Cadila and Dantcobs had taken over the back corner table the priests had been sitting at so they could speak with Glosin. Turan and Adali had no part in it, so they let them be and decided to go talk with some of the other warriors at the inn. Turan looked around and spotted a young man at one of the meeting tables looking very lonely. "Come on Adali, why don't we go talk to someone, hmm?" Adali shrugged heavily and leaned against Turan. "Sure," she said softly. She seemed so weak and defeated. Turan hugged her shoulders assuringly and led her to Edwin's table. Turan placed his hand on the back of a chair and looked down at Edwin. "May we sit here?" he asked. Turan was a half-elf with dark hair and brown eyes and Adali was a pretty girl with black hair and violet eyes. She seemed very depressed and her eyes were red-rimmed as if she had just cried. Edwin was sipping a cup of tea lost in thought about all that is going on and did not even notice Adali and Turan walk up to his table until Turan spoke. Raising his head and smiling "Sure you may sit here, " taking a few moments to look over both Turan and Adali Edwin remember they where two of the Priest of Myrii that he brought to the inn. Remembering last night, Edwin knew two of their members had been lost, knowing he might regret saying this he had to say something, "I am sorry for your lost of your friends, I know how it is to lose dear friends." Turan pulled out a seat for Adali when Edwin gave his permission. The petite priestess sat down, her head turned down sadly. For a priestess of Myrii, she was taking Erelind's death very harshly. They had been very close, as Turan understood, they joined the priesthood at the same time and trained together. Turan hoped she could pull it herself back together when they had to fight again. When Edwin tried to console them on their loss, Adali sniffed and started crying again. Turan sighed and pulled her over to cry on his shoulder. "Myrii will keep them now. It's all a part of the warrior life," Turan said, patting Adali's dark hair. "So, where do you hail from warrior?" Edwin was very close to slap his own forehead having forgotten that Adali and Erelind were close. Looking over to Turan taking a deep breath. "I was born in Flaim, but I have been a traveler since I can remember not staying in a place for to long." Looking at Adali, Edwin wish he could do something for her, he could only guess on how she felt the only people he lost was his parents and that was years ago " Where do you two hail from, I didn't really get to know any of you on the trip back form your temple" Turan gave Adali an assuring pat on the head. "Well, I was born in Moss, near the Glassy Woods. My mother was human and my father an elf I never knew. My mother and I moved to Raiden when I was a child," Turan explained, then shifted his shoulder to get Adali's attention. "What about you darling?" Adali sniffed and looked up at Turan, then glanced to Edwin. She only met his eyes briefly, self-conscious of her red-rimmed eyes. "Oh, I've lived in Raiden my whole life," she said, her usually lovely voice harsh from crying. * * * Glosin sat at the table in the far corner, eyes downcast toward his folded hands on the table. Dantcobs and Cadila stood in front of him across the table like two disapproving parents. Cadila had her hands on her hips and Dantcobs with his arms crossed over his chest. "...adoring a woman is one thing, but so many of you young, hot-headed kids forget that the first duty in your life is to your god. Yes, you can marry, yes, you can court a young lady, but you must also serve your duty as a priest of Myrii first. You devoted your life to this cause, but if you can't take it, you WILL be excommunicated," Dantcobs lectured. "Now, we must decide a punishment for this transgression," Cadila broke in. "First of all, you will return to Temple of Myrii before sundown with Estius and you will be confined to quarters. Estius, get over here..." Estius, Talahm and Haelin were at a table nearby listening in. Estius already had an idea of what he was supposed to do. The lean young priest stood and turned to his superiors. "Yes Mother Cadila?" "Estius, you will take Glosin back to the temple. I'll write a letter for you to take to Father Pralel. You'll need to bring back five more priests, and check on that dwarf chap you took in last night..." * * * "Ragna, Diem, Orocho, Kardis." Those words filled the dark chamber, over and over they sounded over the form of the dying girl. She knew she was dying, her body was mutilated with metal contraptions, her eyes now peered through the slits of the mask that covered her face. She could feel the metal parts, even move them slightly. It was cold, and with each passing moment she felt more numb. Finally, she managed to sob out a few words. "W...why are you doing this to me?" Anubus looked down at her, brandishing a sword with one hand and stroking the thick metal mask with the other. When she died, the enchantment now on the land would take over, and with his own, he would be in control over her rather then this other being. Of course, his creatures were far more powerful then simple zombies. "Because, you are the sacrifice." With that he brought the blade down onto her abdomen, watching her eyes widen from the thrust. "Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond this blood that flows. I abandon false reason, show thy true form! Runes of control, I invoke thee, obey my will!" From far away, the runes and Moryssa's belly shone, her eyes closed, and when they opened back up, all kindness was gone. Replaced entirely with destruction and madness. * * * Moryssa was eating and touching up her makeup while Akaria arranged her hair. They were idly discussing Akaria's child and where she could go on Blue Dragon Island. Suddenly, the fork dropped from Moryssa's manicured hand. There was a burning on her belly and she was quickly overcome. Moryssa's consciousness drifted into darkness and all she registered was blood lust. She shut her eyes and when she opened them again, no longer were they the rich blue of a tropical sea, but pure red, iris, pupil, scelera, everything. Akaria gasped behind her as she saw the sudden change through the mirror. "Oh Marfa, not again..." the priestess said and backed away. Moryssa's body stood almost mechanically, then she turned her head and fixed Akaria with a gaze so full of malice it made Akaria shrink back. The priestess clasped her hands in prayer to raise a shield, but before the spell finished, Moryssa was in front of her and punched her squarely in the face, sending the priestess tumbling back over the bed, then landing against the wall. Moryssa found her sword in the mean time and when Akaria looked up again, Moryssa thrust the