Record of Lodoss War Fansite.

Archives: Lost Humanity

Chapter 1: Outside Valis

    The day was young, and the rains from the previous night had dissipated. For the two travelers from Flaim, the rain was welcome if not pleasant. Elainne, now a girl of fifteen mucked about in the rain happily, shoes off and enjoying the feeling of the muddy earth between her toes.

    Morning had broken nearly an hour previous, and the knight and his squire had gone to practicing already. They traded blows nearly evenly, neither caring whether someone or something heard them. While Elainne was still green on the field of battle, her master Almelchaya was anything but. A veteran of the war five years prior Al had seen his share of wars, which also brought him to acquire the accursed sword that he had at his side.

    Practice ended before noon and the two rested in the cool air. Elainne started preparing the meal as Al sat back and enjoyed his break. They would take their time to go to Moss, the homeland of Al’s mother.

    “Say, master?” Elainne began, her young voice filled with concern. “Isn’t it dangerous to be cooking in the wilderness like this? I mean, I’m sure that someone might smell this and think they can steal it from us. Food is a commodity we have little of.”

    Al nodded. “Elainne.” He smirked. “I think a little live practice is needed for a young squire to learn the harshness of the field.”

    Elainne gasped. “You are trying to provoke something master?”

    Al laughed. “Not provoke.” He shushed her. “There are things that need to be addressed and can only be done on the field of battle. You’ll understand soon enough.” With that he silenced her with a stare. His bait was pleasantly prepared, and now all he had to do was wait and see whether or not his little trap worked. Elainne needed the experience, regardless of her skill in practice, practice was not life-threatening. He needed to prepare her for that event.

* * *

    Aroal was on a long trek back to Roid, on foot. She had been hired to protect a family moving from Roid to Khina from bandits and wild creatures, and when the job was done, she had to return to the guild in the city alone. Which was fine by her, she wasn’t exactly the most social person.

    The scent of a cook fire caught her attention. Her pace slowed and she listened closely. While it could just as easily be another traveler, she didn’t want to take the risk that she was near a goblin or bandit camp. Aroal continued walking, her senses alert.

* * *

    Al’s senses tricked. He coughed a little, trying to get Elainne’s attention. She continued to stir the food, seemingly ignoring the verbal cue to get ready. Al sighed. “Watch camp for a second, I’m going to take a leak.” He got up and left her before she could respond. He patted Marielle’s side as he passed her. “Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.” he whispered in the horse’s ear. She snorted in response, that was good enough for Al.

    He went out into the brush. While still in earshot of his youthful companion, he was alone enough to relieve himself.

    Elainne looked up from her cooking to notice that Al was no longer in camp. “Master?” she called out loud. “Where did you go sir? Lunch is almost ready sir.”

* * *

    Sara was finishing her rounds when the sound of clashing swords caught her ear. “ What now?” High up on a branch in the outer rims of the forest she took her perch. She made out the sound of a man and a young girl. The clashing seem to have a rhythm, but she was not the type to dismiss any quarrel. She decided to investigate. Staying high in the trees, where she had home field advantage in case she needed it. While moving at a sturdy speed she passed another women, But did not stop because she looked built to handle her own. Half way there the clashing stopped and Sara began to wonder. Was the girl dead? She slowed down and took to the shadows of the trees to be safe.

    Aroal heard movement in the trees and glanced up to see a dark form moving through them. Her eyes narrowed on it, and it appeared to be humanoid, but uninterested in her. Just the same, the barbarian’s hand found her axe haft, ready to draw it if necessary.

    She found a path leading off the road into the brush and it seemed to lead in the direction of the fire. Aroal paused, considering if she should investigate. She heard no voices and she almost continued on, but her curiosity overwhelmed her. Turning, she slowly stalked down the path to see what lie at the end.

* * *

    Al cringed. Something was coming closer to the encampment, his instincts told him that. Chances are Elainne is not paying attention to her surroundings again. I’d better check on her. He made himself proper before hustling as quietly as he could back to the camp. Hopefully she was fine.

    Back at the camp Marielle gave a short snort. Elainne bit her lower lip and drew her sword. Her heartbeat quickened as sounds of something approaching fast came from the brush. Her breathing quickened and shallowed as she gripped her sword tightly with both hands, her palms sweating out of nervousness. The crashing continued, louder than before- Elainne tightened her grip on the hilt and bit her lip hard. When it sounded close she leapt at it sword poised to attack.

