as she reached the bar, "Yes, I have." Aiyanna then smiled so she wouldn't look too weary. "Jinn, meet my brother Erias a mercenary and Erias meet Jinn a true human aeromancer from Alecrast." Erias held out his hand as a sign of civility. "Good to meet you." Jinn turned towards Aiyanna and her guest, leaving his cup on the counter. Once introduced Jinn took his right fist into his left palm before him and nodded his head. "Jinn of the Sky Wolf." Jinn then lowered his hands, swooping his right down to take Erias's extended hand, shaking it loosely. "Good to meet you. I'm glad you made it here safely, Aiyanna has been nearly bouncing in anticipation to see you." Erias grinned, "Well, I am flattered...ouch!" He had just gotten a rap on his head. "Don't think too high of yourself Erias." Aiyanna grinned at him. "Sorry sis, but please do take care for my brain." "Yes, when you stop being embarrassing." Then she turned to Jinn, "Sorry about my brother's behavior." Erias smiled at his younger sister who might well as been his twin if not for her warm amber eyes. "Then you wish me to behave like a knight?" "Well yes that would be better then this sort of behavior." "Well then! Milady, we need to catch up on what happened...including the night the entire town burned to the ground." And held out his hand to her. Aiyanna sighed and looked at Jinn, "Do you feel like listening to a story?" * * * Zira raised a curious eyebrow when she noticed Seri's reaction to Azala touching her. Something had happened between them. "Well, we should go inside," Zira turned and waved for the newcomers to follow her. Altaris fell into stride with her. They led Seri through the hole in the wall that used to be the front doors. "We had a bit of...and encounter...last night with a strange creature. Cr...It was chased off," Zira didn't want to mention Cray, she didn't know if Zatch had told them about him. However, Seri could probably sense Cray's presence in the cellar. "Everyone here has stayed because they want to fight alongside us. The innkeeper was kind enough to let us stay here, even after the damage caused last night. He believes in us, I suppose." The priests of Marfa sat at the bay window near the door. At the back, the priests of Myrii sat solemnly at one of the tables in the shadows. Granite and the new dwarf sat at the bar. The priestesses of Cha Za sat at the table that still had a few weapons on it. Blaze's swords included. Except Priestess Elza sat at a table with the pale elf Orion, staring dreamily into his dark blue eyes. Azoth and Edwin sat nearby at another table, watching silently. Nearly everyone else was gone. Ardyn, Luda, Toan, Ariakan and Akaria were still in their rooms. Gettie and Nipa were gone. Alera had wandered off somewhere. Kai and Blaze, Falis knew where they were. Kiran and could imagine what they were up to. The common room seemed rather empty. "I believe all the rooms here are full, so you should find another inn to stay at. There are several on this street," Zira said and led them back to the table Azoth was still sitting at. She sat down beside the dark elven knight and Altaris sat on her other side. "Have a seat, have a drink and let's catch up," Zira said, offering the chairs scattered around the table. Orion noticed as more people flooded in from outside and looked them over briefly. So they have arrived, he thought as his spirits lifted a little. Good. He looked back at Elza quietly, tucking a strand of white hair behind his ear. He wondered at her beauty, taking in each detail to memory. Elza studied the elves entering with much curiosity, then returned her attention to Orion, finding his eyes were fixed on her. She dipped her head and blushed deeply. Elza wasn't quite embarrassed any more, but flattered. It was hard to believe that this beautiful elven man was actually gazing at her, a little seventeen-year old human, the daughter of an innkeeper in Honto. Orion's blush had finally faded, leaving his face its regular pale, almost white color. He smiled gently then looked at the others who were gathering. "Maybe we should join them?" he looked back at her, azure eyes alight, seeming to almost glow against his pale face. Elza smiled softly. Her own blush was fading as she became more relaxed. "We can listen from here," she replied. They were only a couple tables away. "Unless you want to join the conversation, that is." Looking up after sipping his cup of tea, Edwin looked over to Zira, and studied the others with her as they started to sit down. Staying quiet Edwin was in the mood to learn more about these newcomers as he was feeling like