blade into her stomach. Akaria screamed, half in pain and half in terror for her unborn child. Moryssa yanked the sword out and blood stained Akaria's gown. Moryssa was satisfied with what she had done and stormed out of her room, searching for more to destroy. Her next victim was one of the inn's maids who came to investigate the scream. Moryssa used her rapier and slashed the girl from the neck across her chest. She didn't even get a scream out, just a gurgling death rattle before she collapsed. Moryssa gracefully walked by the body, high heels clicking on the wood floors and blood dripping from her rapier. Akaria's scream was the first thing to catch the attention of the people downstairs. Priests stood, ready to protect the innocent. The common room silenced and everyone could hear the sound of a woman's high-heeled footsteps, then the sound of steel tearing flesh and the dull thump of a body hitting the floor. The footsteps continued down the stairs, those at the stairwell watched as a pair of dark feet enclosed in strappy white high-heeled sandels walked down leaving bloody marks on the stairs, the tip of a blood drenched blade appeared. A swishing white skirt splattered with blood. The tall, beautiful dark elf merchant walked downstairs purposefully and not at all weak like she appeared when she went up there not to long before. However, instead of blue eyes, her eyes were completely red and anyone who met those eyes would feel intense malice. * * * Aiyanna's head then jerked up towards the common room. Was that was a scream she heard? Please don't tell me that damned Vesper has already started attacking, or worse, sent back the demon. But she felt no tear in her shield, she would have felt it tear apart like it did last night. With bad feeling in her gut, she whispered to Jinn, "Come on I have bad feeling about this...I believe I heard a scream." "Interloper." Cray breathed softly. "Blood." Even from below Cray caught the scent of blood, a shiver running down his spine. The chains rattled as his hands shook and the flameweaver stood slowly. Aiyanna ran up the stairs and her staff pulsed with intense silvery light in response to an evil presence. When she got there she almost froze with disbelief before a shield went up around her glowing in silvery blue light. It surrounded her like halo of moonlight. "Oh Falis...wasn't she on our side? I don't get this..." She had to try to defend everyone from this beautiful dark elf with a rapier dripping with most likely to be fresh blood from Falis knows who. Her eyes were pure red, filled with evil hatred that made her gut wrench from it's intensity. Erias stood and nearly dropped his sword when he saw a dark elf with a rapier with hot fresh blood dripping down from it. But her eyes! In that beautiful face her eyes were blood red filled with evil even he could feel. He was frozen with fear and sheer intensity of the evil. Edwin smiled listening getting a better idea about both Turan and Adali, nodding his head. "Interesting I have only been in Raiden for a month before all of this happened." Before he could say anything else Edwin jumped to his feet hearing a scream reaching over to where his sword normally rested and growled finding his blade missing. He had forgotten that he gave most of his weapons to be enchanted by that Priestess of Cha Za. Soon after the scream a body hit the floor and Edwin knew this was not good, kneeling down grabbing the two daggers from his boots, raising up in time to see a beautiful dark elf merchant holding a blood drenched blade. Looking the eyes of Moryssa, Edwin shuddered holding his daggers up and ready "This doesn't feel right" Edwin knew he had to make sure Moryssa didn't leave with out answering why happened. "Tch," Jinn bolted after Aiyanna. Screams and bad feelings never went well together. Though he kept his sword down by his waist he undid the latch that kept it in place. Once upstairs he furrowed his white brows. "This shouldn't be..." His hands wrapped tighter around his hilt as he took his place in front of Aiyanna. Sakura had been waiting for someone to bring weapons for her to take to the priests upstairs, but no luck. For the last few minutes she'd been staring into her tea thinking about Zatch and Fenix. Suddenly, a scream upstairs made her sit bolt upright. She listened to the sounds and watched the stairwell. As soon as she heard a body hit the floor, she fingered the battle fans hanging from her belt. To her shock, it was Moryssa she saw with a bloody sword and completely red eyes. Sakura stood and took an awkward step forward, then stopped herself. There was so much hatred in that gaze. She clutched her fans, ready to draw them if Moryssa attacked. "Moryssa? What happened?" she asked the dark elf. Turan and Adali slowly stood. Turan groped at his belt for a weapon, but he left it at the table Cadila and Dantcobs were at. Adali took a step back. The priests at the back table stepped out and stood beside Aiyanna and Jinn, all armed. Cadila held Turan's bow and Adali's spear, but she was afraid that any sudden movement might set the dark elf off killing. "Just put the sword down miss..." Dantcobs said and took a step toward Moryssa. Moryssa's blood-red eyes roved over the group. A malicious smirk grew on her lips and before anyone had a chance to register the movement, she slashed her blade down Dantcobs chest and stomach. Dantcobs hit the floor and Moryssa jumped to Turan. At the same moment, Cadila threw Turan his sword and Adali her spear. However, Moryssa made it to Turan first, she ran him through the gut and knocked him to the floor. She withdrew her blade from him as she leapt over home. Seemingly overcoming her grief, Adali took her spear purposefully and by time Moryssa made it to her, she was ready to defend herself. Adali blocked one slash with her spear shaft, but the next sliced through the wood and before Adali had the chance to defend herself with that, an upward slash caught her jaw and opened her cheek. She fell back to the floor and out of Moryssa's line of sight. The dark elf had a clear run to the door, but the priests of Marfa jumped out of their seats and blocked the door. Just then, staggering down the stairs came Akaria, clutching her stomach where Moryssa had stabbed her. "DON'T KILL HER!" she screamed. "Moryssa is under a spell! Subdue her!" Moryssa dashed toward the priests of Marfa at the other side of the room, but they quickly cast a spell that shielded them and the exit. "GET THE WOUNDED TO THE CELLAR!" Cadila ordered her priests. Haelin and Glosin took Dantcobs, Estius grabbed Turan while they had the chance and Adali got back to her feet, ready to fight more. The left side of her face was smeared with blood, but it wasn't life threatening. Moryssa