    Al broke through the brush only to be attacked by his own squire. Her sword dug into the flesh of his left arm as he raised it protectively above his head. “Sweet Marfa, Elainne you idiot!” He cursed pushing his young apprentice away. His blood was on her blade, and the wound was enough to hamper any heavy lifting needed by that arm until it healed. “Watch before you strike.”

    “M-master Al...I’m so sorry.” She dropped her sword and ran to his aid. She did as her instructors years ago taught her, cleaning and staunching the wound, she then tore off some of her shirt to bandage the wound. “I...I wasn’t thinking.”

    Al grabbed Elainne’s head with his right hand and ruffled her hair. “Good instincts, bad reaction. What if I was a fleeing refugee? You might have killed me when you could have helped me.”

    Elainne bowed her head, tears forming in her young eyes. “I’m so sorry master. I’ll think next time, I promise.” Al rubbed the tears from her eyes and pinched her cheek softly. “There are guests coming, I suggest you stay your sword, at least, for now.”

    “Guests? As in human guests?” Elainne asked. “How do you know that?”

    Al shook his head. He didn’t know, he was running off of instinct. Instinct told him that creatures would be attracted to the smell of food and common sense pervaded that perhaps their practice earlier would have caught someone’s attention. “We’ll see, Elainne,” he grunted. When she called out to him earlier it was loud. When he cursed at her, that was loud too. It was bound to draw some attention. Aroal heard the sound of a conflict in the campsite ahead and pulled an axe from her belt. The barbarian came running into the campsite, axe readied. However, as she saw it was a girl and an adult man and no fighting, she relaxed.

    “I...I’m sorry for intruding,” she said to the pair.

    Elainne looked up to see the barbarian woman and paused at her breasts. She awkwardly stared at them, mouth agape. I’ll never be that big, she thought. Al closed her mouth and approached the newcomer.

    “Welcome to our encampment.” Al made a grand sweeping gesture. “Please, make yourself at home, as we are but humble servants of those wishing to travel the roads of Lodoss. Our greatest pleasure would be fulfilled if you were to join us in our feast.”

    Elainne crossed her arms at her master’s sudden change of speech. He only did this when women were around, and she was beginning to think that he’d never come to his senses and realize that there was a woman at his side already. “Yeah. Join us,” Elainne mumbled.

    Aroal slipped the haft of her axe back into its loop on her belt as she was welcomed. She was a little uncomfortable with the girl staring at her breasts, but many women were jealous of them. It was vain of her to expose so much cleavage, but she wanted to show the tattoo on her chest. And, she enjoyed the attention they got sometimes.

    “I was only passing through and thought I heard a fight,” Aroal said, debating on if she should stay. Her stomach protested. The scent of the food cooking made her stomach growl. “Perhaps I could stay. I have not eaten my mid-day meal yet. My name is Aroal.”

    Elainne smiled. “Well then, you might as well join us. My name is Elainne Zal Bessur, and this is my master, Almel-”

    Al stepped in and took Aroal’s hand. “Almelchaya Al Elazuur, from Flaim.” He kissed the back of her hand gingerly. “A pleasure to meet someone as beautiful as yourself.”

    Elainne gave her master a flat stare. “The fighting was us. We were practicing swordplay. I’m master Al’s squire.”

    The barbarian raised her eyebrow and regarded Al coldly, obviously not amused by the hand kissing. She looked away from the knight and turned her attention to his squire. “I’m glad to hear that all is well. And it’s good to see a young woman entering the knighthood. I have never met a female knight.”

    Elainne giggled. “I became Al’s squire on behalf of my father. He wished to have a male heir, but, as you can see, that didn’t turn out well.” She gave Al a stern glance. “Master, do not look so dejected.”

    Al forced a smile and backed away from the woman. “Well, Aroal, it is a pleasure to meet you anyways. ” He picked up his lithe apprentice and spun her around. Elainne giggled and screamed, laughing at the sudden attention brought to her. Al placed her down on her feet and ruffled her hair.