he was outclass slightly. Seri followed Zira and Altaris into the inn, which looked very battered on the inside. With the priests of Marfa, Cha Za and Myrii, there was comforting Holy resonance in the room, but there seemed to be an underlying Chaotic presence, it wasn't the Chaos Gate, but it came from the cellar, which was also missing a door. It was dark down there, almost too dark for her to see. Cray had to be done there. Seri clenched her jaw and fists, resisting the urge to go down there and duel the former Chaos General. She turned and looked to Zira again. "The table seems a little small for everyone to gather around," she mentioned, then glanced around at the people who had followed her in. "Will someone please push another table or two together? Thank you." Seri sat down beside Altaris and waited for the others to arrange the furniture around and sit. Standing up and nodding to Seri, Edwin said, "Sure I can do it." He walked over to a table close by and pushed it against the other table and then walked to his own table and pushed it over. "I think that should be enough." * * * Kitsa and Aiden walked together with arms linked and talked. Aaewin held on to Aiden's other arm and listened to the newly united siblings. Aiden glanced down at his exotic sister. "So where exactly are you from, Kitsa?" Aiden asked. Kitsa's mother was obviously a human of dark complexion, since Aiden was told he looked much like his fair half-elven father. But she had such a strange accent. He'd seen travelers from Flaim before, and none spoke like her. "I am from the Azarn Islands," Kitsa replied. "Where are you from?" "Wow! You mean my...our father traveled that far? I'm from the Mirror Forest," Aiden asked, his eyes lit with excitement. "I never met him, you know. He and my mother broke up before I was born, in fact, my mother said she didn't know she was pregnant with me until after he left. She couldn't find him." "That is very sad Aiden..." Kitsa's voice was sympathetic and her eyes shifted to a darker shade of the dull gold they were. "He married my mother, Zehia. He told me about his time in the Azarns. It took a few years for my tribe to accept him, and when they did, he married my mother. What about your mother, she was an elf, I assume?" Aiden nodded and stared at the ground sadly. Aaewin hugged his arm on his other side. "My mother, Anaiya, died not too long ago. She was injured in the battle against that monster who destroyed our Forest," he sneered. "She died on the trip to the Glassy Woods. Kitsa, what happened to our father? You make it sound as if he died..." Kitsa's eyes were now a somber shade of orange from hearing that Aiden's mother was dead as well. "He is dead. He died months ago, he was 550 years old. He said he was ready to go, his time was spent. He accepted it, I did as well and moved on. Here I am now." Aiden sighed deeply, he left to find his father, and now he would never meet him. But at least he had a sister now, someone who knew where their father had been all these years. He smiled again and wrapped an arm around Kitsa's shoulders. "It's still wonderful to meet you, Kitsa. But why did you come to Lodoss?" Aiden was sure he knew the answer. Kitsa giggled and her eyes lightened to gold again. "For adventure! I could not stand spending my years on that island!" Aiden chuckled. "I guess adventuring just runs in the family. Must be from that human side." Kitsa giggled again. "Aye, my father was always telling tales of his adventures...I believe he did mention being in the Mirror Forest, and a woman gave him this sword," Kitsa said and showed Aiden her rapier. Aiden's jaw hung open for a moment. "That....I believe my mother had forged for him." "Ohh....really?" Kitsa's eyes brightened again. She looked down at the sword fondly. "It means the world to me..." she said, then shifted her belt so the sword fell back in place at her hip. "He trained me on how to use a bow and the sword." Aiden removed his arm from Kitsa's shoulders and showed her the ring ring he wore on that hand. "This, he gave my mother when she gave him the sword. She let me wear it when it fit me." Kitsa smiled. "'Tis strange, we are more connected than we thought." She looked up and recognized the inn they were approaching. "We are here! Dabagon Inn. Come and meet my friends!" Kitsa said and took her brother's hand to lead him. Aaewin released Aiden's arm and he glanced back at her. "I'll find us a room somewhere," she said and turned to follow the rest of the rangers. Aiden nodded and watched her as Kitsa drug him toward the inn. He wondered if she was upset about