hacked at the holy shield vainly, she had the mentality and possibly the strength of a berserker. Watching as Moryssa move so quickly to drop both Dantcobs and Turan with single movements from her rapier, Edwin knew this was going to much harder then it looked. Snapping his wrist Edwin tossed the dagger toward Moryssa trying to catch her in the shoulder as he started to dart toward her. As he started to move he noticed Turan's sword that didn't make it to him and dropped down to grab it as he ran pass hoping it would do better for him then Turan. Raising the sword in his right hand and a dagger in his left Edwin kept moving toward Moryssa remembering that Akaria yelled to subdue her watching Moryssa he thought about how to do it with out killing her. Aiyanna's jaw dropped, Moryssa was moving too fast for a human. The only thing left for her to do now was the first holding spell she thought of that might be fast enough to catch her. She silently moved her lips and a small point of light formed in her hand with hope she sent it towards Moryssa with all the speed this spell could do and then it burst in to a glowing magical net. Edwin's dagger flew true and managed to graze Moryssa's shoulder as she moved. However, it didn't seem to faze her. She did feel the sting though, which got her attention. The dark elf jumped up on the bar as the magic net sailed by to land on the floor Moryssa had been standing seconds ago. Sakura had her battle fans poised and ready the instant she saw Moryssa attack the Myrii priest. The priestess of Cha Za hopped up on a table, level with where Moryssa was standing on the bar. She started singing a prayer to Cha Za, but Moryssa lunged across the room at her and tackled her to the floor. Sakura used her fans to block, but she couldn't strike out without hurting Moryssa. Moryssa was sitting on top of Sakura, straddling her and raised her rapier like one would a knife, then stabbed down at Sakura's head. Sakura was fast enough to move her head to the side. The sword instead impaled the floor, taking some of Sakura's burgundy hair with it. Sakura had brought a fan up to block the sword, but she had moved her head fast enough to avoid it, thank Cha Za. Steel clanked uselessly. The entire movement took a mere fraction of a second. Moryssa growled as she tried yanking the sword out of the floor... Jinn drew his sword out completely, raising it up, the blade facing inwards towards him. Kicking off the floor the swordsman lunged towards the possessed elf, his right hand drawn back to prepare for a swing aimed at her ribs. All the while the fingers on his left hand began manipulating the wind around her hands and the weapon she attempted to draw to swirl violently to attempt to keep both in place. Jinn's blow landed against Moryssa's ribs, pushing her body off Sakura's, but her hands were held to the sword by his wind manipulation. Sakura rolled out from beneath Moryssa the instant she was knocked off. The Cha Za priestess rolled to her feet in a crouch, fans poised, protecting her entire body. Moryssa's instincts told her to defend herself before worrying about what ever held her hands in place, so she kicked out with her high heels to land a kick in Jinn's gut. Jinn twisted in the air, briefly breaking the spell to grab at the protruding limb. His left hand wrapped around Moryssa's ankle and tugging it to the side to avoid impaling himself on its heel. Not anticipating the shift in mid-air, Jinn landed on his sword next to the elf, letting go of her during his trip down. "Surround her!" Cadila called to her priests. The Myrii priests still standing leapt into action. Cadila glanced at Edwin for a brief moment, seemingly asking him to help. The six priests circled Moryssa as she and Jinn fell to the floor... Edwin nodded to Cadila once she called out to surround Moryssa it was clear to him that they all need to help to catch her before she got away. Holding the sword and dagger ready he slowly moved around Moryssa watching her movements trying to predict which way she will bolt. Moryssa's lip drew back in a growl as she watched the group closing in around her. Edwin wasn't the only warrior to join, Sakura stood and advanced with them, her fans at the ready. In a flash, Moryssa was back on her feet with her sword in hand and lunged at the priest directly in front of her. Talahm raised his sword to block her blow, succeeded, but when Moryssa touched back down to the ground, she swung again, downwards into his neck, nearly decapitating him. Blood sprayed across everyone beside him, including Adali and Sakura, and even up on the ceiling. Talahm was dead instantly and crumbled to the floor. Adali snaked in to close the gap, spearing Moryssa in the gut with her shoulder. The dark elf stumbled back into the ring and into Jinn. Moryssa had come too close to him to use his sword. The weapon was dropped immediately and Jinn's hands went for her wrists. She was disoriented enough from the the previous blow that Jinn succeeded in tightly gripping her smaller wrists. His booted leg swept low and struck at her ankles as he pushed his weight down onto her. With a thud the two fell, Jinn held her face up against the floor with her wrists held tightly above her, with a knee pressed to her gut. Aiyanna ran over to where Jinn held the dark elf, she could affect Jinn if she cast the spell from a distance so she had to be close. Aiyanna quickly pointed her staff at the dark elf, holding it a short distance from Moryssa, and started her spell. "Stars of the night, lights that shine, I call to you, come to my aid and purge the darkness that possesses this body!" She felt a surge of magic go through her, like if a road opened in from the stars to her magic. A soft shimmering light appeared like dust and quickly settled over Moryssa's body and almost blinded those nearby. Aiyanna managed to cover her eyes but she still saw spots in her vision. She hoped her spell was strong enough. Moryssa chuckled darkly and her head rose, eyes still red and full of hatred and bloodlust. "You useless, pathetic little whelp," she said to Aiyanna. A dark shockwave erupted from Moryssa's center, the light of Aiyanna's spell breaking up on the outer rim of it, like a cracking shell. Jinn was thrown off Moryssa and the priests and warriors circled around her either knocked to the ground or stumbled back. "Dark spirits who dwell in the abyss, cause her light to become darkness, and blind her power!" Moryssa spoke and a dark cloud of mist suddenly rose from the ground beneath Aiyanna and enclosed the young sorceress. Aiyanna felt her connection to the stars and her mana pool sever. "Do you think a child with such limited understanding could purify anything? Repelling your spells is like repelling a