    When Elainne regained her balance, she dished out portions of the broth to Aroal and Al, making sure that there was enough to go around. The rabbit was cooked through as well, so the food was ready for consumption. “So, where are you headed Aroal?” Elainne asked as she daintily cut her meat. “Master Al and I are headed to his mother’s homeland of Moss, from there we have to search out a wizard to help with Al’s cur-” Al stepped on Elainne’s foot to silence her.

    “Ignore my talkative comrade, she gets carried away when faced with new people.” Al gave his apprentice a sidelong glare. “We are seeking out a wizard to join our camaraderie. You are welcome as well, if you choose to come with.”

    Sara watched and listen to the three talking from behind a near by tree. I guess it’s kind of rude of me to be eavesdropping, she thought to herself. “Good day fellow travelers. How are things this fine day; well I hope?” Sara said from the distance of the tree, but making herself noticeable.

    Elainne nearly jumped out of her skin. “Wahh!! Trees can talk!” Al bit his lip to contain himself from outright laughing at his apprentice’s naivety.

    “A courteous welcome to you as well,” Al said. “Please join us.” He made a small sweep of the encampment. “Share with us your company as well as your insight.” Al was a little concerned. He felt her there, but only because of his heightened instinct, the instinct of a warrior. Odd that he could neither hear her nor see her until she made herself noticed.

    Aroal gave a start as the newcomer spoke and began to draw her axe again on instinct. When she saw the amicable woman, she relaxed. Perhaps she was the one passing through the trees? She expected an elf, but though the woman had rather prominent ears, they were well-rounded.

    “You are gathering a following, sir Alma...” Aroal stumbled over his rather long name.

    “Al will be fine,” he said. Non natives to Flaim had a hard time with his name, even his own mother had admitted troubles with it. “It seems that I am more attractive than I had originally anticipated. What with you two suddenly appearing, and the goblins not to far to the north of us,” he said the last part so matter-of-factly that Elainne nodded in agreement without really hearing his words.

    “What did you just say master?” Elainne looked at him flabbergasted. How could he know the enemies’ position without them knowing? Is there some kind of sixth sense involved?

    Marielle was pawing at the ground anxiously. It was quiet at first, but it seemed that the horse’s senses is what tripped the elder knight’s internal alarm.

    “They are not too far off, otherwise Marielle wouldn’t have smelt them, especially over the food.” Al put down his food and rose to his feet. He looked to Aroal and the lady in the trees with a cocked grin on his face. “Shall we see you two ladies on the field of battle?”

    Elainne pouted and wolfed down the remainder of her food. “I don’t have time to get into my armor do I master?”

    “The way you dress...never,” Al mumbled under his breath. “Slap your breastplate on and ready your bow.” Al suited up as quickly as his training would allow. The sword at his side was the biggest indication of trouble. It throbbed with its ancient blood lust, knowing that a fight would ensue. He just didn’t want that said aloud. It was bad enough that Elainne was green. Adding the fact that her master wielded a cursed sword wouldn’t help matters.

    “Goblins? Great!” Sara said as she quickly took to the trees and readied her bow. “It’s been a quite morning, I could use some target practice. Oh since I caught your names it’s only fair you know mine...its Sara. “She shouted as she disappeared in to the trees.

    Elainne shuddered. “I thought it was only master that had such a keen wish for battle,” she muttered. She stuck her arrows in the ground in front of her and readied her bow. She licked the wind and began to calculate the wind. She notched an arrow and waited for the first goblin to approach from the wood.

    Al sighed and unbound the sheath on his blade. The pulse of life came into the blade, as the element awoke from its slumber. His sword wished to be unsheathed and let loose once again, the very idea appalled Al, but he knew that if it didn’t feed now its strength over the seal might grow and finally break it. “Sara didn’t give us much time to formulate a plan, a trait that I find less than desirable.” He looked over to Elainne. “If a head crests over the hill, wait until the center of mass crests, otherwise you have a harder time hitting. Remember to breathe in when you draw the bow and breathe out when you let fly. That way the arrow will fly straight.”

    Aroal barely had a chance to get a feel for Sara, but she smirked as the woman seemed eager to fight. The entire encounter was rushed, but it wasn’t up to them. It was best that she face a goblin hunting party if she were with other warriors.

    The barbarian slipped her axes from her belt yet again and took a stance just ahead and flanking Elainne.