anything she'd learned, after all, she just over heard that he wasn't fully elven. Glassy Woods elves wouldn't be too kind to that knowledge. Kitsa dragged her brother forward and linked her arm with Terin's as well, leading both men. Terin felt Kitsa's arm link through his and was suddenly yanked forward. He staggered along after her as she led him and Aiden inside. He finally freed himself, then led them both to the table. He choose the chair next to Altaris, but first, pulled the chair next to his out for Kitsa to sit in. Once she sat, he sat down as well. * * * Granite turned and studied her bracelets. "Oh, well, I kind of stumbled into it..." she replied. "I came here a couple days ago to make a delivery to a guest and I started talking to a dwarf that was here, Dralock. I decided I wanted to help these people fight the Chaos Generals. Dralock and I went back to my house so I could get my belongings...and thats when it started raining that horrible rain that destroyed nearly everything it touched. My youngest brother died," her voice filled with sorrow instantly. She glanced back for a moment as the new elves came in. Oh great, MORE elves? she thought, then turned back to Thangroth. "So...anyway, I want to help, and I can't let my brother's death go unpunished. That monster, Vesper, was responsible." If there was one thing that could get to Thangroth it was seeing a woman sad or cry. As Granite spoke of her brother's passing, he nodded and thought for a moment. A lovely lady such as this..alone here without kin or brethren to help her. I have to help her, there's no other question on it. With a nod and a low, "Right then" to himself, Thangroth looked at Granite and spoke in a warm and strong voice, his face full of determination. "Milady...I shall help you. You have my word on this, and a Broadarm always keeps his word, your brother shall be avenged. Kin are always to be remembered, loved and if need be avenged. And in no way, would I let you go at this alone, if you'll let me I'd like to help you in this." Thangroth was curious about the elves, but this was more important. He'd seen a few elves here and there, but he'd never seen so many in one place. He had to admit, he wished there were more Dwarves around. Granite turned to Thangroth and grabbed his hands. "Oh, you will? Thank you!" she said and nearly threw herself in his arms to hug him. Meanwhile, Glosin was watching and started to develop a twitch of the eye as Granite hugged the new dwarf. He took a deep swig of ale and tried to pay attention to what his fellow priests were talking about. Granite's sudden reaction surprised Thangroth, the young dwarf turned red as a beet as he blushed from head to toe. As he did so he stammered out some words as nicely as he could, in his nervous state. "Y..yes..Milady Granite. You're welcome," If his bothers had seen him he was sure they'd be rolling on the floor in laughter, sometimes he wondered how he got into situations like this. But he wasn't complaining just nervous. Granite gave a small giggle, pleased with his reaction to her. "You are so kind, Thangroth," she said and planted a kiss on his cheek before climbing back into her chair to watch the meeting. The color of Thangroth's face remained red as he was still blushing. As Granite settled back to her seat, he smiled and took a healthy swig of ale, then turned and spoke. "Milady Granite, are there any others of our kind here? I see many an elf and human.. but it would be good to have more of our kin here. And can you tell me bit more of what has transpired here? I'm afraid I've heard only a little in passing of the dark times that have come upon this place." Thangroth looked at Granite for a moment after speaking and then in a softer voice, as soft as a dwarf might get. He spoke in a compassionate and warm tone. "I hope I'm not bringing up bad memories for you, Milady. Please, forgive me it was not my intention to do so." "Oh, you're fine Thangroth, I'm all right," she waved her hand dismissively and went back to sipping her ale. * * * Erias then before Jinn could answer, "Oh look they seem to be holding a meeting, we had better go , if we are going to fight this monstrosity in the sky." Aiyanna nodded and let her brother lead her, to where everyone else was gathered. "Are we having a meeting?" Aiyanna asked no one in particular. "We may as well sit down." Jinn approached the table and drew two chairs, for Aiyanna and her brother before settling himself into the third. He crossed his arms over the tabletop thoughtfully. The aeromancer had a few questions but remained quiet, watching the gathering