gnat!" Moryssa laughed almost manically at Aiyanna. With her attackers thrown off guard Moryssa dove back into the fight, this time attacking Cadila first. Cadila threw up her shield to protect herself, but Moryssa's blade sliced along her side, below where Cadila had blocked. The priestess threw her off. If Moryssa weren't supposed to be spared, Cadila probably would have bashed her skull in with her mace, but she couldn't do anything but block. She pushed Moryssa off and the dark elf came right back. This time Cadila barely managed to block her blows. Glosin came charging in from the right and tackled Moryssa to the floor. The dark elf growled as the dwarf threw her to the floor. He landed on top of her, but her sword arm was still free. She impaled him through the chest and tossed him off and impaled him through the chest, then pushed him off. In an instant, she was back on her feet and found her next target, Edwin. Moryssa leapt at the warrior, intending to cleave his skull.... Edwin was thrown back by the dark shockwave but was up to his feet quickly to see that Moryssa was easily making her way through the group. Soon she was leaping toward him. Quickly pivoting on his feet he jumped to the side to avoid her cleave toward his skull through he felt the blade cut against his shoulder. Turning around to face Moryssa, Edwin angled his sword around to try to slam the flat of the blade into Moryssa's chest to stop her movement for long enough for him to use an opening pivot around her and slash his dagger to try to place it up to her neck to get her to be still. Moryssa staggered back from Edwin's blow and soon his dagger was at her throat. Moryssa just laughed, it wasn't her doing this after all. It was Anubus working through her. If her throat was cut, Anubus could find a new fighter to do his bidding. She jabbed her elbow into Edwin's solar plexus. His blade left a scratch on her throat as she pulled away, but not deep enough to do damage. "Time to sleep." Jinn maneuvered behind Moryssa while she engaged Edwin. He raised his arm and flattened his hand out and struck Moryssa just under her skull. For Moryssa the world went dark as she fell. Jinn crouched slightly and caught her before she hit the ground. "Now! Deal with the wounded and dying!" Moryssa crumpled into Jinn's arms like a rag doll. Her bloodied rapier clattered to the floor and Anubus' control was broken--for the moment at least. As soon as Moryssa was out, Sakura ran to her and Jinn. There priests to handle the other wounded, but she had known Moryssa for so long, she was concerned for the dark elf. Sakura turned Moryssa's face easily, she was completely limp. She pried up Moryssa's eye lid to see her eyes back to their normal ocean blue and nearly rolled back in her head. "Take her upstairs to her room, I'll tend to her later," she told Jinn. Oh Cha Za, this is a horrible mess! The fight was over, the elf subdued. Cadila gripped her wounded side and looked to her warriors. Adali had a nasty gash on her face, Talahm was dead, Glosin and Dantcobs were on death's door, possibly Turan too. Estius and Haelin were well enough. Estius knelt beside Glosin and said a prayer of healing. Glosin had been stabbed through the chest and collapsed his lung. Estius healed his wounds and the dwarf took a deep breath, testing his repaired lung. He was too weak to join in the healing. Haelin took care of the cuts and gashes nearby, the priests of Marfa hurried to where the first wounded where waiting. Haelin healed the gash on Cadila's side, then went to Edwin. Without hesitation, he laid his hands on Edwin's shoulder and said a prayer of healing. Cadila turned to Adali, took the girl's face in her hands and said a prayer as well, Adali's wound glowed and closed, leaving a mess of dried blood on her face. The six Marfa priests hurried across the room, then hurried into the cellar, loudly stomping down the stairs in their rush. Luc dashed upstairs to check on the person fallen up there. Deasa took Dantcobs, The priest's tunic was soaked in his blood and it was pooling beneath him. His abdomen was ripped wide open. Deasa healed his wound, but he remained unconscious. He would never recover in time for the next day. She wasn't even sure he'd pull through the night with the blood loss he suffered. Cyrla made sure she was first to Akaria. She laid her hands on the sister's belly and said a prayer, then delved with another prayer to check on her child. It was safe. "" Akaria whispered anxiously. Cyrla smiled at her. "It's fine, perfectly fine," she assured Akaria. Ialin took Turan. He was unconscious and had lost a lot of blood too, his wound was worse than Dantcobs. She did her best for him, sealed the wound, but he didn't wake. He would probably be taken back to the temple where he could mend. Ialin sighed softly. "Marfa, Myrii, Cha Za, watch over him..." she murmured. * * * Kiran and Toan walked for a few blocks away from Dabagon Inn. Very few people were on the streets, it seemed like the entire city was bracing for battle in their own factions. Everyone had an idea of the Chaos Gate, most agreed it would destroy Raiden, so they would either leave or fight to stop it. There were even some who worshiped it. The very nature of humanity, nobody wanted the be the same. There wasn't much Kiran and Toan had to talk about. They were both busy assuring themselves that Moryssa would be fine. The two dark elven men were approaching an alley when another dark elf stepped out of it. A man of average height and indeterminable age. He had dusky skin, silver hair and pale green eyes. {Well, if it isn't Kiran,} the elf said in their native tongue. {You must have some real balls to show your face around here. I've got word that Zira is here too. Of course, as is her father. He still isn't very fond of you.} Kiran looked up and identified the elf as Málas, one of his old friends from the Raiden Woods. Kiran smirked a little. {Long time Málas. Zira isn't a problem. I came with her. What are you up to?} Málas walked up to them. {What, you two made friends? Well, it's been thirty years. Whose your friend?} {This is Toan. Toan, Málas} Kiran introduced them. {Zira...tolerates me. We're not quite friends yet. Mia's here too.} Málas's eyes widened. {And you're still in one piece?} Kiran nodded. {Anyway, I've got a new girl now. Toan here is her brother.