    The goblins crested the hill in a rush, there were twelve of them in total that Elainne could count. She let her arrow fly, but it missed its mark entirely and was trampled with the dashing feet of the dozen angry goblins. Elainne’s heart got caught in her throat, and her fingers trembled to grab another arrow.

    Al watched Elainne fumble and shook his head. Perhaps it was too early for her to become a warrior, he thought. There was no time for this, someone had to meet them in the middle before they reached the women. Al cursed and drew his sword, bolting between the two women he dove into the center of the fray, hacking wildly at the first goblin in his sight. The blade bit cleanly through the goblin’s torso splitting it in twine. The evil blade feasted as its revelry was unleashed upon the unsuspecting goblins.

    Another goblin attacked Al’s armored flank but chinked off harmlessly off of the plate. The goblins were obviously outmatched, even if they weren’t smart enough to realize it yet.

    Sara drew out her first arrow, and licked her fingers. She pull back on the bow and set the arrow in place, elbow high and stiff. Her eye focused on one goblin and she plan to drop it. Everything seem to be in slow motion to her. Elainne’s fumble, Al running to the center, and Aroal taking her stance it all seemed so fluid, which made her focus easy. The eye would a good entry point, she thought.

    Holding her breath and waiting a split second before she released the arrow. The arrow flew true and fast with a light hum, then entering one goblin’s eye and out the back of it’s head. A clean shot in and out, with minimal spatter. “Beautiful,” Sara said as everything came back to speed in her eyes. “Doubt I’ll pull that shot twice today” She smiled and readied her next arrow. She began a hail storm of 20 arrows to the back row of the goblins so as not to hit Al.

    Aroal held her ground, intent on keeping the goblins from reaching Elainne. Those who had avoided Al and Sara’s arrows went for Aroal. The barbarian charged fearlessly into the three focused on her.

    She swung at the central goblin, burying her axe blade into its neck. While she attacked, another speared at her side, but the spear only grazed across her armor as she moved forward. Aroal ripped her blade from the neck and turned to swing at the spear man. Caught of guard, the goblin couldn’t block in time and her axe cleaved into its head. Her other blade smashed into its chest, though it was already incapacitated. Using her foot she kicked the body and yanked her blades out again. The voice of the blade echoed in Al’s ears. He heard nothing but the sound of his sword hacking into his opponents, not even their cries as they fell before him.

    He attacked the goblin that attacked him, grasping the creature by the head and smashing it into the pommel of his sword. The impact shattered the goblin’s skull, as Al spun around and knee capped the surrounding goblins, sword dashing into their legs.

    Elainne bit her lip and sent another arrow flying. This one caught a goblin through the throat. The young squire squealed enthusiastically and notched another arrow.

    One of the kneecapped goblins stuck his blade between the flexible parts in the chest armor and drove the knife in deep. Al staggered for a moment, his chest penetrated by the goblin dagger. As if the sword’s will was his own, Al impaled the goblin through the head and threw him off out of the swarm.

* * *

    “I think I got lost,” Mieijha muttered. The elf looked at the midday sun and sighed, her chest heaving with the overemphasized gesture. Shisoughc flew above her head, scouting for her as she waited diligently for the hawk’s report. Unstrung she used her bow for support, her frail disposition catching up with her like the blisters on her small feet.

    The hawk circled once more then flew to his master’s outstretched arm. She fed it a piece of jerked meat and looked into his eyes. “Which way to go?” With its beak it motioned southward. “You’re sure this time?” The hawk nodded. Mieijha was not one to argue with the elderly beast so she sent him skyward again and followed him towards the south. As she traveled southward she began to pick up the sounds of battle towards the south-east.

    Mieijha bit her lip. Battle usually meant people in pain, and she couldn’t condone that. She quickened her pace a little and went towards the sounds. The battle was not that grandiose: three humans on the ground and one human in the trees, just barely visible due to her keen elven sight. There were only a few remaining goblins, and Mieijha mustered up the courage to help the human travelers.

    She strung her bow and notched an arrow. Speaking slowly and deliberately, she imbued the arrow with Flau’s strength, the ice spirit bound to the arrow to help its summoner as she lent a hand. “Fly Flau, fly straight and true,” she whispered as she let loose the enchanted arrow. Flau’s icy demeanor as well as the arrow found their way into a goblin’s throat, flash freezing the wound before the blood could gush forth. She helped the group, but her strength was leaving her. All the walking combined with using her shamanist powers were draining her fragile constitution.