crowd. "Thank you Jinn." Aiyanna smiled at him then became serious, as it seemed that just about everyone was gathered around the table. * * * Akaria came downstairs not long after Ariakan had left to find a meeting gathering with the new comers. She didn't know anyone, but she gracefully curtsied to them all, then quietly squeezed through their line to sit with her sisters--and brother--of Marfa. Cyrla passed a knowing smile onto the elven priestess that nearly made Akaria blush. She glanced out the smashed bay window, hoping to see Ariakan returning. Ryna lead Callin into the inn, a pair of mere humans amongst the elves. Ryna was obviously uncomfortable around so many of the elves, so she quickly led Callin by them and sat on the far side of the table. Sakura entered the common room of the inn, gaping at the hole that they entered through. There was a window smashed in in front, and another hole where there must have been down to the cellar. The wood floors were gouged with long scratches as well. Zira said they had an encounter the night before. Sakura turned her attention to the people. Instantly, she recognized a girl as a priestess of Cha Za sitting with a white-haired elf. She bowed her head to her. "Sister." The girl smiled and bowed her head as well. Sakura looked around and saw, among familiar faces, priestesses of Marfa and Myrii and finally, her eyes came to rest on a group of priests to Cha Za. There was a young man with a woman who looked much like them, close enough to be siblings. A brown haired woman and....a DARK ELF?! Sakura gasped in surprise. She could deal with Dark elves on their own now, but one among her own ranks? To avoid risking conflict, Sakura composed herself and continued to the arranged tables that they would have their meeting at. She took a seat beside Callin and Ryna and waited for the others to arrange themselves. * * * Zatch saw to it that the supplies were safely unloaded from the wagon, most of it was laboratory equipment and books for reference. With any luck the brothers would be able to use science to contribute to the war. Meanwhile Kai looked with satisfaction at the army gathered, having never seen so many elves before. He then approached Zatch "So how many of them are yours, Crassus." Zatch chanted towards the brothers as they bickered amongst themselves about who was the greatest poet from the Djana En region. "Surely you jest." said Kai. "They are some of the greatest minds in Lodoss." replied Zatch. "They can contribute in a way no one else here can. Though they have trouble focusing." * * * As he headed into the small shop he looked to the mage behind the counter, pointing to a set of five exactly identical spheres of jet onyx he looked at the elderly human. "That set of stones will be perfect, I also need three drams of gryphon's blood, two jugs of pure spring water, and these herbs in the exact amounts. I thank you for your assistance, also I do believe you know what it all is for." The mage busied himself with gathering the requested reagents as he replied. "Quite familiar with it, though the amount you're getting is more than most. You do realize that they will be able to reach quite a distance with that strong a base, quite impressive to make five at once. You must be that sorcerer I have heard of, your role in this war has been rather well noted amongst the mages guild. They say you are the last of the skull dragons, tis quite the honor to meet you." Ariakan put down a small bag of gold as the requested items were set down, instead of taking the entire bag the shop owner took only three- quarters of it. Looking at the remainder he slid it back. "For you I will give you these at prices only guild members would get, consider it a gift to aid you in your efforts." Nodding Ariakan placed them carefully in the pockets that were on the inside of his robes, before leaving he looked the owner in the eyes. "Best be leaving this city before Vesper arrives, if you do not then I have seen a terrible omen for you. I can say no more, but if you can get to safety before then your death will be averted for now. Yes I am Ariakan Nightwing, last living descendant of the first skull dragon Nightwing and his spirit now lives within me. Have yourself a good day." The mage looked at him bewildered, if he left before she returned he would live but if not then he would fall? Such warnings were a rare gift from those who could see death, after Ariakan left he closed up his shop and started to pack his belongings. Intent on heading to where he would be safe from harm, to where he kept a mall sanctuary for these cases.