} Toan had been having a bad feeling, a feeling that something was not right. Finally at the mention of his sister he realized why. "Moryssa! We have to get back to the inn!" He almost shouted not caring he was using the common tongue. With that he turned and began retracing his steps back to the inn as fast as he could. He knew something was not right and after everything they had been through lately he was not about to brush this off as nothing. Kiran's ears perked up at the anxiety in Toan's voice. He knew he was bonded to Moryssa in a way and that bond was to be trusted. Kiran looked at Málas, then back toward the inn. "Come with us, if you like," Kiran told his old friend, then followed Toan back to the inn at a fast pace. * * * Aiyanna for once felt even more helpless. Without her magic she was as good as dead. Silently, she grabbed her cloak from her room and went to leave, but not before her brother grabbed her arm. "Where are you going?" "I am useless without magic to fight. She sealed my magic off if you wanted to know what happened. I will be back." "But then why on earth are you taking all your possessions?" Aiyanna yanked her arm free and left the inn, she hoped the inn owner and maids would be safe with the shield was gone. Erias stared at the doorway dumbly. His sister thought she was useless? What happened to the bright girl he knew? It was like she had closed her mind off to the world and refused to have it opened again. He decided that minute he would throw away the honor he lived with, he would make her his and make those tightly shut iron doors open again. Without a word he swiftly acted, first to Jinn the foreigner. "Look Jinn, when other elves come back or at least this dark elf comes back to herself tell her she'd better take that spell off my sister. I don't much about magic but she told me that it cut off her power before she left. I don't care if someone else possessed her, they had better find a way to take that spell off my sister." Without another word he headed out the door at a hurried pace to find his sister. Jinn lifted Moryssa against his chest and carried her upstairs. Whatever had happened to the elf was devastating to the group. A slow sigh escaped him as he moved up the stairs, he did not envy the elf when she woke up. Akaria rubbed the spot where she had been stabbed. She'd never been wounded like that before, but she could only thank Marfa for the power to heal. The elven priestess followed Jinn and Moryssa upstairs. They passed the barmaid who was slain. Priest Luc had covered her with a sheet that was now soaked with blood. He eyed Moryssa suspiciously as she was carried by, then looked at Akaria questioningly. Akaria nodded to him and he went downstairs where the priests were discussing the wounded. Akaria led Jinn to the right room and when he laid her on the bed, Akaria started checking her over. She could probably heal the wounds sustained during the fight, but the runes were probably still untouchable. "Thank you, Sir Jinn," Akaria said and bowed. With the common room covered, Sakura went upstairs to the room Jinn took Moryssa too. One of the Marfa priestesses was in there, the elven priestess who said Moryssa was possessed. She would talk to her in a moment. Sakura approached Jinn. "Do you have any hurts?" she asked him, ready to heal somebody. Jinn bowed back to Akaria before raising his head towards Sakura. "No," he smiled. "I'm alright." Jinn dug his hands back into his pockets, planning on heading downstairs to retrieve his sword. * * * Toan came running into the common room. He had passed two just outside and things did not look good. Now fully entering the room he was very worried. Blood, lots of blood was on the floor and several were being carried away and healed. Feeling the worse he asked, "Where's Moryssa, my sister?" He was not sure he should ask what happened, not to mention he was not sure even those around knew completely what happened. On the way towards Moryssa's brother Jinn lifted his sword off the ground and strapped it to his belt. "You're sister is upstairs. She's safe." Toan gave him a short nod in acknowledgment then went upstairs. Blood was even on the stairs and on the floors. When he got to her room he opened up the door and went to her side. She was still out cold but others were around. "How bad was it?" he asked in reference to the bloodshed. He was not sure at this point whether or not they should stay here. If she was responsible for this then he knew that no one would trust them. Kiran and Málas hurried after Toan. Once they were back in her room, she was unconscious on the bed, battered and bruised. Kiran waved Málas away and the dark elf returned downstairs. "Did it happen again?" Kiran asked Akaria. The priestess had a blood stain on the belly of her dress, but whatever wound she'd been given was already healed. Sakura moved to sit on the side of Moryssa's bed and spread her hands over the dark elf. She started singing a song of healing and her hands glowed burgundy. "Stop!" Akaria suddenly cried and pushed Sakura's hands away. Sakura looked at the priestess in shock. "Don't you want to heal her?" Sakura asked. "It's too dangerous!" Akaria said and felt over Moryssa's stomach. She placed Sakura's hands on the dark elf's belly and Sakura could feel bumps and ridges beneath the clothes. "Those runes were carved in her flesh by a powerful mage, Anubus. I can't heal them, I don't think anyone can and I wouldn't want to risk it." "Oh..." Sakura drew her hands back. "There's nothing we can do for her?" "Heal her individual wounds, but you can't touch the runes," Akaria replied, then took over the healing very carefully. She said a prayer to Marfa and Moryssa's cuts and bruises healed up. Kiran suddenly felt very hopeless as he was reminded Akaria couldn't heal the runes. Once the priestess finished her healing and Moryssa was still fast asleep, Kiran moved over and sat on the edge of her bed. Gently, he lifted her head and moved it to his lap. The dark elf leaned back against the head board and gently stroked his beloved's ivory hair. He tipped his head back for a moment and swallowed hard, making his Adam's apple obviously bob on his throat. Kiran was trying his hardest not to cry. Toan watched as Kiran cradled his sister and he too felt very helpless, but beyond that he was angry. He would find a way to help her, if it cost his very life he would find a way. Sitting on the edge of the bed he held her hand and allowed his mind to think about how he could help, most of his plans though came down to wither finding a stronger mage and nullifying the runes or ripping Anubus' heart out through his teeth. Akaria sat at the foot of the bed watching Kiran. She had no idea when or if Moryssa would wake again, so whatever she told Moryssa earlier, wouldn't be repeated to Kiran. "Kiran, Ariakan and I must take a leave from the war. We were planning on going to Blue Dragon Island, we think it would be a safe place since so few live there. With Moryssa's condition, we thought we would take her there and try to find a way to free her from Anubus' control." Akaria watched Kiran's face and waited for a response. She