    The third goblin was apprehensive about attacking Aroal, and as she stalked toward it, it stepped back. It was about to run, but a shimmering bolt ripped into its throat. Aroal watched as ice quickly began to cover the goblin from the arrow shot.

    At first, she thought it was Sara, but the arrow was magically enhanced and came from the wrong direction. Aroal paused to see who was helping them.

    Sara took note to only three goblins left and her last hail of arrows had them looking like a pin cushion. She figured that Al, Elainne, and Aroal could take them with no stress. She also notice the icy arrow in the goblin near Aroal, but it didn’t come from her hand. Was that friend or foe with bad aim? Sara thought. She moved quickly and reposition behind the newcomer. “You’re in bad shape, and I wouldn’t think twice to drop you, so are you friend or foe?” Sara whispered to the newcomer with a steel arrow notched and ready to fly.

    Mieijha sighed. “You know, for a human you’re quite stealthy.” She still felt a little weakened. The elf pulled her hair out of her face. “If I was going to kill you all, why didn’t I just call salamander to burn you all to a crisp?” Mieijha felt insulted. Just because of her mixed blood she was harassed once again. She knew better than the human that having a person’s back did not mean that you had them at a disadvantage. She sensed the presence in the male knight’s sword, a horrible spirit of darkness that threatened to devour the wielder whole if it had the chance. “You can call me a friend if you wish, I mean no ill will towards you or your compatriots.”

    Al growled and pushed into the goblins a little more. The sudden appearance of the frost enchanted arrow caught him off guard and his sword shrieked in his head. There was no time to question, so he cut down those remaining in his arc, those who had not been stuck with Sara’s arrows. He shot a glance back to Elainne and sheathed his sword. “Elainne, get to salvaging what you can from the corpses,” he ordered. He looked over to the elf woman who had helped them, then back to Aroal. “Aroal, you seem more traveled than most. Is that a dark elf or not?”

    Elainne grumbled as she went to work. Master Al is such a cheapskate. He just picks up the weapons to sell and gain more coins. It was not her place to judge her master, nor question his way of amassing monies to continue in their journey.

    Aroal sheathed her axes and went to Al. She too was unsure of the woman’s heritage. While her skin was rather dark, it was lighter than any dark elf she had ever seen. “I suppose she is a dark elf,” Aroal said. Despite her light skin, she had the red eyes and silvery hair that dark elves commonly had.

    However, as a Marmo native, she had seen both good and evil dark elves. Most didn’t care for humans, but many of them preferred to just keep to themselves in the forest. Aroal approached the elf. “Lower your bow, Sara,” she asked of the ranger.

    The barbarian bowed to the elven woman, fist to her chest. “I thank you for your help,” she said graciously.

    Her ears twitched at the mention of her being a dark elf. “I’m only half dark elf. The other half isn’t.” She curtsied. “I am pleased that I could have helped you. Goblins are revolting creatures.” She giggled a little, nervous at the sudden attention. “Is anyone wounded? I have some training as a doctor and herbalist, I’d be glad to bring you all into good health again.” She absentmindedly clapped her hands together and took her pack off to rummage through it. “Oh, I’m Mieijha, from Hishi, Raiden.”

    Al sighed. “Well, Mi-eh-zha...” he said slowly so not to rush and bite his tongue on the words. “My name is Almelchaya Al Elazuur from Flaim, the short breastless one is Elainne, the busty one is Aroal, and the scruffy one is Sara.” Elainne leapt on Al’s back and started smacking him with her little fists. “Breastless! How dare you master!!” She continued to beat on him.

    Al looked stupefied. He continued to stare into space for no apparent reason. “Master?” Elainne prodded Al with her finger. At her touch he suddenly flared to life.

    “What? I didn’t call you breastless!” Al shouted all of a sudden. He suddenly realized his surroundings and that the prior conversation was nothing more than a day dream. Aroal was closer to the elf than he was, and Sara had still not lowered her bow. “I uh...” Al stumbled for words. His sword snickered at the sudden gracelessness of its wielder. “You...” He smashed the sheathed sword against the ground. “You dare to make me daydream!?”