didn't want to tell him why they were going, at least not until Ariakan decided he wanted to announce it. Sakura listened, standing patiently aside. She didn't realize what sort of role the Marfa priestess was playing here, but apparently, they knew her quite well. Sakura heard mention of Anubus earlier, and they said he looked a lot like Fenix. Did that have anything to do with his sudden change in appearance? His 'warp' to the Glassy Woods from Marmo? Whoever--whatever--Anubus was, he was tied to Fenix somehow. Toan looked at her and his face went through a myriad of changes. At first indignant that she would suggest that she leave, then thoughtful as that might be a good idea, to scared that something might happen again. Finally he came to a decision, "I am not sure leaving would be a good idea, but staying here could prove to be worse." He looked back at his sister and felt the anger and tears at the back of his eyes though he refused to let them out. "I will not leave her again, the last two times I left her--he neglected to mention the time she left him this morning--something bad has happened." He turned his attention back to Akaria, "Do you think there is a way to break his control?" Kiran ran his fingers over the silky skin of Moryssa's shoulder. "I agree, we should leave. And I'm staying with Moryssa as well, there's no chance in hell I'm leaving her again," Kiran's voice was passionate with his decision, but soft with emotion. Málas had watched from the doorway uncomfortably. He didn't know Moryssa, or anything about Kiran's relationship with her. Quietly, the dark elf slipped away and went downstairs. * * * Edwin was glad to see the elf was finally subdued through he was still slightly out of breath. Tilting his head as Haelin healed his shoulder he said, "Thank you." Looking around, he didn't see Turan. He prayed he was all right as he moved over to Adali and Cadila. Looking to both of them he asked, "Are you two all right?" He extended his hand with Turan's sword to Cadila. "Here, this is Turan's sword." Cadila brushed some blood off Adali's face. "We're fine," she told Edwin and took Turan's sword. "Thank you, young warrior." The priestesses of Marfa spoke with Cadila in a whisper and informed her of the damage. Cadila turned her attention to Talahm's body Estius had covered with a table cloth. "We must return to our temple," Cadila decided. "Wrap up his body, somebody take care of that maid upstairs too. We have to burn them as soon as possible. Haelin, Glosin, I need your help carrying Turan and Dantcobs back to the temple. Get some sheets and make a stretcher." Her priests went to work. Adali and Estius started wrapping up Talahm's body in the table cloth. The priest of Marfa Luc went upstairs to take care of the barmaid since the Myrii priests were short handed. Glosin hurried to get sheets for Dantcobs and Turan, when he returned, he and Haelin made the stretchers while Cadila watched over. Estius took the slain maid and slung her body over his shoulder. Glosin took Talahm, with a little help from Estius. The two priests took the corpses out of the inn, headed for the city gates, outside was the burnt out pyre the fallen from the night before were burned. Cadila laid Turan's sword on his prone form, then helped Haelin heft Dantcobs' stretcher and walk out. Adali turned to Edwin. "I can't carry Turan on my own, will you help?" Edwin nodded and was glad they were all right, through it was noticeable that someone had died he hoped it was not Turan. Turning his head and nodding to Adali he replied, "I would be honored to help you to carry Turan. I count you both as my friends even through we have only just met." He moved over to the other side of the stretcher and knelt down to get ready to pick it up form his side "Will Turan be alright?" Adali knelt down and got a solid grip on the sheet at Turan's feet. "Ready?" she asked Edwin and together they lifted the stretcher. Adali was strong, but not overly muscular like Cadila. Adali was a speed fighter. Luckily Turan was light, being a half-elf. As they walked out of the inn, Adali finally replied to Edwin, "I hope so, there's nothing more we can heal, we'll have to use medicine so he can regain all the blood lost." Nodding, Edwin was ready to lift the stretcher, moving with her Edwin keep measuring his steps to move at the same pace as Adali. "There is a lot I don't know about healing, but I am sure that with your priests' care that you will be able to get him back up in no time." He was surprised to be going back to the temple so soon, through he was more than willing to help the priests of Myrii. "Anyway, Turan appears to be a fighter, like yourself and I, so I doubt he will give up on us." * * * Naclia dressed quickly and fixed up her hair. The nap and a little romp with Talen brought her spirits back up. She was her usual upbeat self, though under that shell there was a bottle full of anxieties, fears and hurts. "Well, Talen, let's go meet my brother," Naclia said. It felt elating. Talen nodded, putting on the last of his clothing on. He had skipped the armor, sticking to just the clothing. But he did take his sword, just in case someone decided to attack. "Alright, lets go and meet him." Naclia threw her arms around Talen's neck and kissed him once more. It certainly seemed like she was back to normal. Naclia pulled back, smiled at Talen, then turned around and nearly skipped out the door. Aiden and Aaewin were sitting in the common room, but they weren't talking much. Aaewin was a bit upset at finding out Aiden was a quarter human. Aiden didn't feel the need to defend it either. He was what he was and he didn't have a problem with it. He was grateful to see Naclia when she came downstairs. He jumped to his feet and walked over, glad to be away from Aaewin's anger. "Naclia! I'm glad to see you back down here. How are you feeling?" "Aiden!" Naclia beamed when she saw her old friend downstairs. He would be good to talk to about this, he was Terin's friend too. "I'm doing much better. I...need to talk to you about Terin." Aiden took Naclia's hands and looked at her sincerely. "I'm here for you, anything you have to say, old friend." Aiden sat down at a nearby table, leading Naclia by the hands as he did so. Naclia let Aiden guide her to the table, completely at ease with his touch. They had grown up together after all, Aiden was merely a year younger than she. "Was it really him Aiden? Is he alive?" she asked. "He was so scarred, I thought he was the walking dead." Aiden smiled softly and nodded. "'tis Terin, no doubt about it," Aiden said, he still held onto her hands. "Just as alive as you or I. Are you ready to see him? I think Kitsa took him for a walk. He was badly shaken by your reaction." Naclia nodded eagerly and hopped out of her seat. "Lets go," she said. "I have to apologize. Come on Talen!" Naclia headed out the door, expecting Talen and Aiden to follow. Aiden hurried out after Naclia. He glanced back at Talen to see if he was coming too. Talen was a bit jealous that Naclia and Aiden were holding hands. But he put that aside, after all, Aiden already seemed to have a lover of his own. He debated with himself whether or not he would stay down in the common room, then decided to go with Naclia. With that, he followed Naclia and Aiden up the stairs. Naclia, Aiden and Talen walked towards Dabagon Inn. The priests with their body bags had already passed by the Velvet Sparrow, so they missed them, which was probably a good thing. Naclia wanted to make to Terin as fast as possible. They passed Dabagon inn, pausing only to glance inside the hole that used to be the door. Most of the blood was being cleaned up, so they paid no heed and continued on. Finally, they reached a market place and saw two figures holding each other while sitting on the edge of a fountain. One was an elf with gold brown hair and one short ear in a drab cloak. All they could see of the other was a glimpse of red clothes, obviously Kitsa. Naclia stopped where she stood at the entrance to the market. She didn't want to disturb him and she was, for some reason, very nervous. "Terin...?" Naclia said, much softer than she wanted, but still loud enough for her brother to hear. Terin turned around and looked at her, for a moment, his face filled with joy, then it dimmed with uncertainty. "Naclia?" Naclia quickly closed the distanced and threw her arms around Terin, managing to catch Kitsa in the hug too. "Oh Terin! I'm sorry!" she murmured and pressed her face against his back, happy to feel it was warm with life. Terin tried to turn and hug Naclia with one arm while still holding Kitsa with the other. "Oh, you're alive!" Naclia kissed his cheek and the tears came again. She had a brother again. "Yes, I'm alive," Terin smiled and assured her, then kissed the top of her head and hugged her a little tighter with his arm. A little tear of joy and relief made it's way down his cheek and through a scar to fall on Naclia's hair. Kitsa was caught in the hug rather uncomfortably. She smiled, a bit confused, surprised and uncertain, then glanced at her half-brother and Talen. She was glad Naclia and Terin were making up for what happened earlier. Kitsa pulled back from the hug and sat back. Aiden was grinning and came over to his half-sister and sat beside her. "So what's going on here sis?" he asked with a wink. Kitsa blushed. "Oh...umm....well..." She couldn't quite answer but Aiden got the idea. After awhile, Naclia had cried enough on her brother's shoulder. She looked to the sky to see where the sun was out of habit, but the Chaos Gate and clouds blocked her view. It seemed a bit darker though. "We should head back," Naclia said. Terin nodded in agreement. "We should." Terin stood and looked to Kitsa, then back at Naclia. He was grinning, something he had so rarely done in the last thirty years. Today was the best day of his life so far, even if there was impending doom. He found his sister and apparently, he had a girlfriend now. He seemed oblivious to the vicious scars on his beautiful elven face, his hood had fallen back and he hadn't bothered with it. Terin offered the crooks of both arms to Naclia and Kitsa to lead them back to the inn. * * * Mia sat on the edge of the bed, working on lacing her vest again. Mia's face was blank of emotion, but Fou lay contently behind her on the bed, covered only by the blanket. She could feel his eyes roving adoringly over her back. Bloody hell, does he ever stop? she thought and tugged the laces of her vest tight, making the leather creak. He seemed to have something on his mind though, every time she glanced back at him, it looked like he was about to say something. "What?" she finally asked. Fou paused for a moment, but she couldn't see his expression. "I...I just think we could wait awhile before going back out," he said and reached out to touch her back gently. Mia wanted to pull away, but held herself in place. She had enough of it, the bloody watching, the following her every step, the love making didn't make up for it either. It was like he over-thought everything he did, always worried of disappointing her or doing something wrong. She felt the bed shift as Fou-Lu sat up and he tentatively put his hands on her shoulders. "Mia...I love you. Please...can we just stay?" he asked, more begging that suggesting. I don't love you, she thought. Maybe for a time she thought she did, she was infatuated, he saved her. But now....she couldn't stand him. He was expecting to spend his life with her, she knew it. He wanted little Fou and Mia juniors. Mia repressed a shudder. She couldn't stand the thought. She stood up, gratefully pulling out of his touch. "No." she said simply and coldly. "Mia...what's wrong?" Fou said and Mia looked back at him. He was watching at her with concern. Not concern for their relationship, but perhaps concern for her well being. Mia sighed and looked away. "I can't stand this anymore..." Those words suddenly stung Fou-Lu. Something was wrong, and he didn't think it was just with her. She kept getting angry with him, it was something wrong he had to be doing. "Can't stand what?" he asked. Mia sighed, but she didn't turn around to acknowledge him at first. "Mia...?" Every second it felt like that sting was growing into a dagger twisting in his heart. Mia turned back to look at him, met his eyes for a second, then looked at the floor. "I'm just..." she paused, thinking hard on something. He watched her jaw clench. "This is hard. You can't follow me everywhere Fou, not even Lucied, the loyal wolf is as underfoot as you. You over think every touch, every kiss....everything. And tell me, what do you see in our future?" Fou felt terrified, what was she saying? Was she going to end it? It felt as if everything he was holding onto for the future was just jerked away. "I...I want to spend my life with you Mia. I love you." Mia jerked her head back and her upper lip twitched as if she were about to growl or sneer. "I don't want that." "Mia....don't do this to me....don't let it end," he pleaded. Mia refused to meet his eye. "I love you..." Mia shook her head. "You don't know me. And I'm not the kind of girl for you. You deserve better," she replied. It didn't sound wholly honest though. "You can stay here and go your own way, or you can come back to Raiden and fight with the rest of us. Either way, it's over. There is no more you and I. No more of you being my bloody shadow," Mia said as she started picking up her belongings on the floor. "Mia....I can be