    Elainne laughed nervously. “Uh, it’s cold here...we’re used to higher temperatures...and umm..the master isn’t feeling well because of the humidity...” As she could think of no further excuses she bowed deeply. “I am terribly sorry. My name is Elainne, and my master is Al.”

    Sara turn bright pink with embarrassment, and lowered her bow. “Sorry for the rude introduction, the heat of battle tends to get the best of me.” Sara said swallowing her pride. Sara began to look for any of her arrows that were still good. She only found twelve that could still be used. She put away her stuff and came back to the party. “ Now then, I know why Aroal, Al and Elainne, are traveling through the forest, and I patrol near by, so what brings you here?” Sara asked Mieijha with a warm smile.

    “It is a well-used road,” Aroal reasoned, and continued with her own introduction. “I am Aroal. It is good to meet you, Mieijha, and I am in no need of treatment.” The only injury Aroal suffered was a gouge in her leather armor. Mieijha seemed trustworthy to Aroal, though she was very delicate. Aroal assumed that she was an elf who relied mainly on shamanism; the only weapons she carried were her bow and a knife.

    Mieijha smiled at the warm introductions. “Well, I wanted to go to the Forest of No Return, but my guide got me lost.” She stuck her tongue out and held her arm up. Shisoughc flew to her arm immediately. She pulled out another piece of jerked beef and fed it to her hawk. “This is Shisoughc, my guide and friend.” Shisoughc nodded his head in introduction. “See? He’s very well trained, but his directions suck.”

    Al pulled the goblin’s knife from his side and dropped the blood covered knife to the ground. It was a superficial wound, it wouldn’t slow him down much. “Well, Elainne, if you’re finished gathering, shall we get a move on?” He slouched a little as he moved to Marielle. She nipped at his hand out of concern. He rubbed her head softly and saddled her.

    Elainne looked over to the three women. “If you would like to, you can come with us. We are looking for a powerful wizard for our menagerie, but all the help would be much appreciated, also, I think it only proper that you get renumeration for the battle as well. We’ll split the coins that we earned from the weaponry with you, if you would follow us to the next township or city.”

    “A wizard? You don’t say. I think I might just take you up on that offer,” Sara said. She knew that a good wizard might be able to help her out with her own set of problems. Plus she had not been to a city or township before, it could be fun. Sara smiled and waited.

    He’s using a wizard to control the sword’s dark spirit? No wonder it doesn’t look like it’s working very well, she thought, she rubbed Shisoughc’s head. “I wish to travel with you too. To be honest I have a little girl’s fantasy about knights in shining armor,” she lied. She hoped that it would be enough to throw them off from her true reason for following them. There was something about Al’s sword that made her sweat, and not in a good way. Something was up with Sara as well, but she couldn’t place why it tickled her keen senses. “Miss Aroal, are you coming as well?”

    Aroal considered the invitation briefly; she had little else to do that was important. “Yes, I have no plans,” the barbarian replied. “Al, perhaps you should have that wound tended to before we leave,” Aroal suggested, having seen him remove the knife.

    Al looked back to Aroal and grunted. “It’ll heal fine as it is.” He mounted his horse. “I’m gong to scout a little further ahead,” he called out. “I’ll be back in a moment.” It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the elf, it was that he feared his sword might react if he got any closer to her. He rode off without another word.

    Elainne looked to the three other women. “Master Al is normally a lot nicer,” she apologized. “He must be grumpy because he left his flank open.” She packed the camp away and placed it on her horse. “Since you three will be walking, I’d offer to share my horse with one of you.”

    Aroal refused the offer to ride. Mieijha seemed very delicate compared to herself or Sara, so she was the one who should ride. “Let Mieijha ride with you,” Aroal suggested. “My own legs are good enough for me.”

    Aroal refused the offer to ride. Mieijha seemed very delicate compared to herself or Sara, so she was the one who should ride. “Let Mieijha ride with you,” Aroal suggested. “My own legs are good enough for me.”

    With Al in the lead, Elainne and Mieijha on horseback and Aroal and Sara on foot, the traveling would be slow at best, although it was quiet on the wooded road since the end of the battle with the group of goblins. This left Al with a sense of doubt, the sword wished for blood, and his own willpower was beginning to erode at the sword’s whim. The need to reach a wizard grew ever more prevalent as they journeyed south-west towards Moss.

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