better...I'll do whatever your want," Fou pleaded. He tried to bite back the tears. "Be your own person," she said as she opened the door. She glanced back once, her jade eyes cold and resolute. Then, she shut the door behind her. "MIA!" Fou screamed at the door. "No....don't do this to me." He choked on the painful lump in his throat and broke down and cried. After everything they had been through...he saved her, protected her on so many occasions. She would have died if it weren't for him. All his plans were shattered. What about Lucied? He and Lucied were supposed to be her protectors, but she didn't want him around any more. It was so confusing, he couldn't believe it was real. He left his home, traveled across Lodoss with her as his guide. It couldn't be real... Sevrina was sitting on one of the couches in the main room of the guest house, sipping mint tea to calm her stomach. She had been listening to Mia and Fou-Lu for awhile. First the sound of a creaky bed, then their voices. She couldn't make out exactly what they were talking about, she just heard the voices, occasionally a loudly spoken word. Then, Mia walked and Sevrina heard Fou-Cu scream her name. Sevrina's ear twitched. "Well, what was that about?" she asked Mia when the mercenary walked by. Mia grunted and walked out the door without a pause. "Hmm...looks like she finally got herself some breathing room," Sevrina mused aloud and took another sip of tea. Fou-Lu lay in the bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to figure out where he went wrong. He didn't even hear the footsteps approaching his door, but when the door creaked open, he jumped and for split second before he saw who it was, he hoped it was Mia coming to make up. It was Sevrina leaning against his door frame, staring at him with a cruel smirk. The coldly beautiful dark elven woman stood in his doorway, scarcely clad in her short black shorts and a meager top that showed a provocative amount of cleavage behind the laces. She held a cup in her hands and were Fou's nose not so congested from crying, he would have smelt the peppermint. She brought the cup to her lips and sipped. "What do you want?" Fou asked, his voice much weaker than he intended. "Oh, I just wanted to see how you're doing," Sevrina said and crossed the room, her hip swaying rhythmically as she walked. She set her tea down on the nightstand, then sat on the edge of Fou's bed, poised almost suggestively. "Why would you care?" Fou asked, his eyes narrowed on her. Sevrina's smirk became mischievous, almost maliciously. The dark elven woman slowly and seductively leaned over him, bracing herself with her arms on either side of him. "Why wouldn't I?" she replied vaguely, then straddled him, sensually sliding her body against him. "I...I can't do what you want Sevrina, I am still Mia's. She still has my--" Sevrina suddenly slapped him. "Hush boy." She leaned back down and licked up from his chest, over his neck to his ear. Fou trembled involuntarily. After reaching the tip of his ear, she nipped it with sharp canines, drawing blood. Fou drew a sharp breath and turn his face away from her. "Please leave me alone Sevrina, I don't want you...I only want--" Sevrina bit his ear harder. "I said hush." Her hands moved across his body, skirting around places no woman but Mia had touched before. Sevrina was teasing him. He hesitantly tried to push her off, but Sevrina wouldn't budge. She nibbled down his neck, then back up to his face and tried to kiss him. He dodged and she got his cheek. She chuckled and tried again, and he dodged. It continued a little longer and Fou's mind was uncertainly. He told himself that he was Mia's and Mia would come back. Instincts that he had tried to repress insisted he take Sevrina. A drearier part of his mind said What the hell? Not like Mia would care. Finally, after much debating and several attempts to kiss him, Fou decided to go with it. She tried to kiss him again and this time, he didn't avoid it. He let her kiss him and lifted his hands to her waist. Sevrina's kiss was fierce, her tongue probed his mouth and as she pulled away, she nipped his bottom lip too. Fou looked up, expecting her to continue, but Sevrina just laughed at him and pushed his hands off. "What a bad boy you are..." she murmured, slapped him again, then climbed off. Casually, she took her cup of tea and walked out, chuckling. Fou shamefully wished he could just crawl in a hole and die... * * * Mia burst through the door of the guest house. Blade and Sevrina were still in the front room, relaxing. Well, they had dawdled long enough, Mia cleared up every thing she needed with Liora regarding the horses. "Is Fou-Lu still sulking?" she asked. "I would suppose so," Sevrina said, intent on her nearly finished tea. "It's time to get back," Mia told them. "FOU-LU! WE'RE LEAVING!" she yelled and went back outside. Lucied was waiting on the porch. He was solemn because of Mia's mood, but he kept trying to nudge her hand to cheer her up. Mia petted him idly while she waited for the others. Fou-Lu winced as he heard Mia call him. He was dressed again, but he didn't want to show his face to her or Sevrina now. What did Sevrina want from him anyway? Maybe he could just stay here in the forest...but no, he couldn't just let Raiden be destroyed. He would fight now with nothing to lose. Fou stood from the bed he was sitting on and picked up his pack. He slung it over his shoulder and left the room, head hung low. When he entered the main room, he avoided Sevrina completely and went straight outside only to realize Mia was standing on the porch. He moved away as if physically lashed by her. Lucied glanced back at him and whimpered. For a moment, the wolf debated between Mia and Fou-Lu before going to Fou's side. Sevrina finished her peppermint tea and left the cup on the table. She chuckled to herself as she watched Fou's reactions. "Let's go Blade," she said to her companion and walked out to join Mia and Fou-Lu. Blade liberated himself from his seat and followed Sevrina's lead with arms crossed. A smile had remained across his face during the length of the day. It had been an enjoyable last day in the company of Sevrina and her companions. Mia ignored Fou-Lu's reaction. Her eyes casually passed over him as if he were just one of the nameless elven rangers they came with. Sevrina and Blade came out and Mia started out walking. It was going to be a long, uncomfortable walk... A little less than an hours walk on foot brought the group back to the Raiden gates. Fou-Lu had covered the back, keeping considerable distance from Mia and Sevrina. Mia took the lead and barely spoke a word. Sevrina held on to Blade's arm comfortably for most of the walk, ignoring Fou-Lu and paying little attention to Mia.